Draft Agenda - Graduate Programs Committee February 7, 2013 LRC 311, 2:00-4:20 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Approval of Agenda Approval of minutes – November , 2012 Assistant Provost’s Report (Brian Cherry) Chair’s Report (David Rayome) Graduate Student Association Report (Aaron Elam) New Business a. Applications for Graduate Faculty Status (also on SHARE) Last Name First Name Allen Arenillas Carlson Jonathan Maria Breanne Mary (Mollie) Brian Hsin-Ling Mark John Amy Alisha Jennifer Matthew Jessica Freier Gaudreau Hsieh Jacobs Lehtinen Orf Plescher Sansom Songer Thompson Department Level Term Begins Expires Political Science Modern Lang & Lit HPER Level 2 3 years Level 3 5 years Level 1 1 year 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/15 08/01/17 08/01/13 AIS HPER Economics Physics HPER Modern Lang & Lit Education HPER College of Business CAPS Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/12 08/01/17 08/01/13 08/01/15 08/01/17 08/01/13 08/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/13 08/01/15 08/01/15 5 years 1 year 3 years 5 years 1 year 3 years 3 years 1 year 3 years 3 years b. Proposed Changes in the Criminal Justice Masters of Science Program (Document on SHARE) c. Academic Standards and Retention (attached to the end of the agenda) “My question is if what if they only take 1 2-credit class each semester, do they still only get 2 semesters? That is a lot different than a full-time student. What if they have incomplete grades in those two semesters? I also would like the language to state that while they are on probation, they must have SEMESTER GPA’s of at least 3.0 or they will be dismissed so that they can’t have the first semester on probation below 3.0 and expect to have a second semester to raise their GPA. The language might be ok, but sometimes I run into knowing exactly how to handle odd situations. I can keep managing as best I can with the current guidelines.” 1 Academic and Retention Standards To obtain a graduate degree, a student must achieve a cumulative graduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B). If a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 3.0 in any semester, or if a student earns less than a B in two or more courses, the student will be placed on probation. The College of Graduate Studies will notify the student and the relevant department of this action. If a student succeeds in raising his/her cumulative GPA to 3.0 or higher in the first semester after being placed on probation he/she will be removed from probation. The College of Graduate Studies will notify the student and the relevant department of this action. If, at the end of the first semester after being placed on probation, a student earns a semester GPA of 3.0 or higher but the cumulative GPA is still below 3.0, the student will be allowed a second semester to raise the cumulative GPA to at least 3.0, but the student will remain on probation. The College of Graduate Studies will notify the student and relevant department of this action. If at the end of the first semester after being placed on probation, a student in a degree program does not earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher, the Dean of Graduate Studies will ask the department to make a recommendation as to whether the student should be allowed a second semester to raise his/her cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.0. The dean will notify the student of the decision. If the student is a nondegree student, then he/she must petition the Dean of Graduate Studies to be allowed to continue taking graduate classes. The dean will make a decision on whether or not to extend probation and will notify the student. All students are expected to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 within two semesters of being placed on probation. If they do this, they will be removed from probation and be notified by the College of Graduate Studies. If a student does not raise his/her cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.0 within two semesters of being placed on probation, the student will be dismissed from the College of Graduate Studies and not be allowed to register for graduate courses. In addition to the 3.0 cumulative grade point average requirement, graduate students must not earn less than a 3.0 in more than two courses. Students are not allowed to repeat more than two graduate courses. A course may be repeated only once. Revised language (effective August 23, 2010): In addition to the 3.0 cumulative grade point average requirement, graduate students must not earn more than 6 credits below a grade of 3.0. Students are not allowed to repeat more than two graduate courses. A course may be repeated only once. Given the time it takes to implement these review procedures, it is possible that a student could be dismissed after he/she has registered for classes and perhaps started attending them. If that is the case, the student will be dropped from the classes with a full refund. Students who do not meet the professional standards established by their department may be dismissed from their graduate program. In cases where a student fails to satisfy departmental program requirements, the Dean of Graduate Studies, upon the recommendation of the adviser and the department head or the college dean, may dismiss the student from the College of Graduate Studies. Students dismissed from a specific graduate program or the College of Graduate Studies may petition for readmission no sooner than one academic year after the semester in which they were dismissed. Decisions regarding a student’s dismissal may be appealed to the Graduate Programs Committee. 7. Old Business a. Psychology Program rationale (Jim Suksi) “The psychology department’s graduate programs committee recommends that the PYTD prefix be dropped and replaced with the more recognizable PY prefix to make it easier for students and potential students to locate the Training and Performance Improvement program information in university publications. To comply with the committee’s recommendation the program’s course prefix and numbers have been changed and minor modifications have been made to strengthen the curriculum.” b. Current GPC sub-committee assignments Assignments for GPC: Faculty: R. Prather, M. Romero Course & Programs: M. Strahan, A. Valentine Policy: P. Watts, E. Mackey 2 c. Outcomes Assessment – “Recommendation: Revise GPC criteria for approval of new programs or major curriculum revisions, and five-year re-evaluation of existing program, to require inclusion of an assessment of learning outcomes plan acknowledged by the Assessment of Learning Coordinator as sufficiently complete for subsequent submission of Learning Committee for approval consideration” – from Sandra Poindexter, AQIP and Assessment Coordinator 3