Editor: Leandra Nault THE DAILY GLOBE Monday November 18, 2013 Contents: Page One: Page Two: Why Doesn’t the Mountain do something? Catch my Continental Drift Page Three: Page Four: Why Doesn’t the Mountain do something? I’ve always wondered why the mountains of Goffstown are there, but I couldn’t think of a sound explanation for them. I learned in earth science that plates colliding, volcanoes erupting, and glaciers carving the land can create mountains. Through my findings, I have actually found that glaciers that carved through the land during the last ice age created the mountains. Though there are old fault lines in New Hampshire, they are mostly centered away from us in Goffstown, and there hasn’t been a big quake in over 300 years. There also isn’t any volcanic activity in New Hampshire. The findings that I have compiled have forever changed the way that I look at the mountains that I call home. Page Five: “It’s Alive” Plate Tectonics Have Some Plate Boundaries From Pangaea to Hawaii “Where ever on Earth science may be The Daily Globe will be there reporting from sea to shining sea” Catch my I have recently had the privilege to Continental Drift interview the man behind continental drift, Alfred Wegener (Fig. 1). Alfred was a German astronomer. He was born in Berlin, Germany in 1880 (1, Fig. 2). He told me that he stumbled upon this thought when he was looking at an atlas in his library. He said that when he was studying the continents of Africa and South America he realized that they seemed to fit together (2). This was one way he explained his theory. He also told me that he noticed from fossil records from the different continents that the same animal had appeared on different continents (2). Since through natural selection he knew that the same species couldn’t of evolved on different continents he knew that they had to of been together somehow. Also, through looking at the fossils he noticed that the glaciers had left the same movement scratches on rocks in different continents and that the mountain ranges on different continents matched up with mountain ranges on the other side of the ocean (2). The last thing he told me was that he collected some ancient climate information and realized that the northern hemisphere was once near the equator and the southern hemisphere was once down near the South Pole (2, Fig. 3). This meant that the climates had to of been sifted by the continents being in different places. Sadly Wegener’s hypothesis on continental drift theory was not accepted during his lifetime. He died in November of 1930 at the age of 50 on an expedition to Greenland (1). But, scientists have since then found evidence to support his theory and are using it to make new discoveries about the earth and its movement. 2 Figure 1. Alfred Wegener (1) Figure 2. German flag (1) Figure 3. Pangaea world (2) “It’s Alive” Plate Plate tectonics theory is the theory that Tectonics deals with the movement of the Earths crust or lithosphere. The lithosphere rides on top of the asthenosphere (3). The lithosphere is broken up into smaller plates called tectonic plates (3, Fig. 1). The plates don’t all move in the same direction either. They move in different directions because of the different types of plate boundaries (3, Fig. 2 and 3). The plates move pretty fast for Earth spreading approximately five centimeters per year (3). There are about seven to eight major plates on the Earth and many smaller plates too. Plate tectonic theory was a major contributor to the knowledge gained about Pangaea and seafloor spreading. The driving force behind the motion of the plates (Fig. 3) is hot magmatic convection currents that take place inside the Earth’s asthenosphere (3). These currents are formed when cooler rock is subducted near subduction zones and the heated rock is pushes through the crust at divergent areas (3). This circular motion helps to drive the plates in different directions. Depending on where the zones are on the plate it will move in different directions (Fig. 3). That is the basics on the theory of plate tectonics. Figure 1. Plate world (3) Figure 2. Different boundaries (3) Figure 3. Earths plate movement (3) 3 Have Some Plate There are three types of plate boundaries; Boundaries these three boundaries are divergent, convergent and transform (4, Fig. 1). Divergent boundaries are where plates pull apart from each other and magma is released though the cracks in the Earth (4). Divergent boundaries are where you find mid ocean ridges (5). An example of a divergent boundary is the mid Atlantic ridge (5). Convergent boundaries are where two plates meet and one plate dives under the other (4). At convergent boundaries, you find volcanoes and earthquakes. An example of a convergent boundary is the ring of fire (5). Transform boundaries are where two plates slide past each other (4). At transform faults you can find earthquakes and tremors. An example of a Transform boundary is the San Andres Fault in California (5). All of these boundaries seem to be working separately, but they are really all working together to move the Earths crust (Fig. 3). When a divergent boundary pushes two plates apart the convergent boundary subducts those two plates in a constant cycle of recycling of the plates (Fig. 2). Transform boundaries work into the mix by sliding plates past one another other (6). The plates are moving at a rate of about 5 cm a year and the boundaries are helping them on there magnificent journey (6). Figure 3. Lithosphere (4) 4 Donec interdum Pellentesque: Figure 1. Different boundaries (4) Figure 2. Subduction zone (5) From Pangaea to The Earth that we live on now wasn’t Hawaii always split up into continents like we know it to be now. There once was a huge land mass called Pangaea, meaning all Earth, which was one big super continent (7, Fig.1). Then at about two billion years ago the great super continent started to break up into the smaller continents we have today (7). The continents kept spreading over time until the continents became the ones that we are used to today. The Earths plates are still moving due to plate boundaries constantly pulling and pushing the plates (5). The Ring of Fire is a ring of convergent boundaries that houses most of Figure 1. Pangaea (7) Earth’s volcanoes and these volcanoes are some of the deadliest on Earth (8). The ring of fire encircles the pacific plate and stretches all the way from Alaska to the Antarctica (8, Fig. 3). The ring of fire is a truly magnificent phenomena, which gives scientists a look into the motions of the Earth’s plates. There is an area inside the ring of fire, where a hot spot sits over the island of Hawaii (9). This hot spot doesn’t move with the plate, in fact it stays stationary while the Pacific plate moves over it. This is why there are four Hawaiian Islands and they are all west of the big island (Fig. 2). The Pacific plate is moving west over the hot spot and every time it erupts a new island is created (9). The Earth has made a great journey Figure 2. Hawaiian islands (9) Figure 3. The ring of fire (8) 5 "Alfred Wegener." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (1) "The Supporting Evidence Of Continental Drift Theory." The Supporting Evidence Of Continental Drift Theory. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (2) "Plate Tectonics." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (3) "Plate Tectonics : Plate Boundaries." Plate Tectonics : Plate Boundaries. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (4) "Plate Tectonics Map - Plate Boundary Map." Plate Tectonics Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (5) "Earth Floor: Plate Tectonics." Earth Floor: Plate Tectonics. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (6) "Pangaea." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (7) "Ring of Fire." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (8) "Hawaii Hotspot." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 May 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. (9) Tarbuck, Edward J., Frederick K. Lutgens, and Dennis Tasa. Prentice Hall Earth Science. Needham, Mass. ; Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006. N. pag. Print. (10) 7