1 The ELUM Project: Ecosystem Land Use Modelling & Soil Carbon GHG Flux Trial 2 3 Zoe Harris4, Niall P McNamara1,*, Rebecca Rowe1, Marta Dondini3, Jon Finch2, Mike Perks5, James Morison5, Iain Donnison6, Kerrie Farrar6, Saran Sohi7, Phil Ineson8, Pete Smith3 & Gail Taylor4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 *Lead Investigator: Niall McNamara (nmcn@ceh.ac.uk). 15 Keywords (5-10): Biomass, greenhouse gas, flux, bioenergy, sustainability, 2nd generation, modelling, 16 soil carbon, land use change Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster, LA1 4AP, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, OX10 8BB, UK 3 University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX, UK 4 University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK 5 Forest Research, Alice Holt Lodge, GU10 4LH, UK 6 University of Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DA, UK 7 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9 3JW, UK 8 University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK 2 Author for correspondence: Gail Taylor (G.Taylor@soton.ac.uk) 1 17 Abstract 18 There is increasing interest in the use of non-food second-generation (2G) lignocellulosic feedstocks 19 and a move away from food crops for bioenergy applications, but questions still remain on 20 sustainability. Empirical data are needed to quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of land-use 21 transition to lignocellulosic bioenergy cropping systems, to inform life cycle analyses and aid model 22 validation. 23 The aim of this project ‘Ecosystem Land Use Modelling & Soil Carbon GHG Flux Trial’ is to produce a 24 framework for predicting the sustainability of bioenergy deployment across the UK. This £4m 25 consortium project is commissioned and funded by the Energy Technologies Institute, UK. 26 2 27 Introduction 28 Although bioenergy is considered to be one of the key renewable energy technologies set for future 29 expansion [1], concern still remains over its sustainability. In particular, the greenhouse gas savings 30 that are possible in many bioenergy and biofuel chains have recently been questioned [2]. Although 31 bioenergy may help meet national and international targets for emissions reductions, significant 32 work is still required to establish robust sustainability criteria [3, 4]. Within the UK, much of the 33 current bioenergy feedstocks are imported, and this may have wider implications for a range of 34 ecosystem services that we are only just beginning to quantify [5]. 35 One of the main concerns surrounding commercial bioenergy deployment in the UK is the potential 36 displacement of food production and disturbance of valuable landscapes and the ecosystem services 37 they provide, including erosion and flood regulation, pest and disease control, pollination and 38 habitat provisions and soil and water quality. If we are able to understand the effects of land-use 39 change (LUC) to bioenergy cropping systems, in a UK specific context, more informed decisions can 40 be made and more appropriate policies put in place to safeguard against use of unsuitable. The 41 focus of the ‘Ecosystem Land Use Modelling & Soil Carbon GHG Flux Trial’ (ELUM) project is to assess 42 the potential scale of a future UK bioenergy sector based on domestic production of 2G feedstocks. 43 The ELUM project is a consortium of seven UK partners; the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), 44 University of Aberdeen, University of Southampton, Forest Research, Aberystwyth University, 45 University of Edinburgh and University of York, and is commissioned and funded by the Energy 46 Technologies Institute (ETI), a public–private partnership between global energy and engineering 47 companies and the UK Government. The 3-year, £4m project is coordinated by CEH and consists of 48 four work packages (Figure 1a): a data mining exercise, meta-analysis and extensive literature review; 49 cataloguing of soil carbon and changes in soil carbon pools using a paired site approach across the 50 UK; establishment of paired field sites to assess the effects of direct LUC to bioenergy; process-based 51 modelling to determine the effects of LUC to bioenergy in the UK using inputs from the other work 3 52 packages. The ultimate product of the project will be a user-friendly and freely available meta-model 53 that can predict the impacts of LUC to bioenergy spatially across the UK out to 2050. The transitions 54 of interest are those from a primary land use, including grassland/pasture, arable and forestry to 55 second generation bioenergy crops, including Miscanthus, short rotation coppice (SRC) willow and 56 short rotation forestry (SRF). The model can also consider transitions into arable from forest and 57 grassland. The ELUM project is unique in that firstly, the majority of experimental work is located on 58 commercial farms across the UK rather than in controlled plot-scale experiments and secondly, that 59 model and experimental work are brought together under one project. 60 Data mining exercise 61 The preliminary focus of this project is nearing completion and was to assess the current state of 62 knowledge that exists in the literature for the effects of LUC to bioenergy on soil carbon and GHG 63 emissions. This work was undertaken by conducting a systematic search of the literature using three 64 commonly used search engines, namely Google Scholar, Science Direct and Web of Science, coupled 65 to a meta-analysis. Exclusion criteria were clearly defined to allow papers to be selected and 66 included in review and meta-analysis if appropriate. The findings of the literature review and meta- 67 analysis showed that there are significant gaps in our knowledge surrounding LUC to bioenergy [6]. 68 There were particular data gaps for transitions to SRF and high levels of uncertainty around 69 transitions from grasslands to non-food bioenergy crops, largely reflecting the importance of 70 management activities such as fertiliser input and tillage. This work confirmed the need for further 71 studies to generate datasets to fill these gaps, from which to derive evidence-based models; which 72 are scheduled to take place as part of the ELUM project. A systematic review was also conducted 73 into the effects of bioenergy cultivation on a wide range of ecosystem services, highlighting the 74 levels of uncertainty which surround our understanding of these changes, with significant data gaps 75 in most types of ecosystem service [5]. 76 This work is being undertaken by the University of Southampton. 4 77 Field studies 78 The empirical studies in this project take four approaches: the large-scale sampling of paired field 79 sites (original land use versus bioenergy) across the entirety of the UK; the establishment of a 80 network of six paired sites where transitions to bioenergy are assessed for GHG emissions and soil C 81 changes; an experimental plot field trial assessing the potential of different Miscanthus genotypes as 82 future bioenergy crops; the use of 13CO2 pulse labelling of vegetation to track shorter term carbon 83 flow through the plant and soil system. 84 Paired site approach A paired site approach is a method used to assess the effects of a treatment, in 85 this case LUC to bioenergy crops, on a particular variable, soil carbon, over an extended duration of 86 time. These ‘space-for-time’ replacements have been used in many ecological and environmental 87 studies and are highly appropriate for measuring landscape-scale soil processes [7]. Fields where 88 bioenergy crops of several different ages are cultivated were sampled to assess the changes in soil 89 carbon over time. Critically, this technique overcomes the common challenge of repeated sampling 90 of the establishment phase of perennial energy crops in the first few years, and thereby generates 91 unique and meaningful data on the mature crop in different locations. The sampling gave good 92 spatial coverage of the UK, with a total of 70 sites representing 117 sampled fields. A detailed soil 93 analysis was conducted on over 10,000 soil samples on cores taken to depths of up to 1 m. 94 Assessment of the soil carbon to depth below 30 cm is important as there have been several studies 95 which have over- or under- estimated soil carbon due to insufficient sampling depths [8,9]. In 96 addition, under SRF transitions laboratory experiments measured potential GHG fluxes under 97 controlled temperature and moisture conditions, in combination with assessments of soil microbial 98 populations. Physiochemical fractionation of soil samples is being undertaking to allow assessment 99 of any changes in soil carbon pools and the likely direction of any future changes in soil carbon. 5 100 The wealth of soil data from the paired site approach will provide an extensive data set for model 101 testing and parameterisation, whilst the fractionation work will allow the assessment of model 102 performance in modelling soil carbon portioning and residence times. 103 This work is being undertaken by CEH, Forest Research, and the University of Edinburgh. 104 A network of paired GHG sites A network of six paired experiments at four sites has been 105 established across the UK (Figure 1b), with contrasting climate and soil types; Scotland, Wales, 106 northern and southern England. These sites cover five transitions to bioenergy including, arable to 107 SRC willow, arable to Miscanthus, grass to Miscanthus, grass to SRC willow and grass to SRF. These 108 sites were all planted at commercial scale on commercial farms following typical cultivation practices, 109 and are representative of the crop species that would be cultivated in that area, such as SRF in 110 Scotland, as shown in Figure 1b. Over 24 months all sites undergo periodic monthly gas sampling to 111 assess soil fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) by infra-red gas analyser and nitrous oxide (N2O) and 112 methane (CH4) using the static chamber approach with subsequent sample analyses by gas 113 chromatography. At selected field sites, higher temporal resolution measurements of soil respiration 114 are being made using automated chambers. As well as soil fluxes, each site is equipped with state- 115 of-the-art eddy covariance systems which allowes continuous measurements of whole crop 116 ecosystem CO2 exchange at a scale of a few 100 m2 [10]. These instruments measure the ‘covariance’ 117 of wind turbulence, air temperature and CO2 concentration 20 times a second to calculate CO2 fluxes 118 across the crops upwind at any moment. Automatic meteorological stations at the sites measured 119 weather variables to enable determination of the relationship with GHG fluxes. 120 These intensive measurements will not only produce a large amount of GHG flux data to allow us to 121 understand the processes affected by LUC but will also feed into the modelling for parameterisation 122 and validation. 6 123 This work is being undertaken by CEH, University of Southampton, University of York, Forest Research 124 and Aberystwyth University. 125 Miscanthus genotyping The majority of Miscanthus planted commercially in the UK is the single 126 clone Miscanthus x giganteus (Mxg). To determine the extent to which models based on Mxg will 127 apply to future Miscanthus varieties under development, 15 diverse Miscanthus genotypes, 128 including parental species M. sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, and their interspecific hybrids, were 129 analysed to represent the morphological and physiological diversity present within the breeding 130 population. Our aim is to understand the processes driving atmospheric CO2 capture and carbon 131 sequestration by Miscanthus crops and to assess genotypic variation in carbon sequestration 132 potential. Phenotype analysis, GHG sampling and soil sampling have been conducted across all 133 genotypes and six have now been chosen for a more intensive analysis. 134 This work is being undertaken by Aberystwyth University and CEH. 135 13 136 adjacent SRC willow and Miscanthus plots in Lincolnshire and in diverse Miscanthus genotype plots 137 at Aberystwyth. Crops were enclosed in large transparent tents and exposed to highly-enriched 138 13 139 These experiments will allow us to understand carbon allocation within the plant, the flow of carbon 140 in soils and transformations of plant inputs to soils by microbial groups [11]. 141 This work is being undertaken by CEH and Aberystwyth University. 142 Modelling 143 Detailed process modelling provides a mechanism to scale point values gained at the network of 144 field sites, up to the whole UK, providing a resolution to 1 km2 for the GHG balance of the land-use 145 transitions to non-food bioenergy crops. Based on the outputs of the process model, which models 146 yield, and soil processes, a user-friendly meta-model is being developed with a graphical user CO2 pulse labelling Large scale 13 CO2-pulse chase experiments have been conducted under CO2 with plants, soils and soil-atmosphere CO2 exchanges being sampled for months afterwards. 7 147 interface (GUI) to allow users to undertake spatial estimations for GHG emissions from bioenergy 148 cropping. The model is able to predict effects out to 2050 for the whole UK, with areas unsuitable for 149 transitions removed, such as urban areas or protected green sites. The user will be able to select an 150 area of land anywhere in the UK, define a LUC transition and see the effects of the change on GHG 151 and soil carbon (derived from the ECOSSE model [12]), with the addition of estimated yields (input 152 derived from ForestGrowth[13,14], Forest-GrowthSRC [15] and Miscanfor models[16]). The meta- 153 model and GUI will be available for download from the CEH and project webpages, enabling use by 154 the wider scientific community, policymakers, land planners, and those with a commercial interest in 155 developing sustainable bioenergy feedstock crops. 156 This work is being undertaken by the University of Aberdeen. 157 Future perspectives 158 The outcomes of the ELUM project include an increased understanding of the way in which 159 transition to 2nd generation non-food crops impacts soil and crop processes related to GHG 160 emissions. New data include GHG measurements and soil carbon stocks of relevance to national 161 inventories. The meta-model and associated GUI will provide a valuable resource for the scientific 162 community and a wide range of stakeholders including growers, land managers, energy companies 163 and policy makers. The meta-model is due for public release at the end of the project in 2014. 164 Overall the outcomes of the project should enable a better understanding and informed decision 165 making around the deployment of sustainable bioenergy. For further information on the ELUM 166 project please visit: www.elum.ac.uk. 167 Executive summary 168 An extensive literature review and meta-analysis highlighted significant gaps in our current 169 understanding of the impacts of land use change to bioenergy cropping systems on GHG 170 balance. 8 171 Paired site comparisons of land-use transitions into bioenergy has occurred at 70 land-use 172 transitions across the UK, assessing the longer term effects of established bioenergy 173 plantations on soil carbon stock compared to their original land use. 174 A network of new sites has been established across the UK to monitor GHG emissions and 175 soil carbon changes occurring after/with a transition to bioenergy cropping systems, 176 representing a world-leading infrastructure from which to assess long-term impacts of land- 177 use change on GHG emissions. 178 Plot experiments are being used to assess the mechanisms underpinning Miscanthus soil 179 carbon sequestration and test if there is a difference in the carbon sequestration and yield 180 potential of 15 Miscanthus genotypes representing the diversity within the UK Miscanthus 181 breeding programme. 182 Modelling efforts combine all aspects of the ELUM project and data collected to provide 183 detailed effects of land use conversion for bioenergy in the UK. The final product will be a 184 user-friendly model intended to provide an industry standard for land planners, industry and 185 policymakers. 186 Financial & competing interests disclosure 187 Funding for this project was provided by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). The Centre for 188 Ecology & Hydrology, Forest Research also directly funded elements of the ELUM project. The 189 authors declare no other financial interests or conflicts. 190 Acknowledgements 191 The authors would like to thank all the members of the ELUM consortium project: Giorgio Alberti, 192 Emily Bottoms, Ben Keane, Alice Massey, Jon McCalmont, Mark Pogson, Mat Tallis, Sirwan Yamulki, 193 Carina Convery, Julia Drewer, Janet Dutch, Dafydd Elias, Jon Evans, Aidan Keith, Jonathan Oxley, Kim 194 Parmar, Clare Peters, Rachel Marshall and Elena Vanguelova. We would also like to thank the Energy 9 195 Technologies Institute (ETI) for commissioning and funding this project and for the allied research 196 projects Carbo-BioCrop (www.carbobiocrop.ac.uk; an NERC funded project) and UKERC (funded as 197 part of the flexible research fund of UKERC, NERC) for providing field sites and yield data respectively. 198 References 199 1. International Energy Agency. Energy Technology Perspectives. Scenarios & Strategies to 2050. 200 International Energy Agency, Paris, France (2010). 201 2. Searchinger T, Heimlich R, Houghton RA et al. Use of US croplands for biofuels increases 202 greenhouse gases through emissions from land-use change. Science 319, 1238-1240 (2008). 203 3. EC. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the 204 European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Region—20 20 by 2020 205 Europe's climate change opportunity. EU, Brussels, Belgium (2009). 206 4. 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