Management Advisory Committee for Academic Learning

Management Advisory Committee
for Academic Learning Technologies
Prof Judyth Sachs (Chair), DVC (Provost)
Prof John Hedberg, Chair ICT in Education
Mr Peter Hole, Implementation Manager, Informatics
Ms Maxine Brodie, University Librarian
Ms Suzanne Kelly, Director Student Business and System Solutions
Mr Andrew Burrell, Director COE
Prof Nick Mansfield, Dean Higher Degree Research
Mr Terrence Collins, Manager Learning Systems and Services
A/Prof Ian Solomonides, Director, Learning & Teaching Centre
A/Prof Kelsie Dadd, Assoc Dean (L&T), Faculty of Science
Mr Doug Stewart, Campus Planning Director
Prof Julie Fitness, Chair, Academic Senate
A/Prof Hume Winzar, Faculty of Business & Economics
A/Prof Maree Gosper, Learning & Teaching Centre
A/Prof Sherman Young, Assoc Dean (L&T), Faculty of Arts
In Attendance
Ms Karen Davies, iLearn Implementation Manager
Ms Barb McLean, Executive Officer
A/Prof Maree Gosper, Learning and Teaching Centre
Prof John Hedberg, Chair ICT in Education
Prof Nick Mansfield, Dean Higher Degree Research
A/Prof Hume Winzar, Faculty of Business & Economics
3.00p.m.-4.30p.m. Tuesday 2nd August 2011, Vice-Chancellors Boardroom, level 2, E11A
1. Minutes of the Meeting 11th July 2011 and Business Arising
2. iLearn Project
2.1. Status Report August 2011
Ms Davies spoke to her Report, noting that July had been a month of consolidation.
With the adoption of the faculty implementation plans iLearn Liaison Officers were
involved in plans for training and support. The Mortice Project is tracking well ready
for a pilot in Study Period 3 with OUA units. A matrix of responsibility for training
both prior and after going live is being developed. The Equella Project is about a
week behind but by the end of this week Equella will have pulled all the data out of
Blackboard and the team are planning to use Equella in the OUA Pilot.
The second Moodle pilot began on the 1 August with 1000 units now using Moodle
and there is a plan to have all the Semester 1 2012 units ready by November.
A decision is yet to be made about what to do with the Blackboard data moved into
Moodle that is no longer used.
The Chair thanked Ms Davies and the Project Team for their progress with the iLearn
Project which is on track and on budget.
2.2. Evaluating the initial iLearn Pilot
Ms Davies drew the attention of MACALT to the draft Evaluation of the First Pilot of
Moodle. The pilot was valuable in determining the extensive amount of time required
to source material. OUA has developed a robust template which is being utilised in
the 2nd Pilot and across all the faculties. In fact, at the Moodle Meet Macquarie’s
templates were endorsed by the user group.
One of the risks the Pilot identified was the need to engage unit convenors and
sessional staff that do not attend Moodle training. This issue can be addressed in
Faculty Implementation Plans. While A/Prof Ian Solomonides’ paper Academic
Quality in the Context of Online Education (MACALT 6 June 2011) noted the ability
of Macquarie’s paper-based policy framework to encompass the online environment,
the Pilot identified that there is a gap with relation to user roles and responsibilities.
A/Prof Maree Gosper will be focussing on this.
2.3. ASAM Issues
A/Prof Ian Solomonides drew the meeting’s attention to the fact that ASAM not only
had developed their own instance of Moodle, but has also commenced discussions
with Leading Edge about implementing a standalone instance of Equella. Ms Brodie
noted that this contravened the University’s Copyright responsibilities in addition to
fracturing the University’s elearning strategy, leaving them outside the governance
and oversight processes. It was noted that the approach to MGSM could be replicated
for ASAM.
It was recommended that A/Prof Solomonides meet with the Interim Dean of ASAM
and ASAM I.T. staff to point out the legal and governance requirements for
integration on the University learning technology platform.
3. Report from the CIO
Mr Hole reported that Informatics had been busy over the break with building moves, the
most significant of which was the Library. Ms Brodie acknowledged the key role that
had been played by Informatics in ensuring a smooth transition to the new library. The
Chiropractic refurbishment had not been so smooth with water penetration requiring the
dismantling of work.
The Workshop on Video in Teaching had disappointing attendance with key stakeholders
missing; however some idea of the scope of the requirements was captured and the
necessity to involve academics in any planning was underlined. It was recommended that
faculties provide Mr Hole with at least two names of their staff interested in the use of
video to support learning and teaching.
4. Report from Learning Systems and Services
Mr Collins did not provide usage statistics, as July covered the University recess. He
reported the best engagement with staff for Blackboard preparation. He noted that new
processes will need to be developed for Mortice within the faculties in 2012. With regard
to iLecture, the new software allows the recording of everything, leaving academics to
only upload to the Web what is required and the rest to be deleted after a set period of
time. Alternately, an online bookings system will be required. A/Prof Young is
interested in talking to AVTS about automating iLecture through Moodle.
During the break AVTS upgraded E6A 116 with dual data projection, two robotic
cameras and a new lecturn. He suggested that MACALT meet in E6A 116 to see the new
technology. A further 14 rooms have been upgraded but the iLecture network upgrade
will be delayed until 2012 (due to Capex budget cuts). Mr Hole informed the meeting
that the design work will occur in 2011 and the equipment will be purchased in 2012.
Mr Burrell informed the meeting that OUA currently use iLecture, edit out all Copyright
material and deliver via CD. It is hoped that in the future they will be able to edit and
deliver online (however some of the students in PICT that are deployed in the Armed
Forces do not have access to the Internet).
5. Core and Plugins Grants Scheme
AB and SY
Prof Young and Mr Burrell submitted the Core and Plugins Scheme that would be funded
through the Emerging Technologies Grants Scheme. The aim is to provide two units in
each faculty with core content and assessment and delivery in 3 modes: fully online, full
face-to-face and blended. These changes to be undertaken in conjunction with LTC
Educational Designers and money to buy-out staff time. Assoc Deans (Learning and
Teaching) will be requested to nominate the units and a Sub-Committee of the Emerging
Technologies Grants Panel will confirm the units. All funds must be committed in 2011.
After discussion it was agreed to support this new scheme.
6. Any Other Business
A/Prof Solomonides drew the meeting’s attention to the Acceptable Use Policy that had been
rolled out with different wording to that which had been adopted by MACALT on the 8
December 2010 – in that the caveat “(other than for properly supervised and lawful teaching or
research purposes)” has been removed. The meeting agreed that this caveat must be reinstated.
7. Next Meeting
9:00-10:30a.m. Wed 21 September 2011, Council Room E11A