Academic Program Proposal Checklist If a pre-proposal has not been approved for this program, it must be completed prior to this full proposal. This checklist is designed to give the person proposing a new program a step-by-step guide to complete the program proposal process. The checklist notes who completes each step so the proposer can keep track of where the proposal is in the process. This checklist should be used in conjunction with the New Program Proposal Process Flowchart. If differential tuition is needed for the new program, it is likely that additional time will be needed for that process. Submit forms to the VPAA at Please contact the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (VPAA), 702-895-1267, with any questions. Check when complete Who completes this step Proposer Proposer Proposer; Chair or director What needs to be done Complete the Academic Assessment Plan and the New Program Proposal Coversheet (proposer must sign coversheet) for the new program and submit it to the Office of Academic Assessment for approval and signature. Once the Academic Assessment Plan is approved, it is to be copied and pasted into the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Academic Program Proposal Form, items C and D. Concurrently, submit library resources required (journals, monographs, books, databases, etc.) electronically to the Lied Libraries for Collection Development review at and obtain a response. Also request from the Libraries the value of existing materials both printed and electronically, as required on the NSHE Five-Year Budget Projection. The response is to be appended to the NSHE Academic Program Proposal Form and entered into the NSHE Five-Year Budget Projection. If a graduate program is being proposed, ensure that all Graduate College requirements are met. Consult the Graduate Catalog and the Graduate College. Although the proposal form does not specifically ask for these items, they must be covered: - Will the program require an interview of the candidate? - Include information about the thesis committee, prospectus, and defense requirements. - Comprehensive or discipline specific exams and what happens if a student fails? Are retakes allowed? How many? Is there a waiting period that must be observed? Will the student be placed on probation? Will they be allowed to start their clinical rotation, if applicable? Complete the following documents in the formats specified: 1. NSHE Academic Program Proposal Form (Word document); append letters of support (can be PDF). 2. Five-Year Budget Projection (Excel spreadsheet). Proposer forwards the packet containing all documents listed immediately above to the chair or director. The chair or director approves it by signing coversheet and forwards the packet to the college or school dean. 1 Updated 8.2014 Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Academic Program Proposal Checklist Dean EVP&P, VPAA, Graduate College Dean (if a graduate degree) Dean completes a Dean’s Memo (Word document) supporting the proposal and appends it to the packet. Dean approves Academic Assessment Plan, NSHE Academic Program Proposal Form, and Five-Year Budget Projection by signing the Coversheet. Assemble documents in the formats specified below, in this order: 1. New Program Proposal Coversheet 2. Dean’s Memo (Memo is to be a Word document) 3. NSHE Academic Program Proposal Form (Word document, letters of support can be a PDF) 4. NSHE Five-Year Budget Projection (Excel spreadsheet) Submit the documents electronically to the VPAA at and copy proposer and chair/director. The full proposal will be reviewed by the Executive Vice President and Provost (EVP&P), VPAA, and Graduate College Dean (if a graduate degree) and a meeting scheduled for questions. If proposal is approved the proposer submits to: Undergraduate - Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee. Proposer VPAA AAC ASA & BOR BOR VPAA Graduate - Dean of the Graduate College and the New Program & Program Revisions Committee. Faculty Senate or Graduate College approves and informs proposer and VPAA. If approved, VPAA sends proposal to the (NSHE) Academic Affairs Council (AAC) for review and approval. Proposal is reviewed by AAC and VPAA is notified of the Council’s decision. If approved by AAC, it is placed on the next quarterly meeting agendas for Board of Regents (BOR) Academic & Student Affairs Committee (ASA) and the BOR. Board reviews proposal and renders decision. If approved by the BOR, the campus is notified through a Provost Alert which allows catalog actions to begin. The VPAA notifies the Northwest Commission on Colleges & Universities (NWCCU) for inclusion in the university’s accreditation. When the approval letter is received it will be forwarded electronically to the chair/director. Proposer Undergraduate: Submit new or revised courses to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee. Proposer Graduate: Submit new or revised courses to the Graduate College Curriculum Committee. Registrar Open admissions and enrollment to the new program. 2 Updated 8.2014 Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Academic Program Proposal Checklist Reminder: Program will be reviewed at 1, 3, 5, and 10 years from its effective date. 3 Updated 8.2014 Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs