Abstract Let X be a reflexive Banach space of functions analytic on a

Let X be a reflexive Banach space of functions analytic on a bounded plane domain G such that for every λ in G the
functional of evaluation at λ is bounded. Assume further that X contains the constants and admits multi-plication by the
independent variable z, Mz, as a bounded operator. We give suļ¬ƒcient conditions for Mz to be reflexive on X. Also, we
discuss a class of shifts that are reflexive, and powers of the operator Mz of multiplication by z on Weighted Hardy spaces
are shown to be reflexive. Also, we derive some spectral properties of a multiplication operator acting on invariant
subspaces for the multiplication operator Mz.
Banach spaces of analytic functions, multiplication operators, reflexive operator, multipliers, Caratheodory
hull, bounded point evaluation, weighted Hardy spaces, polynomially bounded, Invariant subspace.