File - Medical Nutrition Therapy Manual


Claire Millonig

Renal Terms

Renal-Root words & Combining Forms

Calyx-cuplike division of the kidney

Cortex-outer layer of the kidney


Medulla-inner or central portion of the kidney

Nephr/o-kidney pyel/o-kidney py/o-pus ur/o-urine ren/p-kidney

Renal-Anatomical Terms

Afferent arteriole: enters the glomerulus at the vascular pole and divides into capillaries, which subsequently merge to form efferent arterioles.

Bowman’s capsule: a double walled, cup shaped structure around the glomerulus of each nephron of the vertebrate kidney. It serves as a filter to remove organic wastes, excess inorganic salts and water.

Collecting tubule: straight tubules of the kidney that funnel urine into papillary ducts in the renal pelvis.

Distal convoluted tubule: the part of the renal tubular system between the loop of henle and the collecting duct system.

Efferent arteriole: carries blood away from the glomerulus

Glomerular capsule: a double walled, cup shaped structure around the glomerulus of each nephron of the vertebrate kidney. It serves as a filter to remove organic wastes, excess inorganic salts and water.

Glomerulus: The filtering unit of the kidney

Kidneys: two bean shaped organs, located just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine, that filter blood to produce urine.

Loop of Henle: portion of the nephron that leads from the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal convoluted tubule.

Nephron (renal tube): the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney; key function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances like sodium salts by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the rest as urine.

Proximal convoluted tubule: portion of the duct system of the nephron of the kidney wich leads from Bowman’s capsule to the loop of Henle.

Renal cortex: the outer portion of the kidney between the renal capsule and the renal medulla.

Renal medulla: innermost part of the kidney. Split up into renal pyramids. Aids in reabsorption of water.

Renal papilla: each projection of one or more pyramid apexes into the sinus

Renal pelvis: the funnel-like dilated proximal part of the ureter in the kidney.

Renal-Physiological terms

Aldosterone: a steroid hormone produced by the outer section of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland. It plays a central role in the regulation of blood pressure mainly by acting on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephron, increasing reabsorption of ions and water in the kidney.

Angiotensin: a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and a subsequent increase in blood pressure.

Antidiuretic hormone: a relatively small molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made by the hypothalamus. Prevents the production of dilute urine.

Bicarbonate: an element secreted by the stomach and is present in all body fluids.

Carbonic acid: Solutions of carbon dioxide in water. A weak acid that forms two kinds of salts, the carbonates and the bicarbonates.

Diuretic: any substance that promotes the production of urine.

Erythropoietin: a glycoprotein hormone that controls erythropoiesis, or red blood cell production.

Glomerular filtration rate (gfr): a test used to check how well the kidneys are working.

Renin: an enzyme that participates in the body’s renin-angiotensin system that mediates extracellular volume and arterial vasoconstriction. It regulates the body’s mean arterial blood pressure.

Renal-Symptomatic Terms

Acetonuria: the excretion in the urine of excessive amounts of acetone, an indication of incomplete oxidation of large amounts of fat, and common in diabetic acidosis.

Academia: the academic community

Albuminuria: having too much protein in the urine.

Anuria: non-passage of urine

Azotemia: abnormally high levels of nitrogen0containing compounds in the blood.

Dysuria: painful urination

Hematuria: blood in the urine

Hyperkalemia: high potassium levels in your blood

Micturition: urination, the act of urinating

Nocturia: waking up at night one or more times to urinate.

Oliguria: low output of urine

Proteinuria: the urine contains an abnormal amount of protein.

Pyuria: the presence of 6-10 or more neutrophils per high power field of unspun, voided mid-stream urine.

Renal insufficiency (renal shut-down, lower nephron nephrosis): poor function of the kidneys that may be due to a reduction in blood blow to the kidneys caused by renal artery disease. Can result in the kidneys to shut down.

Renal osteodystrophy: a bone disease that occurs when your kidneys fail to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Renal-Diagnostic Terms

Acidosis: too much acid in the body fluids.

Arteriolar nephrosclerosis: scarring of the kidney due to arteriolar sclerosis resulting from chronic hypertension.

Glomerulonephritides: nephritis marked by inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney

Hypertrophy of kidney: increase in size of the kidney tissues when called upon to do additional work or to perform the work of destroying tissue or of a paired organ.

Nephritic syndrome: a collection of signs associated with disorders affecting the kidneys, more specifically glomerular disorders.

Nephrolithiasis (renal calculi): the process of forming a kidney stone.

Nephromegaly: the process by which a kidney or both kidneys become enlarged.

Nephrosclerosis: a progressive disease of the kidneys that results from sclerosis of the small vessels in the kidneys.

Nephrotic syndrome: a group of symptoms that include protein in the urine, low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels and swelling.

Pyelonephritis: inflammation of the kidney; kidney infection

Uremia: high concentrations of urea in the blood

Renal-Operative Terms

Nephrectomy: surgical procedure to remove all or part of a kidney.

Nephrolithotomy: keyhole surgery to remove a large kidney stone

Nephrostomy: an artificial opening created between the kidney and the skin which allows for the urinary diversion directly from the upper part of the urinary system.

Nephrotomy: incision in the kidney is made

Pyelolithotomy: surgical incision of the renal pelvis of a kidney for removal of a kidney stone

Pyeloplasty: surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis to drain and decompress the kidney

Pyelotomy: surgical incision into the renal pelvis of a kidney

Renal biopsy: a medical procedure in which a small piece of kidney is removed from the body for examination, usually under a microscope.

Renal transplantation: the transplant of a kidney into a patient with end stage renal disease.

Renal-Special Procedures

Arterio-venous shunt: a connection between an artery and a vein that allows blood to flow between the two without first going through the capillaries.

Dialysis: a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and is used primarily as a n artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with renal failure.

Hemodialysis: a dialysis machine and a special filter called an artificial kidney, or dialyzer, are used to clean your blood.

Peritoneal dialysis: a soft plastic tube (catheter) is placed in your belly by surgery. A sterile cleansing fluid is put into your belly through this catheter. After the filtering process is finished, the fluid leaves your body through this catheter.

Renal-Special Diagnostic Procedures

Intravenous pyelography: a special x-ray examination of the kidneys, bladder and ureters

Nephrogram: radiographic examination of the kidney after the intravenous injection of a water-soluble iodinated contrast material

Nephrosonography: the process of recording the kidney using sound, such as an ultrasound test

Pyelogram: a special x-ray examination of the kidneys, bladder and ureters

Ultrasonic laminograms of kidney: renal ultra sound

Urogram: x-ray of the urinary tract

Urography: process of taking x-ray images of the urinary tract after injecting contrast


ADH: antidiuretic hormone

A/G: albumin/globulin ratio

Alb: albumin

BUN: blood urea nitrogen

CAPD: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

Cath: catheter

Chr: chronic

CRF: chronic renal failure

ERPF: effective renal plasma flow

ESRD: end-stage renal disease

Fld: fluid

GBM: glomerular basement membrane

GFR: glomerular filtration rate

HDU: high dependency unit

IVP: intravenous pyelogram

KUB: kidney, ureter, bladder

LSK: liver, spleen, kidneys

NPN: non-protein nitrogen

PDU: protocol data unit

PSP: phosphate

PTH: parathyroid hormone

RER: rough endoplasmic reticulum

RPF: Renal plasma flow

RTA: renal tubular acidosis

SUN: serum urea nitrogen

UA: urine analysis

UTI: urinary tract infection
