Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Purpose of this paper .......................................................................................................................... 3 How to lodge a submission ................................................................................................................. 4 Access Canberra Accountability Commitment ....................................................................................... 5 Approach to service delivery .............................................................................................................. 5 Question 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Question 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Complaints and feedback process ...................................................................................................... 6 Question 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Approach to regulatory decisions and actions ................................................................................... 6 Sector-specific Compliance Frameworks ................................................................................................ 7 Question 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Question 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Question 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Community Engagement ........................................................................................................................ 9 Question 7 ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 2 Introduction On 16 December 2014 the ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr MLA, announced the creation of a single agency, Access Canberra, to bring together shopfront and regulatory functions across the ACT Government. Access Canberra is seen by the Chief Minister as the ACT Government agency to deliver better services and regulatory reform. Access Canberra is an operational agency, without policy responsibility, operating within the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD). The objective of the Access Canberra initiative is to create a single point for businesses, community organisations and individuals to engage and access ACT Government services. To achieve this, Access Canberra will join up services and functions, better utilise technology and focus regulatory activities on those areas representing the biggest potential harms and risks to the community. Access Canberra is unique within Australia. No other government jurisdiction (Federal, state or territory) has sought to seamlessly integrate its front end customer service arm with a range of regulatory arms to create a single agency holding responsibility for providing a one-stop-shop for both customer and regulatory services. In undertaking this responsibility, Access Canberra will consider how best to engage with and serve the community and industry and apply a risk-based approach towards dealing with harm to the community, the environment, individuals or the government. To guide Access Canberra in achieving this objective an Accountability Commitment has been drafted. The Accountability Commitment defines the proposed approach to be applied by Access Canberra in service delivery, complaint handling, regulatory action and management of risk and harm to the community. The Accountability Commitment is supported by a number of sectorspecific compliance frameworks which provide a more targeted explanation of the factors and considerations applicable in the management of specific types of risk. Purpose of this paper This discussion paper sets out the context within which the Access Canberra Accountability Commitment and sector-specific compliance frameworks have been drafted. This paper has been released to seek feedback from the ACT community, and more specifically from community and industry peak bodies, about the approach proposed for service delivery and regulation and the identification of risks that are to be addressed through regulatory action. Furthermore, Access Canberra is interested to understand where the balance should be struck between regulating those activities that pose a risk to the community and supporting the development of a strong and sustainable economic environment that encourages and nurtures innovation. Comments and feedback from the community and industry will direct the development of the final Access Canberra Accountability Commitment and sector-specific compliance framework documents. This consultation is the start of a process to become a best-practice, risk-based regulator. Your views will contribute to the evidence gathered by Access Canberra, and with time, the sector-specific compliance frameworks will evolve to ensure resources are targeted to the greatest risks and harms. Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 3 How to lodge a submission The development of the Access Canberra Accountability Commitment and sector-specific compliance frameworks is an inclusive process. We would like to hear from you. You can provide a written response to this Discussion Paper by 28 September 2015, either by post or online submission. Online Submission: Response to Access Canberra Discussion Paper We would recommend that you keep handy a copy of this discussion paper, the Access Canberra Accountability Commitment and any of the sector-specific compliance framework documents in which you are interested while submitting your response online to the questions presented in this paper. Postal Address: Project Officer Access Canberra Accountability Commitment ACT Government GPO Box 158 CANBERRA ACT 2601 An Access Canberra staff member may get in touch with you, using contact details you have provided in your submission, to confirm details or seek clarification against any points raised. If you do not want to be contacted by Access Canberra about your submission please note this in your response. Unless a submission received through this consultation process is clearly marked “In confidence”, it will be treated as a public document and may be made available on the Access Canberra website. Following a review of the feedback received from the community, the Access Canberra Accountability Commitment and sector-specific compliance framework documentation will be updated and published to the Access Canberra website at Where you have indicated an interest in the outcome of the consultation and provided an email address with your submission, you will receive notification by email when the finalised documents have been published. Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 4 Access Canberra Accountability Commitment The Accountability Commitment establishes the approach, philosophy and standards of conduct to which Access Canberra may be held accountable in undertaking customer service and regulatory activities. The Access Canberra Accountability Commitment outlines: 1. 2. 3. 4. The role of Access Canberra The principles for service design and delivery The mechanisms for feedback The process for making complaints about: Access Canberra’s service Access Canberra’s conduct the individuals, businesses or industries that Access Canberra regulates Access Canberra’s regulatory decisions. 5. The approach Access Canberra applies to undertaking regulatory decisions and actions. Approach to service delivery The service design principles presented in the Accountability Commitment have been adopted by Access Canberra from a whole of government strategy developed by Service ACT. These principles guide Access Canberra when considering the design of new services or the re-design of existing services. The service design principles are intended to provide a framework that will assist Access Canberra to balance the ongoing drive for efficiency with the requirement to apply a customer-centric approach to service delivery. QUESTION 1 The Accountability Commitment outlines the principles guiding the delivery of services in Access Canberra. What other (if any) factors should Access Canberra consider in the design of services provided to the community? QUESTION 2 From your perspective, or the perspective of your industry, where should Access Canberra focus its effort/resources to make the greatest improvements to service delivery (noting Access Canberra is not responsible for policy)? Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 5 Complaints and feedback process Access Canberra is committed to meeting the needs of the community and will utilise feedback, including complaints, to identify where opportunities exist to improve processes or services provided. Access Canberra has established processes for receiving and responding to feedback and complaints relating to: The way in which Access Canberra operates The way in which Access Canberra staff conduct themselves in the delivery of services to the community The policies or legislation that Access Canberra has a responsibility to follow, uphold or enforce The conduct of individuals, businesses or industries that are regulated by Access Canberra. QUESTION 3 Does the proposed complaints and feedback policy give the community sufficient avenues for being heard? Approach to regulatory decisions and actions The development of an overarching Access Canberra compliance and enforcement framework, now embedded in the Access Canberra Accountability Commitment document, was identified as a key requirement flowing from the amalgamation of regulatory agencies in the creation of Access Canberra. The Accountability Commitment outlines the guiding principles that inform the way in which Access Canberra will regulate; explaining how Access Canberra will approach its role as a regulator, apply its powers to regulate and describes the high-level factors that will be considered when conducting action to address identified non-compliance or harm. Significant to note is that Access Canberra proposes the application of a risk-based approach in undertaking its regulatory role. A risk-based approach means that Access Canberra will focus resources to where the risks of harm, unsafe practices or misconduct are the greatest. While the Accountability Commitment provides a holistic regulatory philosophy for Access Canberra, it has been recognised that the harms and treatments applied in different sectors are varied and required tailored compliance frameworks .The criterion for the creation or preservation of sectorspecific frameworks is that the community and/or industry may need information as to how or why Access Canberra regulates a particular industry or law. Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 6 Sector-specific Compliance Frameworks Sector-specific compliance framework documents have been developed against those areas identified as requiring a greater focus for regulatory activities. These documents provide a set of guiding principles and set out: the approach Access Canberra will take to the regulation of specific types of activities and the application of legislated powers the factors that Access Canberra will consider when responding to any identified noncompliance or harm. It should be noted however, that the sector-specific frameworks do not: identify all possible risks and weight them accordingly quantify the extent/likelihood of the risk/harm cover the entire range of the legislation that Access Canberra holds responsibility for regulating. With many industries operating in a rapidly evolving environment, there is an ongoing need to understand, identify and assess existing and emerging risks factors that fall within the scope of Access Canberra’s regulatory responsibility. For those activities identified as warranting a specific regulatory focus there are a variety of ‘risk’ characteristics to be considered: behaviours (e.g. reducing incidences of underage smoking) demographics (e.g. Females aged 45-54 were impacted the most financially by dating and romance scams in 20141) the task being undertaken (e.g. management of safety in workplaces with the highest occupation incident rates recorded by labourers and related workers2) a product (e.g. perishable food groups such as seafood) historical conduct (e.g. criminal history is relevant to the Working with Vulnerable People background checking scheme). QUESTION 4 Within your industry/area of interest, what are the key risks or harms Access Canberra should be aware of and prioritise for proactive compliance management? 1 Centre for Internet Safety- Scams Report- January 2015 – University of Canberra 2 Safework Australia – Key work health & safety statistics, Australia - published 2014 Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 7 QUESTION 5 How would the community assess whether Access Canberra’s management of this/these risk(s) or harm(s) has been successful? The sector-specific compliance frameworks have been structured in a manner that clearly sets out the: legislative frameworks involved for the sector objectives of regulatory enforcement activities for the sector regulatory approach and enforcement actions that may be applied location of supporting information resources relevant to the sector channels through which changes to any of the above the arrangements will be communicated to the community. The creation of sector-specific compliance frameworks is an acknowledgment by Access Canberra of the community’s interest in upholding identified standards and the need for prioritised and proactive management of specific risks of harm. It is noted that these frameworks are a reflection of how Access Canberra regulators addressed risk, prior to being brought together as a single entity, and therefore do not seek to address harms in a holistic fashion (i.e. across all regulated sectors). With your feedback, and data collected by Access Canberra over time, the frameworks will be revised to truly reflect a risk-based approach to regulation. Sector-specific compliance framework documents have been drafted for each of the following contexts: Working with vulnerable people Liquor Work safety Construction industry Environment protection Australian consumer law Food safety Gaming and Racing. QUESTION 6 If you are a member of an industry that is covered by one or more of Access Canberra’s sectorspecific compliance frameworks, how does this impact on your operations and what burden does the approach identified represent for you and your industry? Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 8 Community Engagement A key aspect of Access Canberra’s approach strategy is to encourage voluntary compliance by focussing attention towards providing relevant and useful advice, information or assistance to meet obligations associated with those activities regulated by Access Canberra. QUESTION 7 How might Access Canberra improve the way in which information is provided to the community and industry about: changes to existing licensing, permit or application processes? changes to services provided? current focuses for regulatory activities? Access Canberra - Good Governance | Great Service 9