Colin McKellar MET 215 Midterm 10/27/10 The Effects of Fluctuations in Liquid Water Content on the Evolution of Large Drops by Coalescence Previous research into the evolution of large drops by coalescence in explaining rain development assumed that the liquid water content was uniformly distributed within a cloud. This assumption is used in the continuous growth equation and the Bowen Model to describe the formation of large drops. Despite the advancements in describing large drop growth in these methods, the assumption made concerning a uniform drop distribution within a cloud leads to inaccuracies in explaining the time it takes for large drops to form. Thus, the main propose of this paper is to describe first; the sensitivity of the coagulation process to the liquid water content within a cloud and two, to describe the coagulation process in a cloud with spatially varying liquid water content. The coagulation equation, also known as the stochastic coagulation equation, is used to describe the rate of change of droplet concentration in a size interval dv. Also contained in this equation is the coagulation coefficient K. This coefficient can be described as the probability of a drop with volume v, collecting a drop of volume u. The first term in this equation describes the total number of coalescences in a unit time that is experienced by the drops in the size interval. In effect, this will account for all the possible coalescences of the drops in dv by the contribution of the large and small droplets. The net effect of this term is to reduce the number of drops within the volume since more coalescence will lead to fewer drops. The second term of the equation accounts for the increase in the number of drops within the volume by the coalescences of all pairs of smaller drops. The individual volumes of the smaller drops then sum to the total volume. Contained within the coagulation equation is the expression for liquid water content (w). This describes how the number of droplets in the volume will vary with a change in w. Thus, an increase in w is due to either an increase in the number or size of the droplets. This makes sense since w is a function of droplet distribution and concentration. This relationship will lead to two possibilities that can occur. The first possibility is that changes in w are produced by changes in the number of drops. When this assumption is used in the coagulation equation, the result is a dependence between w and time where a change in the liquid water content is proportional to a change in time. As a result, any increase in the liquid water content within a given volume will lead to a faster growth rate of the droplets. A second possibility for w is to allow for the concentration and shape of the droplet distribution to be independent of w. However, any changes in the drop volume will remain proportional to a change in w. When this assumption is used in the coagulation equation, the first effect is on the coagulation coefficient K. The coefficient is now computed as the product of the liquid water content with both of the two individual droplet volumes. In this process, the size of the kernel is increased since the cross section, falling speed, and collection efficiency will also have to increase since these are functions of droplet size. However, if the collection efficiency is assumed to be constant, then w will be valid in the Stokes law region. As a consequence of this relationship, the kernel will be proportional to the fourth power of the radius and to the four thirds power of the liquid water content. In addition, this allows for an examination into the effect of different values of the kernel size and its effect on coalescence. The end result of scaling the coagulation coefficient with w is that as the liquid water content increases, the time needed for the growth of the droplet decreases. The main conclusion for both possibilities is when the distribution is changed statistically by the stochastic coagulation equation; the time it takes for a droplet to evolve is faster as opposed to when the droplet distribution is held constant. This process occurs in a highly non-linear way since coalescence of the smaller drops will take a longer period of time as opposed to large drops as described in figure 1. This makes sense since a larger drop will “sweep out” a wider area and thus have a higher probability of collecting droplets through coalescence. If there is a higher probability of coalescence occurring, then the time it takes for the droplet to grow is decreased. Previous research into liquid water content distribution from the Telford model has shown that liquid water concentration varies greatly within a cloud. This variance can be described by Poisson`s probability law. It is also understood that the liquid water content in much less than the given adiabatic value through the ascent in the cloud due to mixing of dry air. Despite the low frequency at which high levels of the liquid water content occur within a cloud, the impact of such a distribution is profound in large drop evolution. Figure 2 shows that as the liquid water content increases, the total number of large drops produced will increase and will occur at a faster pace. The primary conclusion of this result is that growth of large drops is dominated by this process of higher than average liquid water content. In conclusion, it has been shown that regions of higher than average liquid water content likely exist within clouds. The reason for this is most likely due to the non-linearity of the mixing process. The production of large droplets within high areas of liquid water is greater owing to higher probability of coagulation occurring within such areas. The impact of this is to produce a high level of large drops in a very quick manner and thus account for the total amount of large drops produced in short time scales.