MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] 12 DRAINAGE 12.1 General Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] This Section identifies the design and construction requirements associated with temporary and permanent drainage, including culverts, storm sewer systems, bridge hydraulics, roadway ditches, permanent and temporary erosion and sediment control, structural pollution control devices, storm water ponds, and infiltration/filtration features. 12.2 Administrative Requirements 12.2.1 Standards In the event of a conflict between the standards set forth in Book 3 relating to drainage, follow the order of precedence as set forth below: MnDOT Special Provisions MnDOT Technical Memoranda MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction MnDOT Drainage Manual MnDOT Road Design Manual MnDOT Standard Plates Manual MnDOT LRFD Bridge Design Manual AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications MnDOT Pavement Manual MnDOT Geotechnical and Pavement Manual MnDOT State Aid Manual MNDNR Best Practices for Meeting DNR General Public Waters Work Permit MPCA Minnesota Stormwater Manual FHWA Hydraulic Design Series No. 7, Hydraulic Design of Safe Bridges FHWA Hydraulic Design Series No. 2, Second Edition, Highway Hydrology FHWA Hydraulic Design Series No. 3, Design Charts for Open Channel Flow FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 14 (HEC-14), Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and Channels FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 15 (HEC-15), Design of Roadside Channels with Flexible Linings FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 17 (HEC-17), The Design of Encroachments on Flood Plains using Risk Analysis FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 18 (HEC-18), Evaluating Scour at Bridges FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 21 (HEC-21), Design of Bridge Deck Drainage Systems FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 22 (HEC-22), Urban Drainage Design Manual FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 23 (HEC-23), Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures: Experience, Selection and Design Guidance, Volumes 1 and 2 RFP Drainage 12-1 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Generalized Skew Coefficients for Flood-Frequency Analysis in Minnesota Remaining standards set forth in Book 3 12.2.2 Meeting Requirements 12.2.3 Equipment/Software See Exhibit 12-A for the list of approved drainage design software that may be used on the project. Use spreadsheet output formats that are consistent with output described in the MnDOT Drainage Manual. Provide the following specific equipment/software: 12.2.4 Permits/Authorizations Coordination with Other Agencies and Disciplines Coordinate all water resource issues with affected interests and regulatory agencies. Document the resolution of issues, including memoranda for the record. Coordinate this work with Section 4. 12.3 Design Requirements 12.3.1 General Design facilities compatible with existing drainage systems adjacent to the Project and preserve existing drainage patterns wherever possible unless directed otherwise in this Section 12 or Approved by MnDOT. Where drainage patterns must be changed from the existing, secure all permits and drainage easements. Design drainage to accommodate construction staging and provide drainage during all stages of construction. Provide temporary and permanent drainage design details for each stage of construction in the SWPPP. Include temporary erosion control ponds and other BMPs needed to satisfy the NPDES and other regulatory requirements. 12.3.2 Investigations/Supplemental Work Data Collection Identify all water resources issues, utilizing available data, including water quality requirements as imposed by appropriate local, state, and federal government regulations; National Wetland Inventory and other wetland/ public waters inventories; and official documents concerning the Project, such as the environmental studies. Acquire information on municipal drainage systems draining to the project and watershed standards and rules. Water resource issues include, but are not limited to, areas with historically inadequate drainage (flooding or citizen complaints), environmentally sensitive areas, localized flooding, and maintenance problems associated with drainage and areas known to contain contaminated soil or water. Identify watershed boundaries, DNR-public waters, county ditches, areas classified as wetlands, impaired waters (based on total maximum daily load [TMDL]), special waters, contaminated soil areas, groundwater table elevations where infiltration or filtration is proposed, floodplains and Drinking Water Supply Management Areas (DWSMA’s). This includes the degree of vulnerability of each DWSMA and karst areas throughout the project area. Acquire existing storm drain plans and survey data, including all data on culverts, drainage systems, and storm sewer systems within the Project area. Determine existing drainage areas that contribute to the highway drainage system and the estimated runoff used for design of the existing system. RFP Drainage 12-2 Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Obtain additional photogrammetric and geographic information system (GIS) data for the Project area that depicts the outstanding resource value waters and impaired waters. Conduct surveys for information not available from MnDOT or other sources. ESRI GIS shapefiles of storm drainage features in the Project area that have been recorded in the HYDINFRA database will be provided by MnDOT. 12.3.3 Design Criteria Project-Specific Requirements Stormwater Storage and Treatment Facilities In addition to the requirements in Exhibit 12-B (Stormwater Storage Facilities), comply with the following requirements for stormwater storage facilities: Design and construct stormwater storage facilities with a minimum berm crest width of 5 feet. Design and construct all stormwater facilities outlet structures using grates or trashracks located on outlet structures. Wet Stormwater Ponds Line stormwater ponds and filtration basins if they are located within a very high or a high vulnerability area of a drinking water supply management area (DWSMA) or located within contaminated soils. Infiltration Basins Provide for pretreatment of runoff before it enters the infiltration basin by removing 70% of Total Suspended Solids from the stormwater. Analyze removal efficiencies based on historical rainfall data. Provide pretreatment facilities for each basin to remove settleable solids, floating material, oil and grease from incoming runoff. Infiltration basin cannot be used during construction as a temporary sediment basin. Blend the upper 12 inches of the infiltration basin with compost, in-situ soils or sand to establish plant growth. Construct the upper 12 inches with a maximum of 20-percent Grade 2 Compost by volume. Construct the remaining volume of material in the upper 12 inches of either in-situ soils or sand to meet the required infiltration rate. Obtain approval from MnDOT for the native plant growth prior to final acceptance of basins. Filtration Basins Provide for pretreatment of runoff before it enters the basin by removing 70% of Total Suspended Solids from the stormwater. Analyze removal efficiencies based on historical rainfall data. Provide pre-treatment facilities for each basin to remove settleable solids, floating material, and oil and grease from incoming runoff. Filtration basins are not to be used as a temporary sediment basin during construction if the filter media is in the basin. Extend filtration basin media to a minimum depth of 3 feet below the filtration basin surface. Use Fine Filter Aggregate and a maximum of 20 percent Grade 2 Compost for the upper 12 inches of the filtration basin media. Obtain approval from MnDOT for the native plant growth prior to final acceptance of basins. Structural Pollution Control Devices (SPCD’s) SPCD’s are not to be used on this project. Analyze SPCD’s based on the particle size distribution table provided below to determine the Total Suspended Solid (TSS) removal efficiency of the device. Analyze the SPCDs based on historical rainfall data extending for a minimum of 10 years. Design the SPCDs based on MnDOT completing maintenance on the structure once per year Particle Diameter, microns RFP Drainage Percent of Sediment Finer 12-3 Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] 1100 92.5 820 72 250 42 100 21 41 8 Access to Stormwater Facilities Provide a maintenance access with maximum slope of 8 percent for each stormwater storage facility comprised of suitable grading material with topsoil and vegetation. Grade slopes no steeper than 1:3 between the maintenance access and the stormwater pond NWL or infiltration/filtration basin bottom. Infiltration and Filtration Area Signage Mark infiltration and filtration areas with Approved MnDOT signs (X3-6A) indicating area is “infiltration area” or “filtration area.” Place signs in locations as directed by MnDOT. If liners are used on filtration features, place signs on top of the berms, so as not to damage the liner of filtration features. Hydrologic Methods Design all hydraulic infrastructure based on MnDOT Technical Memorandum No. 13-08-B-04 (Atlas 14). Design the overall drainage system such that the runoff rates for the proposed project do not exceed the existing runoff rates for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year storm events for all points where stormwater leaves the project site. Design the drainage system so pre-Project conditions are not exceeded for flood damage potential. Design stormwater storage and treatment facilities using the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall event with an antecedent moisture condition of 2. Design storm sewer systems, including local roadways, based on a minimum 10-year design frequency, unless otherwise noted. Design pavement drainage for local roadways using the spread criteria in the State Aid Manual. Design interstate highway sag points such that the spread for the 50-year storm is confined to the shoulder area and at least one lane in each direction is free from water for the 100-year storm. Permanent dewatering is not allowed. Hydraulic Structures Complete a Risk Assessment and Hydraulics Recommendation Letter for all structures greater than 48 inches in diameter. Submit these documents and all supporting hydraulic models and computations to MnDOT for Acceptance. See Exhibit 12-C (Hydraulic Structures) for additional design requirements. Include flood-routing computations with the culvert or bridge analysis when the culvert or bridge design is influenced by upstream storage. Culverts Analyze the proposed culverts in accordance with Exhibit 12–C. RFP Drainage 12-4 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Bridges Storm Drains and Sewer Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Design pipes with a minimum flow velocity of 3 fps and a maximum of 15 fps. If geometric constraints prohibit the minimum velocity, design pipes with flow velocities less than 3 fps for full flow at 80 percent of the internal diameter to account for sedimentation in the pipe. Design other storm drain pipes using the full internal diameter. Do not design storm drains for greater than full-flow capacity at the design flow rate. Provide pipe outlets with temporary or permanent energy dissipation within 24 hours after connecting the pipe to any constructed or existing surface waters. Locate storm sewer manholes outside of the driving lanes. Place drainage structures at all changes in pipe size,pipe grade anddirection. Roadside Open Channels Base the geometry of roadside open channels (ditches) on the following: Provide adequate design depth to day-light subsurface drains. The minimum depth from the PI to the finished bottom elevation is 1.5 feet. Design ditches with a standard 8 foot bottom width with rounded corners. Where site conditions dictate, ditch bottom widths may be reduced to no less than 4 feet. V-ditches are not allowed. 12.3.4 Retaining In-Place Drainage Structures Reports/Plans Submit a Project Drainage Overview Map to MnDOT for Acceptance prior to initiating detailed design and submit a copy of the Project Drainage Overview Map in Microstation format. The Project Drainage Overview Map serves as the base plan for final drainage design. Show the existing drainage features and proposed Project drainage master plan, including drainage areas and contributing flows of existing and proposed drainage. Show impacts from the Project and proposed mitigation within the map extents; and all waters of the State, outstanding resource value waters, special waters, and impaired waters within 1 mile of the Project that receive Project runoff. Produce plans and specifications in a format that facilitates design review by MnDOT, according to Section 2. In addition to RFC plans, also submit the following documents: Drainage area maps showing each storm drain inlet with pertinent data, such as boundaries of the drainage area for that inlet, topographic contours, runoff coefficients, times of concentration, and land use with design curve number and design runoff coefficient. Location and tabulation of all existing and proposed pipe and drainage structures, including all pipe and drainage structures proposed to be removed or left in place, out of service. These will include size, class or gauge, catch basin spacing, detailed structure designs, and any special designs. Complete pipe profiles, including pipe size, type, and gradient, station offsets from the centerline of the roadway, length of pipe, class/gauge of pipe, and numbered drainage structures with coordinate locations and elevations. Drainage plan sheets showing the location of all stormwater ponds, infiltration basins, filtration basins, and SPCDs and drainage features. If an existing structure or pipe/culvert was removed or abandoned, it should be marked on the plans as such in red. Drainage calculations and all hydraulic models used to develop RFC plans. Provide all models clearly matching the drainage area maps. Submit calculations as a pdf and in electronic format. RFP Drainage 12-5 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Prepare a Drainage Design Report signed by a Minnesota-licensed Professional Engineer, which is a record set of all drainage computations, both hydrologic and hydraulic, and all support data. Include all electronic models, modeling files and the following within the Report: Hydraulic notes, models, and tabulations Storm sewer system designs Culvert designs and reports for major stream crossings Bridge and bridge culvert waterway design, models, waterway letter and risk assessment Pond designs, filtration designs, infiltration designs, structural pollution control device design, including graphic display of treatment areas and detailed maintenance guidelines for operation Complete set of calculations and detailed drainage area maps detailing pre and post drainage conditions, including electronic files Correspondence file Prior to Final Acceptance, submit one hardcopy and one electronic copy of the Drainage Design Report. Supply the report as a bound document and include all stormwater models organized by design topic. 12.4 Construction Requirements 12.4.1 General Verify pond dimensions and depth within one month of Substantial Completion. Excavate to remove sediment to meet design dimensions. 12.4.2 Construction Criteria Maintain drainage to accommodate construction staging and provide drainage during all stages of construction. Obtain MnDOT Approval for abandonment methods for all existing drainage features that are being abandoned with this Project. Place reinforced concrete pipe under all roadways for storm sewers and culverts. Round pipe will be gasketed (design 3006). Tie the following pipe joints: All joints on centerline culverts All joints to an outlet/inlet from the nearest manhole All bend sections and three joints on each side of bend Reducers, expanders and internal energy dissipation rings and three joints on each side 12.4.3 Materials/Testing Requirements Infiltration Basins Test the infiltration rate of each infiltration basin using a double ring infiltrometer prior to completion of the basin. Conduct the test at the finished grade of the basin bottom, prior to blending the compost with the insitu soils or sand. Ensure infiltration rates meet or exceed greater of two times the designed infiltration rate or 2 inches per hour. Conduct a minimum of five tests per representative acre of basin area and a minimum of five tests per basin. Conduct double ring infiltrometer tests in accordance with ASTM standards. Thoroughly wet test areas prior to conducting infiltrometer tests. Filtration Basins Test all basins for filtration rates after completion. Conduct the test with a double ring infiltrometer and ensure filtration rates meet or exceed 4 inches per hour. A minimum of five tests per representative acre of basin area and a minimum of five tests per basin are required. Conduct double ring infiltrometer tests at the RFP Drainage 12-6 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] finished grade of the basin and in accordance with ASTM standards. Thoroughly wet test areas prior to conducting infiltrometer tests. Wet Stormwater Pond or Filtration Basin Liners 12.4.4 Instrumentation/Monitoring Plan 12.5 Deliverables Preliminary Submittals Project Drainage Overview Map (Microstation and Adobe PDF format) Released for Construction Documents Construction Drainage Plan Sheets and SWPPP sheets in accordance with MnDOT Standard Plansheets Construction Specifications Drainage Design Supporting Information (see Reports/Plans section above) Project Documentation Drainage Design Report including all models and model files (one hardcopy and one electronic copy) HYDINFRA database as-builts o Deliver an inventory of the drainage infrastructure of the completed Project by updating and uploading the MnDOT HYDINFRA database. Include information for newly constructed, modified existing, and removed or abandoned drainage infrastructure. HYDINFRA requirements are shown in Exhibit 12-D. Additional information and resource files for meeting the requirements are available on the MnDOT Bridge Office Website ( Contact the Project Manager to obtain more information or training on the MnDOT HYDINFRA database. o The drainage infrastructure inventory will not be considered complete until the data is verified by MnDOT District Hydraulics or Water Resources Engineering MS4 staff. The verification process will include comparing plan sheets showing constructed, removed, and abandoned drainage infrastructure to uploaded HydInfra data. To expedite the process, it is advisable to send an email to both the MnDOT Project Manager and the Hydraulic/Water Resources Engineering MS4 staff when the data has been uploaded. Infiltration and Filtration Basin Testing Results o Upon Substantial Completion, submit the results of tests for the infiltration and filtration areas. Notice of Termination (NOT) Hydraulic Structures Risk Assessment and Hydraulics Recommendation Letter RFP Drainage 12-7 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] RFP Drainage Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] 12-8 Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] EXHIBITS All exhibits provided as electronic files. Exhibit 12-A Equipment/Software Exhibit 12-B Stormwater Storage Facility Design Exhibit 12-C Hydraulic Structures Exhibit 12-D HYDINFRA Requirements for Design-Build Projects RFP Drainage 12-9 Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] EXHIBIT 12-A: Equipment/Software Choose drainage design software from the following list: Software Possible Vendor Functions GEOPAK Drainage Bentley Rational method hydrology Inlet design and spread analysis Storm drain pipe design and hydraulic grade line analysis Flowmaster Bentley Inlet design and spread analysis Channel/pipe critical and normal depth, capacity HydroCAD HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Generate NRCS (SCS) hydrograph Develop stage-storage and stage-discharge for ponds Combine/route hydrographs through ponds and channels XP-SWMM XP-Software Generate NRCS (SCS) hydrograph or model historical storm Dynamic routing of hydrographs through ponds, pipes, and channels with varying tailwater/flow conditions Hydraulic Toolbox FHWA Channel lining analysis CulvertMaster Bentley Analyze headwater and hydraulics for single or multiple culverts and/or road overtopping Design pipe size based on maximum headwater HY-8 FHWA Analyze headwater and hydraulics for single culvert, multiple barrels, broken back culverts and/or road overtopping Design pipe size based on maximum headwater Energy dissipater design HEC-RAS COE Water surface profiles for steady or unsteady flow Analysis of bridges, bridge-culverts, and culverts P8 Urban Catchment Model Walker Model for predicting generation and transport of pollutants in stormwater runoff in urban watersheds. PEAKFQ USGS Gauge frequency analysis SHSAM BARR Structural Pollution Control Device (SPCD) analysis SMS Aquaveo 2D hydraulic modeling for complex waterways using FESWMS or TUTFLOW models. RFP Drainage 12-10 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] EXHIBIT 12-B: Stormwater Storage Facilities Design Stormwater Storage Facilities Construct all stormwater storage facilities (wet ponds, infiltration basins, filtration basins and etc.) with a minimum of 2 feet of vertical freeboard above the High Water Level (HWL) of a 100-year, 24hour storm event to the berm crest (continuous flat surface). Design all stormwater storage facilities with an emergency overflow to accommodate a 10-inch rainfall event. Emergency overflows may consist of structures, overland channels and etc. Permanently line all overland channels based on the flow produced during the 10-inch rainfall event. Extend the lining from the crest of the berm on the interior side of the stormwater storage facility to a minimum 5 feet beyond the toe of slope along the exterior edge of the stormwater storage facility. Wet Stormwater Ponds Provide a minimum of depth from the NWL to the pond bottom of at least 3 feet and a maximum depth of 10 feet. Provide a 1:10 (V:H) bench extending from the NWL 10 feet horizontally into the ponds, with other slopes no steeper than 1:3 (V:H). Extend riprap for pipes discharging into the ponds to the pond bottom to prevent erosion. Provide submerged outlets at ponds to retain floating oils and other materials. Incorporate in the outlet a combination of weirs and orifices to extend the detention time of runoff from low-intensity events while passing peak flow from the design event. Dead storage beneath the outlet invert elevation for water quality ponds must meet the NURP and watershed requirements. Infiltration Basins Route rainfall runoff around the infiltration basin to the outfall during construction until all disturbed tributary areas have been restored and turf within the infiltration basin is fully established. Provide an overflow to limit water depth in the infiltration basin such that the water elevation is above the surface for no more than 48 hours. Base infiltration rates for the design of the infiltration basins on the MPCA Stormwater Manual design infiltration rates. Do not use measured infiltration rates to design the infiltration basins. Filtration Basins Base filtration rates for the design of the filtration basin on the MPCA Stormwater Manual design infiltration rates. Base ponding depth within the filtration basin on the design infiltration rate and a 48-hour drawdown period. RFP Drainage 12-11 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] EXHIBIT 12-C: Hydraulic Structures Culverts A culvert is a hydraulic structure sized to convey surface water runoff under a highway, railroad, or other embankment. Minor culverts are 48 inches or less in diameter or span Major culverts are greater than 48 inches in diameter or span and may include bridge culverts as defined below Bridges and Bridge Culverts A hydraulic structure is classified as a bridge when the horizontal opening width of the structure is 10 feet or greater measured along the roadway centerline, between undercopings of abutments, between spring line of arches, or between extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes. The definition also includes multiple pipes where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening. Ensure hydraulic computations, designs, and recommendations are consistent with past studies and projects in the area by the COE, the DNR, and other State or Federal agency studies and projects. Method Used to Estimate Flow for Culvert and Bridges The following methods are listed in the preferred order for determining the design flow for culvert and bridge structures. Ensure that the conditions in the watershed conform to the limitations of the selected hydrologic method. For all methods, review available historical data and justify the design flow as meeting the local Project conditions. For all crossings located within a FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) with peak flow information, use the flow information provided in the FIS and any subsequent Letters of Map Revision (LOMR). For a crossing on the same waterway as a stream gauging station with a length of record of at least 10 years, use the flow data available from the station to determine design flows within the limitations of the MnDOT Drainage Manual and provided there is no major control structure between the gauge and the design site. For analyses, follow the procedures in the Guidelines for Analyzing Flood Frequency, Water Resources Council Bulletin 17B, 1982, and use the generalized skew coefficients from Generalized Skew Coefficients for Flood-Frequency Analysis in Minnesota, 1997. Use the USGS software package PEAKFQ for the gauge frequency analysis with the skew adjusted to values from Generalized Skew Coefficients for Flood-Frequency Analysis in Minnesota, 1997. For crossings not located within a FEMA FIS or on a gauged waterway, select the appropriate method for calculating the design flows from the MnDOT Drainage Manual based on Site conditions, method limitations, and engineering judgment. For designs using the USGS Regression Equations, use Techniques for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows on Small Streams in Minnesota Based on Data through Water Year 2005. For design sites where the local conditions require a hydrograph analysis, use the NRCS (SCS) Runoff hydrograph procedures. Culvert and Bridge Design Frequency Design major culverts and bridges for a minimum of a 50-year frequency. Analyze the base flood (100-year) and the lesser of the 500-year frequency or overtopping flood. Analyze major culverts and bridges for the 2-year flood if there are fish passage concerns as part of the DNR permit process. Guidance for fish passage can be found in Best Practices for Meeting DNR General Public Waters Work Permit. RFP Drainage 12-12 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Evaluate bridges for scour potential by using both the 100-year frequency flood and the lesser of the 500year or overtopping frequency. Report contraction scour, pier scour, and the final total scour depths for both flooding events. Design interstate highways, with a minimum overtopping flood based on the 100-year frequency. Culvert and Bridge Hydraulic Analysis Methods Use the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) culvert analysis program, HY-8, HydroCad or CulvertMaster for performing the hydraulic analyses at minor culvert crossings. Use the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) culvert analysis program, HY-8, or COE HEC-RAS Water Surface Profile Program for performing the hydraulic analyses at major culvert crossings. Use the United States Army Corps of Engineers (COE) HEC-RAS Water Surface Profile Program (current released version) for performing the hydraulic analyses at bridge crossings, or use FESWMS or TUTFLOW within the Surface Water Modeling Software (SMS) platform where appropriate. Guidance for the use of 2-dimensional models is in HDS 7 – Hydraulic Design of Safe Bridges. If using a 2D model, use FESWMS or TUTFLOW run in SMS. Analyze bridge scour using HEC-18, Evaluating Scour at Bridges. Evaluate piers in the 500-year floodplain for scour and design to be stable for the predicted scour. Design pier stability without the dependence on countermeasures. Design riprap at abutments in accordance with the procedures outlined in HEC-23. For bridge abutments in urban areas or those frequently used by pedestrians, recommend alternatives to random riprap if applicable. Culvert Design For an existing crossing, design the new culvert so that it does not cause a greater headwater than the current condition and meets the following criteria: Design major culverts so the maximum allowable headwater elevation for the design frequency does not exceed the shoulder PI elevation of the roadway low point. Design minor culverts so the maximum allowable headwater elevation for the design frequency does not exceed 1 foot below the shoulder PI elevation of the roadway low point. Culvert extensions may increase the headwater elevation above the existing headwater elevation, but not above the maximum allowable headwater. Bridge and Bridge Culvert Waterway Design Design bridge waterway to maintain the existing channel morphology through the structure, if possible. For an existing crossing, design the new bridge or bridge culvert so that it does not cause a greater headwater than the current condition. If a bridge is over a commercial or recreational navigable waterway, follow US Coast Guard and DNR requirements (whichever is applicable or most conservative) to provide sufficient clearance. Submit hydrologic and hydraulic information and waterway design recommendations to MnDOT on the Hydraulic Data form, with the appropriate information also shown on the bridge or grading plan. Definitions for terms used in the Hydraulic Data form can be found in the MnDOT Drainage Manual and in the following information: Bridge Culverts Stage—Unconstricted water surface elevation just upstream of the culvert (i.e., natural conditions) Headwater—Constricted water surface elevation just upstream of the culvert (i.e., culvert existing or culvert proposed) RFP Drainage 12-13 MnDOT Design-Build Program Federal Project No. [insert #] Book 2 – [insert full name of project] Design-Build Project S.P. [insert #] Stage Increase—Difference in elevation between headwater and stage taken at the same location Bridges Stage—Unconstricted water surface elevation sufficiently upstream of the bridge as to not affect drawdown (i.e., natural conditions) Headwater—Constricted water surface elevation sufficiently upstream of the bridge (i.e., bridge existing and bridge proposed) Stage Increase—Difference in elevation between headwater and stage taken at the same location Bridge and Bridge Culvert Drainage Report Prepare a report for the major stream crossings and include detailed calculations, in electronic and hardcopy format, of the computer software input and output files, as well as a discussion of the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and reasons for the design recommendations. Include the following information for each crossing: Hydrology Drainage area maps with watershed characteristics, hardcopy and ArcView shapefile (UTM coordinates) Hydrologic calculations (where computer software is used, both hardcopy and electronic input and output files) Historical or site data used to review computed flows Hydraulics and Recommended Waterway Opening and/or Structure Photographs of Site General plan, profile, and elevation of recommended waterway opening or structure Calculations—hardcopy of output, as well as electronic input and output files for all computer models used for final analysis or for permit request, as well as summary of what the models are Cross-sections of waterway (hardcopy plot, plus any electronic data used. If GEOPAK or ArcView TIN are used to develop cross-sections, include elevation model, as well as location of cross-sections.) Profiles of channel Scour Analysis (for Bridges) Channel cross-section at bridge showing predicted scour Calculations and summary of calculations, clearly showing predicted scour and assumptions regarding bridge opening and piers used to calculate predicted scour Discussion of review of long-term degradation/aggradation and effects Recommendation for abutment protection A MnDOT Scour Code for each bridge (Note the Scour Code in the Hydraulic Engineers Recommendation box on the Bridge Survey Sheet.) Scour Analysis (for Retaining Walls) Recommendation for retaining wall protection Include report in the Drainage Design Report RFP Drainage 12-14