LESSON PLAN 2 – Megan Bradford Class level Classroom Beginner Room 2 Progress expectation The students should be able to describe the weather and ask and answer questions about different types of weather. Talking about different types of weather (sunny, hot, rainy, cold, snowy, stormy, windy, cloudy, lightning, thundering) Describing the weather I will provide students with the ability to ask and answer questions about the weather in English. Students should be able to ask about the weather and answer in a sentence As this is a beginner class I assume that the know nothing. If they know other phrases that can be paired with the weather it will be added in but if not we will only discuss types of weather. I will be using the board, markers, vocabulary list of the weather, warm up (handout #1) with pictures and they match the weather expressions with pictures, had out 2 (map with sentences started and questions to write) In small groups they will ask questions about the weather to a second group who will describe the weather in a certain city. I think this second lesson went okay in some parts, I struggled with the different proficiency levels because 9 students were all on different levels so it was hard to differentiate like I would have if I knew what their levels were before the class. Subject Topic Aim Objective Knowledge assumed Material & equipment Learning assessment Post lesson notes Lesson date Lesson duration August 9, 2013 1 hour I needed to adapt my plan by adding in extra activities, I thought that most of the activities would take longer so I needed to add it some back-up activities. Also I thought William was telling me time was up so I ended sooner than I would have but I just misunderstood. The written activities the class did better with and the maps I didn’t realize how hard it was to read until it was too late because I knew what it said so I didn’t see from their perspective of having a hard time reading it. I think the plan was an ok level, there wasn’t anyone that felt that it was too easy but it was hard for a few of the students that were at a lower level. Good reactions and student participation, the speaking activity was confusing and after seeing the product I would have made the map or forecast simpler and I didn’t think about the names of the cities being hard to pronounce and I should have just used state names instead. In doing the activities I think the phrases were understandable and I did everything I could to try and act out the different type of weather but the pictures I had I would have just used color pictures on an iPad or computer because the black and white I don’t think was as clear for them about the type of weather. Elizabeth had a hard time and relied a lot on Gonzalo to translate the material so I would have liked to have more copies and then gotten her to work with another group so she would need to practice more. I think I did well keeping explanations short but I didn’t explain the communication activity very well and needed more examples before having them begin. I wasn’t 100% happy with the lesson but I think it was successful that they could talk to me about the weather and also add in for those more advanced what they like to do during a certain type of weather. For this class in the future I would like to have all activities with 3 levels to make it better for all students but also to be the same activity so there is cohesion with the whole class but also so that there would be one for the lower students and a slightly harder for the more high level beginners. Tasks Phase Duration 1 3 2 5 3 10 4 10 Topic Introduction Teacher activity I will welcome the students and ask them to have a seat and explain that a seating chart will be passing around and to please write their names in. I will then introduce myself and go around the classroom asking students to introduce themselves to the class in English. Warm-Up I will divide the class into pairs and give them a handout with 4 icons and a list of 5 of the vocabulary words. I will instruct them to write the type of weather with the icon. I will walk around the rooms and listen to the progress of each pair. Presentation of I will write a Vocabulary vocabulary word on the board then model the correct pronunciation and prompt the students to repeat after me. Once they have correct pronunciation I will show them a picture that represents that type of weather saying the vocabulary word again, then showing to students asking them to tell me the weather. With each new vocabulary word I will show a picture of a previous word to check for understanding. Vocabulary Practice I will give students a Activity 1 handout with Student activity Resources Students will write Blank seating chart their name in the seating chart as it comes to them and also introduce themselves to the class in English. Students will work together to correctly label weather icons with a given list of 5 of the vocabulary words. Pre-assessment handout with weather icons/matching to given words. Students will write down each new vocabulary word as I write them on the board either drawing a picture for meaning or writing the definition in their notes. Students will also repeat each new vocabulary word after I show them the pronunciation. When I show them pictures they will also tell me what the weather is in English. List of weather vocabulary, printouts of weather Students will attempt to Example CLOZE sentence, Handout 5 5 6 10 guided sentences for them to complete with the weather vocabulary. I will first write an example sentence on the board, give them a minute to think about what word they think should go there, then I will ask them to tell me which word they would fill the sentence with. I will write in the correct answer when they produce it (guide them to it if they have it incorrect at first). Then They will work in pairs to complete the sentences on the handout. I will be walking around the room monitoring and guiding students as help is needed. Review Practice I will go around the Activity 1 room and ask students to read the entire sentence filling in the space with their answer. If there are any errors I will show the icon that would match what they said then show them which picture (from the presentation) is the closest match for their sentence to lead them to a more appropriate answer Vocabulary Practice I will give students a Activity 2 weather forecast for a week. I will instruct them to complete the forecast in small groups, each group will have a forecast for a different city. I will monitor students and assist complete the with missing practice sentence vocabulary/weather on the board on expressions. their own then they will tell me which word they think best fits. They will then work in pairs to complete a series of sentences with the correct vocabulary word depending on the image shown. Students will read out sentences as they are called as well as check their answers to the other sentences when they are not called on. Weather pictures, board, markers (multi-colored) Students will work together to complete their forecasts. Handouts of forecasts for 2-3 different cities 7 5 Review Practice Activity 2 10 7 Produce 11 5 Wrap-Up 5 Back-Up 1 when needed. I will bring the group back together and have the same pictures that were on their forecasts, I will then show one of the pictures and instruct students to find this icon on their handout. I will then call on a student to tell me her sentence with that picture. I will continue until all weather types have been addressed. I will instruct students to use the forecasts that they just completed and move to one person at a time from the other group what the weather was like on certain days in their city then they will answer a question about their city. They will be instructed to talk to everyone from the other group and ask about the weather for each of the days of the week. I will again be monitoring students and assist as needed. I will ask each student about the weather on a particular day in their city/forecasts and there will give me a sentence with their weather that they have been working with the past 2 activities. I will give students an example of a series of vocabulary words and we will match one of the pictures with each Students will Pictures from provide their handout answers as well as checking their work as we review the weather expressions. Students will use Forecast handout their previously made/completed forecasts to move around the room to ask other students about the weather in their city. Once one student asks a question and someone from the other group answers they would switch rolls and the second student would ask the first a question about their weather. Each student will Forecast handouts provide a sentence to describe what the weather is like in their city on the day that I ask about. Students will have a list of 3 vocabulary words and they will have to take out the one that does not match the other Handout with series of vocabulary words that all are in common except 1. 5 Back-Up 2 5 Back-Up 3 new word. After matching the pictures I will ask the students which one doesn’t fit with the others. I will then put them into pairs and ask them to work together to identify which vocabulary word doesn’t belong in the category with the other words. I will indicate 8 of the weather vocabulary words on the board and I will instruct each student to write another vocabulary word that could be associated with the given word. I will handout a sheet with descriptions of weather and divide the class into pairs and instruct them to match the description with the appropriate picture. two. Students will pair Vocabulary lists together different weather vocabulary that would most likely be on the same day (e.g. hot & sunny; cold & snowy) Students will read a sentence about weather and match the sentence with a picture. Handout with weather descriptions sentences and pictures to match. 9 Students who attended Name Aidia Age Level 12 Beginner Mario 40 Beginner Javi 30 Beginner Carlos 50 Beginner Gonzalo 50 Beginner Elizabeth 40 Beginner Beatrice 16 Beginner Efrén 20 Beginner Notes Very shy but spoke well when I called on her to share with the class. Good comprehension, was able to answer questions in class but very low confidence, my encouragement was very important One of the more advanced in the class, good pronunciation and comprehension levels Very involved, asked many questions to clarify but also stayed in the target language for almost the entire class. Worked well with others and did well on both written and spoken tasks. Strong student, was very helpful to other students and also included options for answer with sentences that could have been correct in more than one way. Very low beginner, had a hard time with all 4 skills, relied heavily on Gonzalo, sentences that they would share he had to tell her what to say and she struggled with pronunciation Very shy and needed encouragement to speak in front of the class but did much better with written tasks. Did well with written comprehension, struggled more with listening and speaking Alberto 20 Beginner One of the more advanced in the class, struggled with some phrases but always finished before the rest of the class and worked on advancing his phrases and would write sentences using the new vocabulary once he finished the activity.