
BIT by BIT: Researching Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties
Barbara Swatt Engstrom
Bibliography of Resources:
Introductory Materials:
Bilateral Investment Treaties Generally:
U.S. China Business Council, Bilateral Investment Treaties: What They Are and Why They Matter
(June 2014) available at
Kenneth J. Vandevelde, Bilateral Investment Treaties: History, Policy, and Interpretation (Oxford
Andrew Paul Newcombe & Lluis Paradell, Law and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards of
Treatment (Wolters Kluwer 2009)
Jeswald W. Salacuse & Nicholas P. Sullivan, Do BITs Really Work?: An Evaluation of the Bilateral
Investment Treaties and Their Grand Bargain, 46 Harv. Int'l L.J. 67 (2005).
Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties
Wenhua Shan (ed.) China and International Investment Law: Twenty Years of ICSID Membership
(Brill Nijhoff 2014)
Norah Gallagher & Wenghua Shan, Chinese Investment Treaties (Oxford 2009)
Shen Wei, Expropriation in Transition: Evolving Chinese Investment Treaty Practices in Local and
Global Contexts, 28 Leiden Journal of International Law 579 (2015)
Won Kidane, China-African Investment Treaties: Old Rules, New Challenges, 37 Fordham Int'l L.J.
1035 (2014).
Kate Hadley, Do China's Bits Matter? Assessing the Effect of China's Investment Agreements on
Foreign Direct Investment Flows, Investors' Rights, and the Rule of Law, 45 Geo. J. Int'l L. 255
BIT by BIT: Researching Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties
Barbara Swatt Engstrom, Librarian & Adjunct Professor, Seattle University School of Law
WestPac/ CAFLL Joint Annual Meeting Oct. 8-10, 2015
Elodie Dulac, The Emerging Third Generation of Chinese Investment Treaties, TDM 4 (2010),
Aaron M. Chandler, BITS, MFN Treatment and the PRC: The Impact of China's Ever-Evolving
Bilateral Investment Treaty Practice, 43 Int'l Law. 1301 (2009)
Axel Berger, China's New Bilateral Investment Treaty Programme: Substance, Rational and
Implications for International Investment Law Making, The Politics of International Economic
Law: The Next Four Years (2008)
Stephan W. Schill, Tearing Down the Great Wall: The New Generation Investment Treaties of the
People's Republic of China, 15 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 73 (2007).
Cai Congyan, Outward Foreign Direct Investment Protection and the Effectiveness of Chinese BIT
Practice, 7 J. World Investment &Trade 639 (2006)
Qiangjiang Kong, Bilateral Investment Treaties: The Chinese Approach and Practice, 8 Asian Y.B.
Int'l L. 105 (1999)
Finding BITs: Research Resources:
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) – UNCTAD International
Investment Agreements Navigator
ICSID, Investment Promotion and Protection Series (Oceana 1983- looseleaf )
Investment Claims Database (Oxford University Press – subscription required – over 1,200 BITs)
BITs Where U.S. is a Party
U.S. State Department
About U.S. BITS:
Bilateral Investment Treaty List (includes text of treaties with signatory and enforcement dates)
BITs Where China is a Party
Chinese Ministry of Commerce (English site – includes text of treaties with signatory and
enforcement dates)
BIT by BIT: Researching Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties
Barbara Swatt Engstrom, Librarian & Adjunct Professor, Seattle University School of Law
WestPac/ CAFLL Joint Annual Meeting Oct. 8-10, 2015
Research Guides:
Georgetown Law Library: International Investment Law Research Guide: Treaties &
International Agreements: Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs).
NYU Law Library: International Law Research: International Investment: BITS: Bilateral
Investment Treaties.
Lyonette Louis-Jacques, BIT by BIT (SLAW – Canada’s Online Legal Magazine) (May 8th, 2014)
China – U.S. BIT – Background and Future Prospects
Daniel C.K. Chow, Why China Wants A Bilateral Investment Treaty with the United States, 33
B.U. Int'l L.J. 421 (2015)
Jie Huang, Challenges and Solutions for the China-US BIT Negotiations: Insights From the Recent
Development of FTZs in China, 18 Journal of International Economic Law 307 (2015).
Cai Congyan, China-US BIT Negotiations and the Future of Investment Treat Regime: A Grand
Bilateral Bargain with Multilateral Implications, 12 J. Econ. L. 457 (2009)
Heads Together on the China-U.S. Bilateral Investment Treaty, China Today, Jun 02, 2015.
Michael Martina & Matthew Miller, Souring China Business Climate Risks U.S. Investment Treaty
BIT by BIT: Researching Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaties
Barbara Swatt Engstrom, Librarian & Adjunct Professor, Seattle University School of Law
WestPac/ CAFLL Joint Annual Meeting Oct. 8-10, 2015