Blackburn Primary School Parent Questionnaire, October 2014 Dear Parent/Carer, As part of our school improvement planning process, we are issuing this questionnaire to parents of Nursery to P7. You can also find this information online on the Blackburn Primary School BLOG: Our first priority is to raise attainment in numeracy, problem solving and mental maths. The following statements apply to this priority. Please tick one box for each question to indicate your response: Strongly agree 1. My child has a positive attitude to Mathematics. 2. My child is confident in Mathematics. 3. My child finds Maths lessons active for example more Maths activities and fewer text-book exercises. 4. My child is able to decide how to solve Mathematical problems by thinking about the language used. 5. My child can complete Maths homework activities independently. 6. I regularly contribute to my child’s learning by adding comments to his/her Learning Log/Homework Diary. 7. I feel confident in supporting my child with their Numeracy homework 8. I feel my child has made appropriate progress in Mathematics so far this school session. 9. My child is aware of encountering Mathematics in other areas of his/her schoolwork, e.g., in topic work, outdoor learning, etc. 10. My child can use a variety of Mental Maths strategies to calculate a maths problem accurately Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Strongly disagree No Response If you have any other comments regarding this priority not covered by the questions above, please write them here Our second priority is to improve and develop Pathways of Progression in Expressive Arts and Science and to develop the learning experiences taking place within the school’s outdoor spaces. Sciences, in the Curriculum are much more skills-based and places greater emphasis on active learning and investigative approaches. The following statements apply to this priority. Please tick one box for each question to indicate your response: Strongly agree 1. My child is conscious of developing Science skills in school (predicting, experimenting, drawing conclusions, etc.). 2. My child is given the opportunity to ‘find out’ scientific knowledge. 3. My child uses a range of Science resources in his/her learning. 4. My child finds the learning and teaching of Science to be engaging. 5. A range and variety of Science topics and experiences are taught. 6. My child is aware of Science in his/her own environment and is curious about scientific concepts. 7. I feel it is important for my child to experience high-quality learning and teaching in Sciences. Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Strongly disagree No Response My child is aware of encountering Science in other areas of his/her schoolwork especially in outdoor learning. If you have any other comments regarding this priority not covered by the questions above, please write them here: 8. Strongly agree 1. My child is conscious of developing Art, Drama and Music in school. 2. My child is given the opportunity to ‘express themselves ’ in Art, Drama and Music 3. My child uses a range of Expressive Arts resources in his/her learning. 4. My child finds the learning and teaching of Art, Drama and Music to be engaging. 5. A range and variety of Expressive Art topics and experiences are taught. 6. I feel it is important for my child to experience high-quality learning and teaching in Expressive Arts. 7. My child is aware of encountering Expressive Arts in other areas of his/her schoolwork 8. The school values Expressive Arts and this is reflected in performances Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Strongly disagree No Response If you have any other comments regarding this priority not covered by the questions above, please write them here: General Comment Please tell us about something you think we do well at Blackburn Primary School: Please tell us about something you feel we could improve on at Blackburn Primary School: Thank you to everyone for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. Your views are valuable indicators and will be discussed and taken into account when we are engaged in school improvement planning.