Check In W K.2 Using Nancy Fetzer’s Writing Curriculum Grades K-1 teachers and students will go through Stage 1 and 2 of Informative/ Explanatory Writing on a topic of the teacher’s choice. The teacher can read one or more books on a topic of their choice. Then students will gather information on the topic using the graphic organizers provided in the Fetzer book. Teachers will guide students through the writing process and use the Informative/ Explanatory Rubric to evaluate the students writing. Writing Score_______, Language Score______ Informative/Explanatory Text-Based Rubric, Grade ___K___ Focus/ Information CCSS*: W–2 Organization CCSS: W–2 1 (Below Grade Level) 2 (Approaching Grade Level) 3 (At Grade Level) 4 (Advanced) Uses drawing and dictating to compose informative/explanato ry texts. Attempts to use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanato ry texts. Missing information provides confusion. Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanato ry texts. Establishes a wellelaborated piece of informative/ explanatory text. Does not tell the topic they are writing about. Tells the topic they are writing about but may be unclear. Names the topic they are writing about. Supplies no information about the topic. Attempts to supply some information but may be unrelated to topic. Supplies some information about the topic. Supplies information about the topic. 9, 10, 11 12 Support/ Evidence CCSS: W-2 Writing Score LanguageConventions of Grammar and Usage CCSS: L–1a Identifies topic in introductory sentence. 3 or 4 5, 6, 7, 8 Pri nts few upper and lower case letters correctly Demonstra tes little to no proficiency of proper spacing Pri nts some upper and lower case letters correctly Demonstra tes some proficiency of proper Prints many upper and lower case letters correctly Demonstra tes proficiency of proper spacing between Provides some sense of closure. Prints all upper and lower case letters correctly Demonstrates mastery of proper spacing between all words and word placement on the lines Check In W K.2 between words and word placement on the lines Capitalizes incorrectly with many errors Does not use end punctuation Language – Conventions of Capitalization, Punctuation, and Spelling CCSS:L–2,a-d Writes letters with little to no sound/spelli ng corresponden ce of consonants and short vowels Spells few to no simple words phonetically spacing between words and word placement on the lines Capitalizes correctly and consistently with some errors: first word in a sentence and the pronoun “I” Uses end punctuation incorrectly Inconsisten tly writes letters for consonant and shortvowel sounds Spells some simple words phonetically words and word placement on the lines Capitalizes correctly and consistently with minor errors: first word in a sentence and the pronoun “I” Uses end punctuation Writes letters for most consonant and shortvowel sounds Spells simple words phonetically Writing Score_______, Language Score______ *CCSS – Common Core State Standards alignment (“W” = Writing strand; “L”= Language strand) Capitalizes correctly and consistently with no errors: first word in a sentence and the pronoun “I” Uses end punctuation correctly Writes correct letters for most consonants and short vowel sounds Spells simple words phonetically and some irregular and/or high frequency words correctly.