gotr-parent-letter-eng - Golfview Elementary School

Girls on the Run
February 8, 2016
Fall 2015 Season
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for your interest in Girls on the Run! Girls on the RunChicago (GOTRC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that inspires
girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based
curriculum which creatively integrates running. Girls on the Run was
created in Charlotte, NC in 1996 by Molly Barker, a social worker and
4-time Hawaii Ironman triathlete. Girls on the Run came to Chicago in
1999, and has grown from 2 sites to over 275 sites. We are proud to
be serving more than 8,000 girls here in the Chicagoland area this
The Girls on the Run (3rd-5th grade) lessons encourage positive
emotional, social, mental and physical development. Participants
explore and their own beliefs around experiences, and discuss
challenges girls face at this age. We start with helping the girls get a
better understanding of who they are and what’s important to
them. Then we look at the importance of teamwork and healthy
relationships. And, finally, the girls explore how they can positively
connect with and shape the world.
The Girls on Track (6th-8th grade) curriculum addresses the societal,
mental and emotional challenges particular to this age group.
Participants will gain a deeper awareness of their individual values,
and then they learn about the role of teams and healthy relationships.
Lastly, the girls explore how they can positively connect with and
shape the world. The curriculum allows for more mature processing
around certain topics including eating disorders, internet safety,
relationships, cyber-bullying and tobacco and alcohol use.
Physical activity is woven into our program to inspire an appreciation of
fitness and to build habits that lead to a lifetime of health. At the end of
each three month session, the girls participate in a Girls on the Run 5k
(3.1 miles) run. This celebratory, non-competitive event is the
culminating experience of the curriculum. Completing the 5k gives the
girls a tangible understanding of the confidence that comes through
accomplishment as well as a framework for setting and achieving life
goals. Crossing the finish line is a defining moment when the girls
realize that even the seemingly impossible IS possible.
Practice Days/Times:
Mondays Wednesday
2:15 – 3:45
Season Calendar:
August 24th til 28th
$35 per girl (some
scholarships are
Season Starts!
September 9th
November 21st
Girls on the Run-Chicago
5k at Montrose Harbor
Contact Information
Site Coordinator:
Mrs. Kirch
Ms. Furman
Mrs. Brockway
Ms. Dezelan
Please visit for important information regarding the 5k, curriculum updates
and more!
What will the girls be doing?
Girls will participate two days each week for 10 weeks from the week of September 9th to the week of November
19th. Each group of girls will be supervised by two adult coaches trained in the Girls on the Run curricula and
philosophies. Girls do NOT need to be runners to participate.
The start of each lesson will focus on getting the girls on board and ready to participate. A warm-up activity will
get the girls ready to move and bring attention to the lesson of the day. The physically active portion of each
lesson will be made up of a combination of games and activities, designed to get the girls moving WHILE
incorporating the ideas being discussed that day. During cool-down, the girls will discuss any final thoughts
regarding the day’s session.
Girls on the Run at Golfview
Lessons will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:15 pm to 3:45 pm starting September 9th. Site
Coordinator and Coach contact information is listed on the first page. The end-of-season 5k will be held on
November 21st at Montrose Harbor in Chicago.
Parent/Guardian Expectations
Girls should come to each practice dressed and ready to participate. They should wear comfortable
clothing and running shoes. Flip flops, crocs, dress shoes, etc. will NOT be allowed. For safety reasons,
your girl will not be able to run that day unless she is wearing appropriate shoes.
Girls are expected to attend all practices. Your girl should not sign up for this this season if she has prior
engagements that conflict with GOTR sessions, because she should not take a space from someone that
can commit to the entire season.
Coaches are volunteers. Parents are expected to pick up their participant at the end of each session in a
timely fashion or arrange for after-school care accordingly.
What does it cost? What is included?
There is a fee for each girl to participate in the GOTRC program. Program fees are based on a sliding scale
determined by the percentage of students receiving free/reduced school lunch at that site. The program fee at
our site is $35. Girls on the Run-Chicago does not want the program cost to be a barrier for participation, so any
participant can apply for a scholarship.
The program fee covers:
 Supplies for 20-24 lessons conducted by two certified GOTRC coaches
 Healthy snacks at each session
 A colorful t-shirt and water bottle
 Registration into the Girls on the Run 5k (she’s already registered!) and an event-day goody bag!
 All administrative assistance to coaches, sites, girls and parents
5k Day!
Each girl is already registered for the 5k event. Each girl needs to have a Running Buddy to run with her, keep her
safe on the course and be her own personal cheerleader! Girls on the Run-Chicago has a great ‘Running Buddy
Job Description’ on their website for additional details. Please help your participant start thinking about possible
Running Buddies. Each Running Buddy MUST register for the 5k! GOTRC has a group of volunteer females
that come to the 5k as Running Buddies for those who do not have one. These females have completed
background checks. If you need help finding a Running Buddy, please let your Site Coordinator know. The 5k is
open to the public, so any friends or family members can register to run too!
Transportation to the 5k: GOTR will offer a bus for all girls in the program to the 5K. All running buddies
can ride the bus as well for $8
We’re looking forward to having your participant join us this season!
Mrs. Kirch
Mrs. Brockway
Ms. Furman
Ms. Dezelan