St-Mary’s Bluecoat CE Primary School Long Term Curriculum Plan 2014 Year 3/4 Subject AUTUMN Down on the Farm Visits and Theme Days Art Gallery Farm Visit Whole Class Texts Stig of the dump – Clive King English Stone Age Boy – Satoshi Kitamura Information text – compare prehistoric man Instructions – how to make soup Cycle 1 SPRING Bombs Away SUMMER In Search of the Pharaohs AUTUMN The Rise of the Romans Cycle 2 SPRING Amazon Explorers Attingham Park WW2 Day 3/4 Production Goodnight Mr Tom Egyptian Day Roman Day Wroxeter Carnival Day 3/4 Production Playscript - evacuation Diary writing for evacuee Story writing for evacuee Myths and legends? Tomb discovery story? Information texts Romans Journalistic writing – looking at Amazon explorers Light – reflections, shadows and absorbency of light Forces – pushes, pulls, friction and magnetic forces Rocks, Fossils and Soils Sound – how is sound made? Changing pitch, dynamics. The water cycle SUMMER Alfred’s England Anglo-Saxon Day Narrative structure (historical setting) – Stone Age Boy Poetry? Maths Time - timelines Measure – area and perimeter of excavation sites/ orienteering courses Measure – weighing and measuring ingredients Science 1 Animals/Humans Food, nutrition, digestive system, teeth. Electricity – circuits, switches, conductors and insulators St-Mary’s Bluecoat CE Primary School Long Term Curriculum Plan 2014 Animals and humans – skeletons, bones, joints and muscles. Geography History Art 2 Plants – parts of flowering plant, conditions for healthy plant growth, pollination, seed formation, seed dispersal in flowering plants. Materials – solids, liquids and gases – changing state. Name and locate places in the UK (Shropshire), Human geography – distribution of food, minerals and water. Land use patterns. Compare crop/livestock land use in the UK and rest of world. Mapping – counties and countries, local area, food miles, aerial views Field work – a farm visit Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age, Neolithic hunter gatherers, early farmers UK geography – counties and cities – invasions, attacks, evacuation to countryside Africa and Ancient Egypt, river Nile, aerial and satellite photographs, Mapping skills, land use, rivers and settlements, people and jobs. Physical Geography – volcanoes – Mount Etna and Pompeii. Socio-Economic Geography – links and infrastructure – what the romans did for us – roads, bridges, aqueducts, towns, plumbing Mapping – southern Italy Britain beyond 1066, WW2 Focus on evacuees, Battle of Britain. Achievements of the earliest civilisations, Ancient Egypt – life, beliefs, pharaohs, tombs The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain, Iron Age hill forts, Roman invasion on Britain (Caeser and Claudius), Roman Empire and power of army, British resistance - Boudicca. Drawing/Painting – farm animals from photographs, maps of farms, 2D Work – Drawing/Painting – Observational Drawing 2D Work – Collage – city scape during the Blitz. Drawing/Painting – Patterns and motifs 2D Work – Mixed media collage – tomb paintings Drawing/Painting Boudicca from a range of sources 2D Work – Mosaics Living things – classifying plants, vertebrates and invertebrates in the rainforest. Environmental change – human impact, food chains, predator and prey. South America – mapping - continents and countries, virtual trip to Brazil, climate zones (rainforest), longitude/latitude, equator, tropics, time zones, water cycle, compare life in Brazil with life in England, environmental changes – deforestation, global warming, flooding. Human Geography – settlements/land use, change over time Mapping – compass directions, counties, major cities and other types of settlement and land use patterns. Britain’s settlement – Anglo-Saxons and Scots, Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for England, Alfred the Great Winchester. Drawing/Painting – Wildlife art 2D Work – Different mediums for above artwork. Drawing/Painting – Portraits of King Alfred 2D Work – St-Mary’s Bluecoat CE Primary School Long Term Curriculum Plan 2014 Applique farm maps Cave paintings 3D Work Clay farm animals Key Artists – e.g. Diane Whitehead and Peter Gray ICT – Photographing animals DT Music Food Technology – soups and salads from school grown produce 3D Work – Weaving, rag rugs, make do and mend Key Artists Elaine Fine, Malcolm Surridge – pen drawings linked to Anderson shelter observational drawings ICT – Photos of Attingham Construction materials – structures and shelters. Scales - Old Macdonald ‘Dragon Scales’ (Y3) Food Technology – Ration recipes (lavender biscuits etc.) Singing Year 3/4 Production WW2 Songs Forties Music P.E Games – team building games/inclusion sports/orienteering Games – multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through hockey Gym – key steps – selecting and applying skills through creative movement – low level apparatus. Gym – key steps selecting and applying skills through creative movement – large apparatus. Tea Dance 3 3D Work – Canopic jars Key Artists Ancient Egyptian artefacts ICT Motif research Levers and linkages – pop-up books. Food Technology – Ancient Egyptian recipe – pitta breads Exploring arrangements – The Class Orchestra’ (Y3) – link to radio jingles for a news flash programme on Egyptian News Games – multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through tennis and athletics Dance - selecting and applying skills through creative movement – Egyptian dancing. 3D Work – e.g. roman weaponry Key Artists ? ICT – Mosaic design websites. 3D Work – DT Link - Carnival masks Key Artists Beatriz Milhazes ICT – Dazzle pictures and patterns Drawing of AngloSaxon villages 3D Work – Models of long boats and Anglo-Saxon armoury Key Artists Food Technology – Roman Market produce – bread, meats, honey toast, sesame cake, honey apples. Carnival masks Food Technology – Anglo-Saxon bread, stew and oat cakes. Exploring Sound ’Painting with Sound’ – market scene (Y3) Drumming Workshop Pitch Exploring arrangements ‘The Class Orchestra’Calypso Singing Rhythmic Patterns Roman Raps ‘Play it again’ (Y3) Games – team building games/inclusion sports/orienteering Singing -Year 3/4 Production Gym – key steps – selecting and applying skills through creative movement – low level apparatus. Food Technology – Brazilian cuisine and smoothies. Games Multi-skills –selecting and applying skills through basketball Dance – selecting and applying skills through creative movement – Samba dancing. ICT - Games – multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through tennis and athletics St-Mary’s Bluecoat CE Primary School Long Term Curriculum Plan 2014 MFL R.E Games Multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through football Games Multi-skills –selecting and applying skills through netball Games – multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through athletics and cricket Games Multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through football Games Multi-skills –selecting and applying skills through tag rugby Games – multi-skills – selecting and applying skills through rounders and athletics Dance – selecting and applying skills through creative movement – country dancing. Dance – selecting and applying skills through creative movement – WW2 dance. Sports Day Dance – selecting and applying skills through creative movement – Gladiator dancing. Sports Day All about Me Celebrations Friends All aboard Gym – key steps selecting and applying skills through creative movement – large apparatus Telling a Story Games and Songs Portraits Growing things Pocket Money Sporting Lives God RQ9 – How do believers think of God? Friendship RQ3 – What does a Christian mean by loving your neighbour? Our World RQ6 – Why should we look after the world? (Christian viewpoint) Our Special Book RQ11 – What sort of book is the Bible? Easter RQ14 – Why do Christians celebrate Easter? RQ12 – What do people do when someone dies and why do they do this? The Church RQ5 – What do religious communities do to show members they belong? RQ7- How do religions attempt to help people who suffer? Relationships RQ4 – What do religious traditions say about how we should treat one another? What’s the weather like? Creation RQ8 – What different views describe how the world began? Creation stories from different religions. Compassion Friendship Truthfulness Humility Light RQ14 – Why do Muslims celebrate Eid? P.S.H.E (Values for Life) 4 Hope Thankfulness Advent and Christmas RQ14 – Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? Why do we prepare for and celebrate Christmas? (Commercialism, role play Christmas story characters) Generosity Reverence Easter RQ13 – In what ways does a religious belief influence how someone lives their life? How do Jesus’ teachings influence how we live our lives? Respect Wisdom Carnival of the Animals Islam RQ2 – How do Muslims mark special times in their life? RQ5 – What do Muslims do to show new members that they belong? Perseverance Service