Conference Session B10 Paper # 6161 Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. LITHIUM CERAMIC PEBBLES USED TO CREATE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FROM FUSION Elan Anderson,, Lora 4:00 Aaron Woeppel,, Mahboobin 10:00 Revised Proposal— This paper will focus on lithium pebbles that are used production of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, which serves as the main fuel for a fusion reactor. In order to use fusion, the process of combining to lightweight atomic nuclei to form a heavier atom, to create energy, an abundant amount of fuel must be present to draw on. Fuel for fusion consists of deuterium and tritium, isotopes of hydrogen. While a near-endless supply of deuterium is present in sea water, naturally occurring tritium is scarce. Therefore, in order to make sustainable energy, fusion tritium must be manmade. Fortunately, tritium is produced in fusion when neutrons escaping the plasma interact with lithium. Considering this fact, lithium pebbles will be the main component of a blanket of a fusion reactor. [1] The pebbles must be a small diameter within a set range to achieve an ideal set of properties such as a low thermal energy. While there are many potential lithium compounds that may be suitable for tritium breeding in a blanket, due to certain chemical properties, lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4) was chosen as the first potential material in a blanket referred to Chinese Helium Cooled Pebble Bed Test Blanket Module. [2] We will examine many methods of producing lithium pebbles such as the wet method and melting/spraying method. The Plateau-Rayleigh Instability, which is observed every day in cases such as dripping water, has also been found to be effective in production of lithium pebbles. [3] We will also examine the recovery of lithium from spent pebbles. Mandel reports in the abstract of his paper that” at the end of life, the pebbles (lithium titanate) will contain more than 45% unused Li6 isotope.”[4] Since nearly half of the usable lithium remains unused in spent pebbles, a fusion reactor that did not include a method of lithium recovery would be inefficient As stated earlier, because tritium, a main fuel for fusion, is not naturally abundant enough to produce energy, a generator would have to be able to produce tritium. However, a main concern is that tritium produced will leak into the water, which could have negative ecological impacts. [5] This topic is relevant to engineering because in perfecting lithium pebble technology, society would be one step closer to achieving a sustainable clean energy in the form of nuclear University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 Submission Date 2016/01/25 fusion. In this paper, scholarly articles and reliable scientific news articles will be used to assess lithium pebble technology on its potential as a resource for tritium breeding and looking in to the manufacturing economic viability of various methods of lithium production. REFERENCES [1] ITER - the way to new energy. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2015. [2] X. Gao. X. Chen. et al. (2012). “Fabrication and characterization of Li4SiO4 ceramic pebbles by wet method.” Journal of Nuclear Materials. (online article) e&auinit=X&aulast=Gao&atitle=Fabrication+and+character ization+of+Li+4+SiO+4+ceramic+pebbles+by+wet+method &id=doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.02.018&title=Journal+of+ nuclear+materials&volume=424&issue=1&date=2012&spag e=210&issn=0022-3115 [3]P. Waibel. J. Matthes. et al. (2014). “High-Speed Camera-Based Analysis of the Lithium Ceramic Pebble Fabrication Process.” Chemical Engineering & Technology (online article) gh-Speed_CameraBased_Analysis_of_the_Lithium_Ceramic_Pebble_Fabricati on_Process [4] D..Mandal. (2013). “Recovery and recycling of lithium value from spent lithium titanate (Li2TiO3) pebbles.” Journal of Nuclear Materials. (Online article) [5] S. Dingwall. C. Mills. N. Phan. K. Taylor. (2011). “Human Health and the Biological Effects of Tritium In Drinking Water: Prudent Policy Through Science-Addressing the Odwac New Recommendation” Dose-Response (Online article) auinit=S&aulast=Dingwall&atitle=Human+health+and+the+ biological+effects+of+tritium+in+drinking+water:+prudent+ policy+through+science%E2%80%93addressing+the+ODW AC+new+recommendation&id=doi:10.2203/doseresponse.10-048.Boreham&title=Dose- Elan Anderson Aaron Woeppel response&volume=9&issue=1&date=2011&spage=dose&iss n=1559-3258 common details that an engineer may look for in the quality of pebbles they produce. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY R.Knitter, M.M.H Kolb, U.Kauffman, A.A Goraieb. (2013, Nov 15). “Fabrication of modified lithium orthosilicate pebbles by addition of titania.” Journal of Nuclear Materials.” (online article). rl?pageType=quickSearch&searchtype=Quick&SEARCHID =34359697M6e02M408cMa964Me5128cc0aba4&DOCIND EX=6&database=3&format=quickSearchAbstractFormat&d edupResultCount=&SEARCHID=34359697M6e02M408cM a964Me5128cc0aba4 Written as part of a presentation during the Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, this article delves into lithium orthosilicate, one of the main components used in tritium breeding. While it exhibits ideal qualities, it has several flaws, the biggest of which being the defects that manifest during prolonged use. However, this article proposes a method to help enhance the mechanical properties of the pebbles. By adding titania to the process the final products, lithium titanate, exhibits smaller pores, thus decreasing the chance of defects. This source is being used to demonstrate methods that can help improve our current technology and make more efficient products in the long run. R.K Annabattula, M. Kold, Y. Gan, R. Rolli, M. Kamlah. (2014, March 20). “Size-Dependent Crush Analysis of Lithium Orthosilicate Pebbles”. Fusion Science and Technology. (article). This article, written by researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, discusses lithium orthosilicate’s physical properties and thermo-mechanical integrity, which is vital for materials used in a fusion reactor. In order to identify the pebbles’ strength, several samples of spherical OSi with varying diameter were put under pressure. The results of the studies showed that pebbles with larger diameters, as well as more opacity were more durable. This article will be used in order to help establish the material our project is centered on. X. Chen ,X. Gao. et al. (2012, February 18). “Fabrication and characterization of Li4SiO4 ceramic pebbles by wet method.”Journal of Nuclear Materials. (Online article). doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.02.018 This article, published in the Journal of Nuclear Materials, compares production of pebbles by an expensive method to those produced by a more affordable alternative. This article will be presented in the paper as not only an example of a method used to create lithium pebbles, but also an example as to how an engineer would need to consider the cost of production along with the quality of the product. D..Mandal. (2013, September 9). “Recovery and recycling of lithium value from spent lithium titanate (Li2TiO3) pebbles.” Journal of Nuclear Materials. (Online article) doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.04.028 Published in the Journal of Nuclear Materials this article studies the recovery of lithium from spent Li2TiO3 a potential lithium ceramic that could be used in tritium breeding due to some of its attractive properties. Previous literature has that a great deal of lithium remains unused and thus must be recovered. This article will be used to explain the importance of recovering used lithium when trying to economically produce tritium. S. Dingwall, C.E. Mills, N. Phan, K. Taylor. 2011, 6 September. “Human Health and the Biological Effects of Tritium in Drinking Water: Prudent Policy Through ScienceAddressing the ODWAC New Recommendation”.DoseResponse.(Article). This article focuses on the ethical side of nuclear fusion. Tritium, one of the byproducts in fusion, is considered to be a potential danger to humans because if its carcinogenic qualities. Even in minuscule amounts, it poses a threat to humans if it isn’t properly contained. This article will be used to view nuclear fusion from a humanitarian angle. P. Waibel, J. Matthes, O. Leys, M. Kolb, R. Knitter, H. Keller. (2014, September 10). “High-Speed Camera-Based Analysis of the Lithium Ceramic Pebble Fabrication Process”. Chemical Engineering and Technology. (Research article). 69/pdf This paper, which was published by researchers at the Institute for Applied Computer Science (IAI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), uses a new method to delve into the process of creating lithium ceramic pebbles. Using nozzles which ranged from 200-400 µm, and internal pressure of up to 400 mbar, it was proven that the diameter tended to fall within the desired diameter desired for maximum efficiency. Y. Huang. H. Tang. J. Li. Et al. (2012, November 13) “Preparation of Lithium Orthosilicate Ceramic Pebbles by Molten Spray Method Process” Advanced Materials Research Vol. 412, pp. 111-115, Nov. 2011 (Article) This article published in Advanced Material Research studies the process of producing lithium orthosilicate with the method referred to in the paper as the molten spray method. The article later includes details regarding the finished pebbles. This article will be used to explain another example of a method in producing lithium pebbles along with some 2 Elan Anderson Aaron Woeppel C. Xiao. X. Gao et al. (2013, July 8). “Tritium release kinetics in lithium orthosilicate ceramic pebbles irradiated with low thermal-neutron fluence” Journal of Nuclear Materials. (Online article) doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.02.069 Published in the Journal of Nuclear Materials this article studies the release of tritium for lithium orthosilicate pebble. Tritiated water vapor was found to be the main form of released tritium. The kinetics of the tritiated water vapor was well interpreted as a diffusion process in grains of the lithium orthosilicate pebbles. This article will help allow us to give a basic explanation behind the chemistry involved in tritium production. N. Zaccari, D. Aquaro. 2009, 30 April. “Experimental characterization of ceramic pebble beds”. Journal of Nuclear Materials. (article). 94f-86f0-4cac-bb3851db7f161d7c%40sessionmgr112&vid=0&hid=115&bdata= JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=37824467&db =aph Originating in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Pisa, this article compiles the results of various mechanical tests on lithium orthosilicate and lithium metanitate. These tests, which subjected samples to thermal stresses, direct shearing and a tri-axial test, were used to gain quantitative data. In turn, the data presented here could be utilized in future simulations to aid in replicating scenarios. This source is being used in order to support the viability of the two aforementioned materials with numerical data. 3