SHSU Reverse Transfer Education Emails and Transcripts Available Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 (Transfer students with known associate degrees not included) College Alamo Alvin Amarillo Angelina Austin Blinn Brazosport Central Texas College CISCO Coastal Bend College of Mainland Collin County Community Col. DCCCD Del Mar El Paso Galveston Grayson HCCS Hill Kilgore LSC-Orange LSC-Port Arthur Lee LSCS McLennan Midland Navarro North Central Texas College Panola San Jacinto Southwest Texas Junior College Tarrant County Temple TSTC Trinity Valley Tyler Junior College Victoria Weatherford Wharton Total emails or transcripts available: Educational Email Sent (Fall 2012) 128 109 9 256 249 1377 142 20 70 236 42 7 691 33 64 34 98 3127 100 210 16 355 173 111 82 42 24 270 7,944 Filtered Transcripts Available (Sp. 2013) 28 42 1 85 70 543 77 18 0 6 28 26 64 16 4 16 2 89 20 32 13 5 35 1392 54 7 92 0 9 178 5 37 47 11 41 49 12 8 99 3,162 Participating at present expected yes yes yes yes yes yes Maybe yes yes expect Maybe Yes Later date. Doubt yes expect Wants to yes yes yes yes Expect yes Yes (refused student info) Yes probably Rejected Trying Maybe probably Yes Yes Yes 1 Reverse Transfer Educational Emails: Educational emails are typically sent each fall semester to SHSU transfer students till they complete the associate degree or graduate from SHSU. A sample email is attached as Appendix A. Reverse Transfer: Reverse transfer transcripts are made available to colleges during the spring semester. A spread sheet containing information not on the transcript to aid the college registrar associate SHSU transcripts with college transcripts is available. The spreadsheet also contains extensive student contact information for use if the student is selected to receive the associate degree. A college may request transcripts at their convenience by contacting the SHSU articulation Coordinator. Transcripts are filtered according to individual college/district specifications. A typical filter to extract potential associate degree candidates follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) No associate degree on file at SHSU. Currently registered at SHSU. Minimum of 15 or 18 transfer hours (cannot guarantee they are all from one institution). Completed at least 3 hours at SHSU. Combined transfer + SHSU hours >= 60. Core complete either institution. Transcripts are sent via EDI (SPEEDE). Access to the spread sheet is via a secure server at SHSU and requires an official at the participating college to obtain an account on the SHSU network by signing SHSU’s privacy/computer usage policy. Reverse Transfer Success: Colleges are not obligated to inform SHSU of their success rates but many do. During the spring of 2012 SHSU provided 3,641 transcripts to colleges for reverse transfer consideration. A good estimate of associate degrees awarded would be about 3,000. Many colleges have indicated the information is also used for certificate completions. We have no feel for the number of certificates awarded. In previous years the individual college associated degree award rate varied from 0% to 93% of filtered records. Low associate degree award rates occur where colleges have college specific requirements such as multiple Kinesiology courses, Speech, and/or Computer Literacy in addition to legal requirements. Residency Requirements: Residency requirements for associate degrees have varied from the SACS minimum of 15 to 18 hours (1/4 of degree requirements) to as high as 45 hours. The current trend is 2 for colleges to reduce residency requirements to the SACS minimum and eliminate college specific graduation requirements. For public schools, the maximum residency requirement of which I am aware is currently 24 hours for state colleges and 45 hours for some private institutions. The state of Texas specifically allows some for profit colleges/institutions to participate in transfer programs. Failure of Texas Common Application with Respect to Reverse Transfer: Many universities have now adopted policies where they only make reverse transfer transcripts available to colleges if the transfer student explicitly indicates on the Texas Common Application they desire this service. Unfortunately the application wording appears to be viewed in a negative light by college to university applicants. This student process is sometimes referred to as “opt-in” versus “opt-out.” Currently available information indicates a large majority of college students elect not to share information (“opt-out”) without realizing they have eliminated the ability to participate in desirable programs including reverse transfer degree with many universities and some college districts. As an example, one very large university with which SHSU communicates reverse transfer information only offered 13% as many transcripts for reverse transfer to colleges as they previous year after adopting “opt-in” for their eligibility selection policy. As another example, one of the largest college districts in the state will only consider students for reverse transfer specifically selecting “opt-in” on the universal application. Transcript selection for reverse transfer is highly dependent on how a system’s legal staff interpret FERPA regulations. SHSU currently operates under the interpretation “FERPA was meant to protect students, not prevent them from obtaining desirable services. Actions taken on behalf of the student are acceptable. Actions primarily for the advantage of the institution are not acceptable.” While allowing some flexibility to provide students with desirable services the interpretation does have restrictions. As an example, if the contact information exchanged between colleges and universities was used to by either entity to generate a mailing list for recruiting the institution would be in violation of FERPA. Such a list would be primarily for the advantage of the institution rather than the student. As another example, colleges may be at risk if they award associate degrees without asking the student if they desire the degree. As a final positive example, one college system has found they increased their associate degree graduation rate by 20% or more via reverse transfer with SHSU for multiple consecutive years even though only 7% or their students transfer to SHSU. Experience has shown reverse transfer degree rates between specific colleges and universities are sustainable. 3 Proposed State Wide Program for Seamless Integration of High Schools, Colleges, and Universities Based on Existing Sam Houston State University Programs Specifically Designed For Colleges to Increase Enrollment and Retention! Time Compressed Degree Plans provide for completing the high school diploma, associate, and bachelor degree in most fields in 6 years or less at up to 40% monetary savings while entering the work force 2 years earlier than traditional educational routes! The following suite of programs is available to any public school district via colleges with which their students transfer upon request. Reverse transfer is only a small portion of this more comprehensive approach to student success. In essence, this is a comprehensive P16 program designed to meet the needs of high school students seeking higher education. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Any College with Local School District with Sam Houston State University The following agreement between Any College and Sam Houston State University provides a framework to develop programs designed to enhance the educational experience of students attending both schools including but not limited to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Web Based Articulation Agreements Reverse Transfer Joint Admission Cooperative Advising Time Compressed Degree Plans This framework will be extended as required to include additional programs benefiting the students of our respective institutions. "Online Articulation" is designed to maximize the amount of course work completed for the associate degree applicable to the baccalaureate degree for over 50 undergraduate majors at Sam Houston State University while transferring up to 66 hours. Articulation information is accessible by students, parents, and counselors from 4 both institutions home pages via the World Wide Web , select your preferred college). (currently at “Reverse Transfer” allows students to transfer course work from Sam Houston State University back to Any College to complete requirements for the associate degree. This program is specifically designed to allow students to receive the advantages pursuant to completion of the associate degree when they leave the Any College prior to degree completion. State law currently provides a student core complete at any accredited public college is core complete at SHSU. Any student core complete at SHSU becomes core complete at any college. This law has the potential to save students time and money by allowing students to complete courses at both institutions without taking courses at either institution which may transfer to the other institution but may not count towards degree requirements. “Joint Admission” provides students a mechanism to maximize utilization of facilities and programs offered jointly by Any College and Sam Houston State University. Programs in Joint Admission include: 1) The ability to attend both schools simultaneously or alternately, 2) SHSU ID, 3) SHSU computer/internet account, 4) Library access, 5) Access to sporting events, 6) Free electronic transfer transcript evaluation, 7) Student access to their transcript online with degree plan generation software prior to actually enrolling at Sam Houston State University. After acceptance under joint admission, the applicants must continually meet all admission requirements for both institutions to retain their eligibility to participate in the program. Students accepted under joint admission may simply transfer, alternate enrollment between institutions, or co-enroll at their discretion. “Cooperative Advising” allows qualifying college counselors the ability to access transfer transcripts and degree plan generation software via the web to advise students in transfer programs. A Traveling Advisor Program is also available where SHSU advisors visit students at their colleges. “Time Compressed Degree Programs” provides the potential for students to simultaneously complete the high school diploma and associate degree in 4 years at Any College, the baccalaureate degree in 2 additional years at Sam Houston State University, and master’s degree in 1 additional year (many fields) for a total of 7 years. High school students (including those enrolled in early college and dual credit programs) may attain a university transcript via Any College using the Joint Admissions program. Online Articulation, Reverse Transfer, Joint Admissions, and Cooperative Advising programs support Time Compressed Degree Plans. 5 Cooperative Opportunities: 1) All colleges must be able to send and receive transcripts electronically with other colleges, universities, and public school systems. 2) At present almost every college and many universities enters electronic transcripts in their internal transcript system by hand. The process is labor intensive, error prone, and expensive. Development of a state wide electronic solution for integrating electronic transcripts directly into major software products like Banner and PeopleSoft would be helpful. Colleges may be able to work with a dozen electronic transcripts but a few hundred or a thousand over whelm their system. 3) “Opt-In” as a policy on the Texas Common Application for reverse transfer is not currently serving the needs of students or the state. 4) Reverse transfer contact list for all colleges wishing to participate in reverse transfer would be exceptionally helpful to universities. 5) Provide universities timely and exact feedback on associate degree/certificate award rate. 6) By nature, college registrars are busy people often wearing more than one hat. Reverse transfer degrees will not be awarded unless they are made a priority by a higher office. Electronic copies of this material may be obtained by contacting: David Burris, Ph.D., CCP, CSP SHSU Articulation Coordinator Office: (936) 294-1568 Fax: (936) 294-4312 or 6 Appendix A: Sample Reverse Transfer Email. SHSU tailors this email to meet the specifications of each college district. Hello Bearkat! Our records show you have transferred to SHSU prior to completing the associate degree. Many SHSU students complete the associate degree while simultaneously meeting baccalaureate degree requirements. “Reverse transfer” is particularly appropriate when it is inconvenient or impossible to complete more college courses. In some cases, reverse transfer may help you complete both the associate and baccalaureate degrees while minimizing total course work. Reverse Transfer works similar to dual credit when you were in high school. Essentially academic credits for course work completed at SHSU are transfer back to the college/college district to satisfy associate degree requirements. Course work you complete at SHSU is applied to both the associate and baccalaureate degrees. There is no loss of course credits in reverse transfer. Credits are applied to both degrees. The general requirements to participate and complete a degree via reverse transfer from colleges in the San Jacinto College are: 1) Core complete at either Sam Houston State University or San Jacinto College. In Texas, core complete at any state institution means you are core complete at all state institutions. 2) You must have a minimum of 24 hours of transferable course work from San Jacinto College meeting their minimum GPA requirements for graduation. 3) The total of your San Jacinto College transfer credits plus credits at Sam Houston State University must meet or exceed 62 hours. 4) Credits accumulated at Sam Houston State University must meet associate degree requirements at the college for hours above the college core requirement as determined by the college. Sam Houston State University will monitor your academic progress including total transfer hours and total combined transfer plus Sam Houston State University hours. When we anticipate you meet the requirements for the associate degree from the transfer institution, you will be contacted with instructions on how to apply for the associate degree. You are free to accumulate additional credits towards graduation applicable to your chosen major at SHSU from the college at any time as long as you do not exceed SHSU limitations for transfer students. As a Bearkat, we look forward to helping you reach all desired academic milestones. 7 Additional information with respect to “Reverse Transfer Degrees” may be obtained from your college Registrar’s Office. The college Registrar can also address any special considerations specific to your situation. A complete list of transfer college articulation pages is located at The articulation pages show available transfer credit for over 50 majors at SHSU with up to 66 hours of transfer credit. The articulation pages also contain a link to your transfer college’s home page which includes contact information for the college Registrar. Sam Houston State University / A Member of The Texas State University System File: TCCIAJune2013 8