Model Scholarship Program - Mankato

Model Scholarship Program
A scholarship programming resource manual for fraternities and sororities.
Minnesota State University, Mankato Panhellenic Council
Minnesota State University, Mankato Interfraternity Council
Spring 2015
This model program is meant to be a resource for chapters looking to
update their scholarship plans or looking for new ideas. This is a model and is
meant to be taken and adapted to each chapter’s specific needs.
Table of Contents
Scholarship Chair and Committee
Responsibilities of the Scholarship Chair
Responsibilities of the Scholarship Committee
Key Components
page 3
GPA Requirements
Goal Setting
Study Hours
Motivation and Events
page 6
“A” and “No Skip” Jars
Scholar of the Month/Semester
Personal Recognition
Chapter Spotlights
New Member Scholarship
page 7
Educational Program
Active/New Member Study Program
Study Hours
Appendix I: Scholarship Program Evaluation
Appendix II: Scholarship Goal Setting Plan
Appendix III: Midterm Grades Check Form
Appendix IV: Campus Resources
Scholarship Chair and Committee
page 4
Scholarship Folder
Educational Programs
Member Collaboration
Scholarship Banquet
page 3
Responsibilities of the Scholarship Chair
Evaluate the existing scholarship program (Appendix I)
page 8
page 10
page 11
page 12
Set individual academic goals with each member using a Scholarship
Goal Setting Plan (Appendix II)
Collect midterm grade reports from each member (Appendix III)
Manage chapter study hours
Host educational events for the chapter
Set chapter academic goals with the chapter members each
Chapter wide GPA goal
Certain percent of members achieve their scholarship goals for
the semester
Certain percent of members attend an educational program
Assemble a scholarship committee
Responsibilities of the Scholarship Committee
Help plan educational events
Proctor and record study hours
Support the scholarship chair
Set good examples for the chapter
Key Components
Scholarship programs vary from chapter to chapter and campus to
campus: however, there are essential elements every fraternity and sorority
chapter need to have in order to emphasize academics. By having the
following necessities, a scholarship program can be structured. The following
ideas are just basic elements that will help begin to form a strong base for a
chapter scholarship program.
GPA Requirements
All chapters have GPA requirements for membership. GPA requirements to
hold an officer board position. It is important that officers are above average
in academics so that members of the chapter are motivated to do well.
Goal Setting
The Scholarship Chair should set grade and GPA goals with each member at
the beginning of the semester. The scholarship chair is responsible for helping
the members achieve their goals. The scholarship chair should check in with
members on their midterm grades and after they receive their final grades.
Final grade check can take place when the plan for the new semester is being
set. A Scholarship Goal Setting Plan example is located in Appendix I.
Study Hours
Each chapter should have a system that encourages members to spend time
on their studies. Proctored study hours should be one option for earning study
hours, along with group project work and going to professor office hours.
Study hours are typically based on GPA from the previous semester.
3.5 and higher
2.49- and lower
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
Motivation and Events
Scholarship Folder
Start a Scholarship folder of Google Drive or OrgSync to share with chapter.
This folder should hold all the forms and resources the members need relating
to academics. Keeping everything in one place will help to avoid confusion for
members and will help the Scholarship Chair stay organized.
Midterm Grades Check Form (Appendix III)
Class and Professor reviews
Chapter Academic Inventory with majors, minors, and areas of expertise
Study Table Proctor Schedule
Campus Resources (Appendix IV)
Educational Programs
Educational programs are a great way to focus on academics and career
development. Many programs can be found online or on
national/international organizations’ member resources websites. Some
examples include:
Study Habits
Time Management
Resumes and Cover Letters
Listening and Note Taking
Member Collaboration
Host a class scheduling event where members can plan their schedules
together before registration.
Encourage members to utilize the Chapter Academic Inventory to find
help from other members.
Scholarship Banquet
The purpose of a scholarship banquet is to recognize all members who have
excelled academically. Scholastic achievement awards should be given out at
the banquet. Prominent members of the faculty, such as the Dean, President,
department chairs and professors should be invited. Invite member’s parents.
Members from the international/national headquarters (such as regional
advisors, graduate boards, etc.) should also be invited.
“A” and “No Skip” Jars
Pass jars around at your weekly meeting for members to put their names into.
One jar for receiving an “A” on a paper or exam, and the other jar for attending
every class they had. At the end of each month, the Scholarship Chair should
draw a name out of each bucket. The person drawn out of each bucket should
receive a small prize, such as a gift card or baked goods.
Scholar of the Month/Semester
Each month or semester (depending on funds), the Scholarship Chair and
Committee should choose a member o f the chapter who has excelled or
improved significantly in academics. This individual should receive a more
substantial prize. A post on the chapter’s social media pages recognizing that
member is also a great addition.
Personal Recognition
Scholarship Chairs don’t always have to spend money in order to reward
members for excelling in academics. Writing personalized notes or letters to
your members when I they do well or when they need some motivation can be
very meaningful. Make sure to add something personalized, rather than a
generic phrase.
Chapter Spotlights
The Vice Presidents of Public Relations and Marketing for PHC and IFC can
help you recognize your members by including accomplishments in the Greek
Life newsletter. Send them information about members who are presenting at
conferences, got internships, were accepted into graduate school, and other
accomplishments related to academics or careers.
New Member Scholarship
Special attention should be paid to new members because many of them
will be freshman and new to the demands of college academics. It is important
to foster an appreciation for academic excellence in your new members
because they are the future of your chapters and your Panhellenic community.
We want new members to excel and persist in college to graduation.
Educational Program
Host an educational program specifically for new members to focus on
scholarship. Discuss the importance of education to your organization’s
Founders. Make sure they are aware of the chapter expectations and
requirements regarding GPA, study hours, etc.. Include information about the
chapter’s scholarship program.
Active/New Member Study Program
Pair each new members with an active member as a study partner and
mentor. Preferably, the two individuals should have the same major, minor, or
be in the same class. This active member will serve as an academic role model
and a friend in addition to their Big/Dad/Mom. This relationship will also help
the new member form good study habits.
Study Hours
It is recommended that each new member be required to log one study hour
per week so that they can be transitioned into the expectations of an active
member. Make sure to explain the study program clearly because this will be a
new concept for most new members.
Appendix I: Scholarship Program Evaluation
Scholarship Program Evaluation
MNSU Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils 2015
1. Is the importance of academics emphasized to new members?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
2. Is there a reinforcement of academic achievement throughout the term?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
3. Does your chapter have written academic goals?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
4. Does each member set academic goals and turn them in to the
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
scholarship officer?
5. Are they reviewed periodically throughout the term?
6. Is the scholarship officer a respected leadership position?
7. Are study hours recorded?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
8. Does your host at least one academic or educational workshop each year? ⇫ Yes ⇫ No
9. Do you have a system of recognizing/rewarding those who do well in
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
your chapter?
10. Do you have a system of feedback and support for those who are below ⇫ Yes ⇫ No academic
11. Is there any sort of competition? Are the awards/recognitions valued?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
12. Are grades checked as part of the recruitment process?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
13. Are faculty relationships cultivated?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
14. Is there an event to recognize academic achievement?
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
15. Is there little to no programming during the weeks of midterms and
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
just before final exams?
16. Do members talk about their classes/professors with one another?
17. Do you know about the honor societies on your campus? Are the
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
application deadlines and qualifications announced?
18. Do you promote membership in special interfraternal honor
⇫ Yes ⇫ No
societies such as Order of Omega and Gamma Sigma Alpha?
How did you score?
Count how many Yes responses you gave to the questions. See below for an explanation of what
your score means.
0-6: Select ways to improve your programming by reviewing your responses. Start with easy steps.
7-10: You are on the way to better academic achievement. Review the areas where you did not
answer Yes, and add the ones that are relevant to your chapter.
11-14: You have a strong academic program, but think through what could make it better and add
those ideas/events.
15-18: Congratulations! Your group is covering the bases and should have strong academic
*Modified from the National Panhellenic Conference Resource for Academic Excellence
Appendix II: Scholarship Goal Setting Plan
Scholarship Goal Setting Plan
GPA Goal for this Semester:
Grade Goal
Midterm Grade
Final GPA:
Final Grade
In order to achieve my goals, I will:
I am aware of the chapter expectations for good academic standing and will do my best to achieve
academic excellence this term.
Member Signature_______________________________________ Date__________________
Scholarship Chair Signature_______________________________ Date__________________
Midterm Grades Check Date____________
Final Grades Check Date_______________
Appendix III: Midterm Grades Check Form
Midterm Grade Check Form
Course Name
Due Date:
Appendix IV: Campus Resources
Campus Resources
Accessibility Resources
Location: Memorial Library 132
Phone: 507-389-2825
○ Physical Accommodations
○ Academic Accommodations
○ Housing Accommodations
Career Development Center
Location: 209 Wigley Administration Center
Phone: 507-381-6061
Scheduling: log on to
Services: Individual appointments for
○ MavJobs
○ Choosing or Changing Majors and/or Career Paths
○ Career Assessment Interpretation
○ Internships/Co-ops
○ Job Search
○ Graduate School Planning
○ Resume/Cover Letter Assistance
○ Practice Interview/Interview Prep
QuickStop hours 11am-2pm Monday-Friday
Center for Academic Success
Mathematics & Science Center
Location: Memorial Library 125
Writing Center & Modern Languages
Location: Memorial Library 116
Counseling Center
Location: Centennial Student Union 285
Phone: 507- 389-1455
After Hours Emergency: 507-625-9034
*MNSU students get 10 free sessions each year
Compiled by:
Kammie Beyer
Vice President of Member Education & Development
Spring 2015
National Panhellenic Conference
University of California, Los Angeles
Western Illinois University