African American Leader Research Essay Title: African American Leader Research Essay Author: Sarah White Grade Level: 9–12 Subject/Content: Social Studies (U.S. History, African American History) Summary of Lesson Students will compose a research essay on one African American leader. Focus Question What impact did this person have on African Americans and American society as a whole? Databases(s): Biography in Context Procedures: Steps/Activities by the teacher: Ask students to think of African American leaders who have had an impact on African Americans and American society. These subjects may be leaders in the civil rights movement or leaders in government, business, religion, or other fields. Students should select a leader they are interested in learning more about. Be sure to approve all subjects before allowing students to start their research. Pass out copies of the research essay guidelines [link]. Students should use this to help them formulate research questions and plan their outlines for their essays. Allow students time to access the Biography in Context database to find sources for their essays. Students should try to incorporate both primary and secondary sources in their research essays. Remind students to follow all class expectations for note taking, source citation, and essay format. Provide students time to write drafts of their essays. In small groups, have students peer edit each other's essays. Allow students time to finalize their essays before handing them in. Steps/Activities by student(s): Think of an African American leader who interests you. Select an African American leader to research and write an essay on. Before you start your research, formulate a list of questions about your subject. Think about how your subject was influenced by the time and culture in which he or she lived and how this person helped shape society as we know it today. Use the research essay guidelines sheet provided by your teacher to help you as you search for information on your subject and develop your essay. Be sure to follow all class expectations for note taking, source citation, and essay format. Access the Biography in Context database to locate information on your subject. Try to find primary and secondary resources to use in your research. Develop an outline for your essay and write a draft. When your draft is complete, meet with other students and peer edit each other's essays. Make the final edits to your essay and cite your sources before handing in the finished product to your teacher. Outcome: Students will compile an in-depth research essay evaluating the impact of one African American leader. Related Activities: This activity can be easily integrated with the activities suggested. English Students may prepare brief class presentations that summarize the impact of the leader they researched. Learning Expectation: Students will use their research skills to locate appropriate sources to help them compose a thorough essay on an African American leader. National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies High School I. Culture Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of culture and cultural diversity. Learners will be able to: A. Ask questions related to culture and find, select, organize, and interpret data from research to address research questions. II. Time, Continuity, and Change Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of the past and its legacy. Learners will be able to: A. Formulate research questions to investigate topics in history, identify possible answers, and use historical methods of inquiry and literacy skills to select, organize, analyze, synthesize, and interpret sources, and present findings. C. Evaluate the impact of institutions, values, and beliefs of people in the past on important historical decisions and developments, and compare different interpretations of the causes and consequences of these decisions and developments. Standard Source: NCSS 2010 History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects: Grades 11–12 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, and in words) to address a question or solve a problem. Standard Source: NGA Center and CCSSO, 2010 ISTE NETS for Students 3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: B. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. C. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. D. process data and report results. Standard Source: ISTE NETS for Students, 2007 Information Power; Information Literacy Standards: Standard 1: The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively. Standard 2: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively. Standard Source: American Library Association, 1998 African American Leader Research Essay Guidelines Your Task You will write a research essay that evaluates the impact of one African American leader in U.S. history using the Biography in Context database. As you write your essay, please follow all class expectations for note taking, source citation, and essay format. The Research Process Before starting your research, formulate questions to investigate the life of your subject. Think about how culture has influenced the life of your subject and the decisions he or she made. Try to use both primary and secondary sources in your research. Carefully note all sources you use during your research. This will make it easy to cite your sources later on. The Essay Format Paragraph 1 The introduction should serve as an overview of your subject. This paragraph should include your thesis statement, which should describe why your subject is a significant figure in African American history. Paragraph 2 The second paragraph should provide a brief overview of the person's life and history. Paragraphs 3–5 Each paragraph will detail one contribution your subject has made to society or an important event in that person's life. Within these paragraphs, you should show readers why your subject is an important figure in African American history. Paragraph 6 Your thesis statement should be restated in your closing paragraph. Think of this paragraph as a way to tie everything together. Explain why this figure will be remembered for his or her contributions to society for many years to come.