Advanced Placement English Language and Composition 2 Spring Semester, 2015-2016 Tentative Schedule for Course CLASS WEEK LANGUAGE COMPOSITION Week 1: January 6-8, 2016 Lapham on Essay Writing; Everything’s an Argument, 38-94, 131-207Analysis of Rhetoric in Editorials Everything’s an Argument, 208-248 50 Essays: focus on Education Everything’s an Argument, 901-969 Multiple Choice and Essay Test Rhetoric: Aristotle, Rogers, Toulmin Everything’s an Argument, 373-414 Dubrava’s Essay; Manifestoes This I Believe essay: mimic Thoreau for clarity in communicating a belief system Essay on Education Syntax Exercise Education Narrative; Rose and Sedaris essays SAT Vocabulary groups Planning Essays: Strategies and Devices Claims and Prompts; Swift’s “Proposal” Educational Reform Proposal Narrative essay on American song lyrics Essay using Logical Fallacies Intellectual Property draft and revision Mimic Ericsson’s “The Ways We Lie” Week 2: January 11-15 Week 3: January 19-22 Week 4: January 25-29 Week 5: February 1-5 Week 6: February 8-12 Week 7: February 16-19 Weeks 8-9: February 22-March 4 Week 10: March 7-11 Week 11: March 14-18 50 Essays: focus on History and Politics Everything’s an Argument, 970-1039 Rhetoric: Logical Fallacies Everything’s an Argument, 515-548 Multiple Choice and Essay Test Review of Essay Development Techniques Everything’s an Argument, 441-465, 599-650 Rhetoric: Visual Arguments Everything’s an Argument, 719-848 Rhetoric: Word Choice and Tone Native Son by Richard Wright, Book One “Fear”; or Intruder in the Dust by William Faulkner, chapters 1-4 American Identity in History Week 12: March 21-25 Everything’s an Argument, 849-900 Multiple Choice and Essay Test Week 13: April 4-8 Native Son, Book Two “Flight”; or Intruder, chapters 5-8 50 Essays: focus on Work and Class Native Son, Book Three “Fate”; or Intruder, chapters 9-11 AP Post-test Rhetoric: Author’s Voice 50 Essays: focus on Argument Rhetoric: Words Used to Describe Language Everything’s an Argument, 777-848 Wilson’s Biophilia; Steinbeck’s Sea of Cortez, Jackson, McKibben, Gould Science and Art Integration Week 14: April 12-15 Week 15: April 18-22 Weeks 16-17: April 25-May 6 Weeks 18-20: May 9-27 Week 21: May 31June 3 Movie Review using narrative and definition; Paul Ford essay Essay on American Citizen Responsibilities – essays by Vowell, Eighner, Ehrenreich, Sanders, Mairs American Citizen Responsibilities - Style Revision Peer Review of American Citizen Responsibilities Essay Creative narrative on Immigration: What Is The What? excerpt Timed Synthesis Argument Essays Research ideas and prompts on Language, Racism, and Existentialism in novels Essay Planning on Race and Class Hurston and King essays Rough thesis for research paper Three articles of research due Research Paper Draft due Literary Terms Review Workshop Research Paper Postscript to Literacy Autobiography AP Exam Research Paper Final due Class Debriefing Essay on Environment Community and Climate Change: Final The scope and sequence of some of the included topics may be expanded, reduced or shifted to accommodate class needs.