Guidelines - Critique 2013

Critique 2013 Conference Proceedings
26 – 29 November 2013
Adelaide, South Australia
Your Paper Title
Author’s First Name LAST NAME, Second Author’s Name LAST NAME,
and Third Author’s First Name LAST NAME
Insert your abstract into this section. Your full paper will be published in a digital
proceedings but it is our aim to produce a book of printed abstracts. Each abstract will
be allocated a single page and appear as it does here. It should contain your paper’s title,
author name(s), an abstract of no more than 300 words, and a set of no more than 5
keywords that adequately represent the main themes of your paper.
This guide provides detailed instruction for how to format your paper so that the final
production will be as seamless as possible. As we will be producing the book of abstracts
and digital proceedings using standard page layout software we ask that all authors use
the Style Sheet formatting within this document. With the exception of the final layout of
your images/figures your final paper will appear as it does here. We kindly ask that you
read this document carefully and follow the instructions provided. You can format your
paper entirely within this document or simply paste your paper into this template. If you
choose to paste into this document please ensure that you use its styles in re-formatting
your text. If your paper does not strictly adhere to the formatting guidelines you may be
required to rectify any inconsistencies before your paper is published.
Keywords: Paper format Instruction; Use of template
This template has been created to support you in formatting your full paper for
submission to Critique 2013. Should your full paper be accepted this template reflects
how it will appear when published in the conference proceedings.
All papers should be submitted electronically using the OCPMS system by selecting
Upload Documents from the left-hand-side menu tab after logging into Critique 2013.
Please use only Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) for your text submission. They
should be between 4000 and 6000 words including notes and bibliographic
references. Please also include a short biography of no more than 100 words for each
author indicating your area/s of creative practice and/or research, in addition to and
any institutional/organizational affiliation/s.
All papers submitted to Critique 2013 will be blind peer-reviewed by at least two
members of our external advisory committee and invited, appropriately qualified,
peer reviewers. You will receive comments from each reviewer and, should your
paper be accepted for publication, you will be required to respond to peer review
The conference proceedings will be produced in electronic format and will be
provided to attendees on a thumb drive at the conference along with a book of printed
abstracts. Selected authors will be invited to submit extended papers to be included as
extended journal articles in two special edition journals and as chapters in a book
publication after the conference in 2014/15.
We aim to produce a conference proceedings that is professional in appearance and
consistent across all papers. To ensure this, the conference organisers will complete
the final formatting of your paper using standard page layout software. However, you
must supply your final paper properly formatted as instructed in this guide. If your
paper does not adhere to the template or use the supplied styles you may be asked to
reformat your paper and resubmit or it may be excluded from publication.
Please read this guide carefully and take care when formatting your paper.
Using this Template
This template has been formatted using the required styles and is an example of how
your final paper will look. As outlined previously, you can simply paste or type your
text into this provided template, however do not change any of the formatting
settings; such as paper size, orientation, margins, typography, etc. and use the
predefined style sheets provided in this document. If you are not using Microsoft
Word the details for each style have been outlined in this document for you to create
in the word processor of your choice. Please carefully read the instructions for each
Paper Layout and Styles
The page size is A4 (210 x 297mm), first page’s margin (abstract) is: top 20mm,
bottom 20mm, right 30mm, left 50mm. Note that the line spacing is 13pt throughout
the document.
Style sheets
The styles provided in this template are in a hierarchal order. Additional instruction
related to referencing, figures, and tables appear after the style descriptions. An
asterisk (*) has been used to label the styles appearing in the style menu that have
been developed for use in this template. The fonts specified are Candara for headings,
footnotes, and captions, and Cambria for the main body of the text. These are standard
Microsoft fonts and should be included with your version of Word. If you do not have
these fonts please continue to use the style sheets as requested and your fonts wills be
corrected by the conference organisers during the final formatting phase.
Paper title
Use style named ‘*Critique–title’ = Candara, Bold, 16pt, Left aligned, space before
paragraph: 26pt, after: 13pt.
Heading level 1
Use style named ‘*Critique–heading level 1’ = Candara, Bold, 12pt, Left aligned, space
before paragraph: 13pt, after: 6.5pt.
Heading level 2
Use style named ‘*Critique–heading level 2’ = Candara, Regular, 12pt, Left aligned,
space before paragraph: 13pt, after: 6.5pt.
Heading level 3
Use style named ‘*Critique–heading level 3’ = Candara, Italic, 10pt, Left aligned, space
before paragraph: 13pt, after: 6.5pt.
Body text
The main body of your paper should appear in the ‘body text’ style.
Use style named ‘*Critique–body text’ = Cambria, Regular, 10pt, Left aligned, space
before paragraph: 0pt, after: 6.5pt.
Author name(s)
Include the given and surnames of the author(s) of the paper as you would like them
to appear. Do not include any affiliations here; you will have the opportunity to
include a short biography for each author at the end of the paper.
Use style named ‘*Critique–author names’ = Cambria, Regular, 12pt, Left aligned,
space before paragraph: 0pt, Space after: 13pt
The abstract should appear on the first page of this document.
Use style named ‘*Critique–Abstract’ = Cambria, Italic, 10pt, Left Aligned, space before
paragraph: 0pt, after: 7pt, Line spacing: exactly 13pt.
Include between 3 and 5 keywords that adequately represent the main themes in your
paper. These should appear on the first page directly after your abstract.
Use style named ‘*Critique–keywords’ = Cambria, 10pt, Bold Italic, Aligned left, space
before paragraph: 6.5pt, after: 6.5pt.
All images must have a caption. They must be placed under images and should be
numbered sequentially. Be sure to include source information as necessary. See
example below under the heading ‘Pictures’.
Use style named ‘*Critique–Caption’ = Candara, Bold, 10pt, Centered, space before
paragraph: 13pt, after: 6.5pt.
Bulleted lists
For bulleted lists please use only simple circular bullets. Bullets should be intended at
steps of 0.63cm.
Use style named ‘*Critique–bulleted list’ = Cambria, 10pt, Regular, Align left, space
before paragraph: 0pt, Space after: 0pt.
Bulleted List Level 1 item one
Bulleted List Level 1 item two
 Bulleted List Level 2 item one
 Bulleted List Level 2 item two
Referencing and footnotes
References should be acknowledged using the Chicago Manual of Style Guide. Please
use the ‘insert footnote’ function in Microsoft Word. The first time a reference appears
in your paper the full bibliographic content should 1 be included in the footnote. Every
time thereafter the short version2 should be used. Chicago 16A is a note-bibliography
citation style which includes the full bibliographic citation in the footnotes. As such,
there is no need for you to include a list of references/bibliography at the end of your
Use the style named ‘*Critique–footnote’ = Candara, Regular, 8 pt, Left Aligned, space
before paragraph: 0pt, after: 0pt.
Pictures and figures
All pictures, figures, and tables will be inserted into your paper during the final
formatting stage. Please provide all images as .jpg, .eps, or .tif files along with the
electronic version of your paper. Since the proceedings are going to be distributed
electronically you are welcome to use color pictures. However, ensure that all images
are provided at the correct size and appropriate resolution (at least 150dpi at your
intended size).
Indicate where you would like each image placed in your Microsoft Word document
by using the following style. Include the figure / table title as well as the caption and,
where necessary, referencing information.
1 Chris Brisbin and Myra Thiessen, “Style Guide for Critique 2013 Conference Proceedings” in Critique 2012
Conference Proceedings, Adelaide, South Australia, 26 – 29 November 2013, 1–5.
2 Brisbin and Thiessen, “Style Guide”, 1–5.
[insert figure / table xx: Include title and caption here.]
Label each image/figure sequentially and label each table sequentially. Name your
images files with the corresponding figure number and be sure that the in text labels
correspond to the correct image file.
Use the style ‘*Critique–insert figure’ = Candara, 10pt, Bold, Align left, space before
paragraph: 13pt, after: 13pt, Colour: Red.
Tables should be formatted as per the following example. Header rows on the table
should appear in black with any text in white. All subsequent rows should alternate
from white to a 15% tint of black. Add columns and rows as needed.
All tables should be labeled in sequential order with the title placed above. For the
title use style named ‘*Critique–table title’ = Candara, Bold, 10pt, Aligned left, space
before paragraph: 13pt, after: 6.5pt.
For the table content use style named ‘Critique–table’ = Candara, Regular, 8pt, Aligned
left, Centre text in each cell vertically, space before paragraph: 0pt, after: 0pt.
Table xx: Example of table formatting
Headers and Page Numbers
Please do not add or change the content in the Headers and Footers of this template.
The editors will update the pagination accordingly once the proceedings has been