Sport Psychology Mind over Matter The Process Workshop Applied Practice Consultation Performance Profile Psychological Mapping Game and Training Situations One to One Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Handbook Mental Toughness Handbook Game, Training, Education and Personal Situations Game and Training Situations One to One and in Groups Sport Psychologists Handbook Individual Mental Skills Presentations Game and Training Situations One to One and in Groups Mental Toughness Mental Skills Assessment Guide One to One and in Groups This will be a four week rolling process; a fifth week will be given over to evaluation and reflection. The process will support all teams through theory, practical and competition. Assessment and Testing of Participants Research Roles of a Design and Delivery of Training Courses Sport Psychologist Group Work One to one Coaching The above model identifies the roles of a Sport Psychologist. Each role will evolve throughout the intervention period. The 6 stage approach - Sport Psychologist and Performer STAGE 1 - Establish contact and negotiate service delivery STAGE 2 - Build rapport with performer STAGE 3 - Develop a profile of the performer STAGE 4 - Develop individual MTP based on demand STAGE 5 - Evaluate and monitor STAGE 6 - Reassessment These stages are designed to support performers throughout the use of each workshop. Model of Learning Education Performance Enhancement Application The model of learning will follow a pathway that provides a value of education and performance enhancement through application. Week Content Aims and Objectives Purpose 1 Performance Profile 2 Emotional Intelligence Set out purpose of a performance profile Introduce the construct of emotional intelligence 3 Mental Toughness How a performance profile WILL aid performance levels To directly link in how emotional intelligence can be useful in regulating and managing emotions Establish the required characteristics of mental toughness in sport and beyond Identify opportunities for performers to utilise mental skills that are useful for their sport To evaluate and purposefully reflect on the process and examine any modifications required Performers will identify smaller aspects of their psychological map to focus on To engineer practices that enable performers to empathise with other players and management 4 5 Develop the notion of what is required of a mentally tough performer Mental Skills Provide an overview of the range of mental skills available to performers Evaluation/Reflection Assess the impact of sport psychology 6 Performance Profile 7 Emotional Intelligence 8 Mental Toughness Breaking down the profile into short and sharp segments Empathy – its purpose and design in developing relationships Desire – how it fits into the performance model Links to Student within Academy and Academia Supports in the setting of goals which are useful for both sport and study Covers a cross over from sport, study and everyday life Make holistic links between performance both within sport and study Examine the use of mental skills in a range of different avenues Performers become independent thinkers and are provided opportunities to feedback to Sport Psychologist Allows for performers to develop practices that are useful in a multitude of scenario’s Empathy is useful in different walks of life and therefore will provide performers opportunities to utilise this holistically Identifying desire as a Desire is a process that could be utilised characteristic of mental toughness and overlaps with everyday life skills and why it is useful for training and including those in sport and study match situations 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mental Skills Goal setting – its importance in relation to performance enhancement Evaluation/Reflection Assess the impact of mental skills and its use within both training and match situations Performance Profile Focus on achieving a higher grade – based on initial performance profile Emotional Regulating emotions – how Intelligence the process of regulation can help to support and enhance performance levels Mental Toughness Adversity from setbacks – why having adversity can enhance future performance levels Mental Skills Imagery – the art of developing and creating images in support of performance Evaluation/Reflection Assess the impact of how the mental side of performance is instrumental to training and match situations Performance Profile Develop a process to use more than one skill in training and match situations To set SMARTER related targets for both individual and team performance To allow performers an opportunity to assess where they are at or wish to be in future To compare and contrast initial scores and assess where performers rate themselves currently To examine the process of regulating emotion through training and match situations The use of goal setting helps enhance performance levels for both sport and study Evaluation and reflection is a requirement for all performers in sport and assessment work The aspect of achieving higher is like progression and is something important to both sport and study Getting the feel of your own emotions and that of others can help one understand. It is therefore instrumental to everyday life scenario’s Allow opportunities to relate to Sport, study and everyday life situations previous experiences and reflect on provide performers with opportunities to processes to improve become more resilient in what they are attempting to achieve Through practical scenario’s Imagery can act as a useful tool in coping provide performers opportunities to with anxiety and stress. This skills is develop creation of positive images therefore useful to both sport and study Enable performer to better Allow performers to appreciate the understand how mental aspects of requirements of positive mental attitudes performance are vital and necessary for everyday life processes Integrate a range of skills in enhancing performance levels Integration is a useful skill that can support both sport and study scenario’s consistently 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Emotional Intelligence Managing emotions – how managing your own and others emotions can support performers Mental Toughness Attitude – why the correct attitude is a requirement to achieve successful outcomes Mental Skills Self-Talk – the process in which one can gain a mental edge Evaluation/Reflection Examine how development of a range of psychological skills can influence both performance and other areas within life situations Performance Profile Matching profiles with colleagues – to assess where we stand Emotional Social skills – engineering Intelligence group dynamics and making all feel as one Mental Toughness Resilience – to continue whatever the circumstances Mental Skills Relaxation training – using the process of keeping a balanced mind set for performance Through managing emotions performers can identify the importance of emotional strength/resilience Promote the use of positive mental attitudes within training and performance Go through aspects of self-talk and how it links with regulating emotion To make links between sport psychology and everyday psychology and examine how both link in relation to the sport psychology intervention Comparison with others is a useful way to better understand own and others The process of social skills and developing positive cohesion helps enhance performance levels Developing correct focus to promote resilience from within both training and performance Maintaining adequate relaxation is important for optimal performance levels Management of emotion is instrumental in everyday life scenario’s Through positive attitude performers can achieve success in both sport and study Self-talk is a skill that is useful in allowing performers an opportunity to achieve Supports performers in skills related to both sport and assessed work and provides opportunities for higher achievement/grades Comparing and contrasting is a skill that is important when processing in both sport and study Working together to achieve targets is useful for both sports teams, but also working as a team in academia Continuously training and participation requires resilience, but so does meeting deadlines for assessed work Balancing tasks is easier if the body is relaxed and focused in a range of situations 25 Evaluation/Reflection Assess how the practice of focus within sport can support coping with pressure Coping with pressure is important and dealing with these situations is required to succeed 26 Performance Profile Use this opportunity to assess how far performers have arrived on this sport psychology journey 27 28 29 30 Reflection on how the performance profile supported/enhanced performer(s) Emotional Reflection on how each Intelligence aspect of emotional intelligence supported performers in both sport and study Mental Toughness Reflection on how characteristics of mental toughness are instrumental for performance levels Mental Skills Reflection on why the use of mental skills should be a continuous process Evaluation/Reflection End of season report on how sport psychology has enhanced performance Both sport and study deal with pressurised situations and performers need to be able to handle these appropriately Performance profiling allows for targeting within both sport and study Use this opportunity to assess emotional intelligence levels and examine if they have improved Emotional intelligence is a construct that can be useful for all situations Use this opportunity to identify mental toughness in both training and performance Performers can utilise mental toughness practices within both sport and study Use this opportunity to examine how mental skills have contributed to performance levels Examine and assess implementation of programme and make modifications for future use Allow performers to discuss how mental skills have improved and enhanced performance levels Supports performers with everyday skills of thinking and developing