PSD World Languages UbD Unit Template Language Course Targeted Proficiency Level Thematic unit Unit length Teacher/School Learning Scenario Standards: Check as many as apply. Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Question Spanish Spanish 2 Novice-low to novice-intermediate Daily Routine 6 weeks Megan Folkerts/Ruben Enriquez/Paul Ashby - Fort Collins High School At the end of this unit learners can describe their daily routine, how it is different times of the week and year and what they did yesterday. Stage 1: Desired Results __X___1.1 Interpersonal communication __X___1.2 Interpretive communication __X__1.3 Presentational communication __X___2.1 Cultural practices and perspectives _____2.2 Cultural products and perspectives __X__3.1 Connections to other disciplines __X___3.2 Acquiring new information __X__4.1 Language comparisons __X___4.2 Cultural comparisons Understanding of the differing concept of reflexive verbs in Spanish. Understanding of routines among genders, ages, and cultures. What is my daily routine and how does it vary depending upon the time of day or year? Guiding Questions Functions What can learners do? Functions What is my morning routine? What is my evening routine? How is it different on the weekends? How is it different during vacation periods? What did I do yesterday? Knowledge What vocabulary, grammar and culture will learners need to demonstrate their knowledge? Vocabulary Grammar Culture Describe daily routines in sequential order Personal hygiene verbs Tell what time something occurs Expressions of time Seasons Ask and answer questions Question words Describe your routine on the weekend and vacation Describe what items are used to complete your routine Discuss likes and dislikes regarding routine and products Tell what your routine was like yesterday Personal hygiene verbs Reflexive verbs Bathroom vocab Interrogatives Question formation Preview to comparison words Reflexive verbs Bathroom & personal hygiene vocab. Verbs like gustar Indirect object pronouns Personal hygiene verbs Preterite tense Irregulars: ir/ser Access to running water in other countries What time school/work begins & ends in other countries Social register Listen to and watch others’ routines and describe in sequential order Personal hygiene & reflexive verbs Use the 3rd person to describe someone’s routine Reciprocal reflexives Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Summative Performance Assessments Listen to routines and put into sequential order Interpretive Interpersonal Speaking Interview with a partner - Ask/answer questions about someone else’s daily routine Presentational Present a powerpoint describing daily routine Formative Assessments Other Summative Assessments Vocabulary quiz Reflexive verb quiz Stage 3: Learning Activities Interpersonal Role play difference between reflexive vs. non-reflexive verbs Interpretive Watch commercial and respond to questions about the routine Presentational Present a daily routine in sequential order with actions to represent it Other Learning Activities Practice activities via online notebook Research routines of people in rural parts of Spanish-speaking countries and create a poster illustrating the differences Create a storyboard with pictures and sentences that describes routine Resources District Resources – Descubre 1 Unit 7 – daily routine Unit 5 – months & seasons; ordinal numbers Unit 1 – time Other Resources Youtube – Reflexive your verby video Learner Targets Interpretive Through listening and viewing, I can understand, sequence and respond to questions regarding the events of someone else’s routine. Interpersonal I can ask about and understand someone else’s routine. Presentational I can describe my daily routine as well as what I did yesterday.