Example of Good ROUGH Draft

Example of Good ROUGH Draft: This draft still needs to be
revised and edited, but it can serve as a good example for people
struggling where to start.
There are about six hundred and 10 thousand deaths every year in the United States from
heart diseases. Many people have seen Cardiologists or Cardiovascular Surgeons to recuperate
these diseases. My great-grandmother has had issues with her heart rate and blood pressure either
being too high or too low. She saw a Cardiologist and they gave her a Pace-Maker to regulate her
heart rate and blood pressure. The Pace-Maker now helps her heart rate and blood pressure to not
go below seventy beats per minute. Seeing a Cardiologist makes her feel alive and much better
than what she has felt. Cardiologists are important to anyone with any blood or heart issues or
complications. Cardiovascular Surgeons can succeed in the profession by saving lives, having a
phenomenal education, and succeeding in certain operations or surgeries.
Cardiovascular Surgeon is another name for a Heart Surgeon. These surgeons
can treat or repair any damage done to the thorax area of the body by operating on the heart and
blood vessels. They also operate on the body’s main blood supplier, the aorta. Cardiovascular
Surgeons will remain care for their patients even after exhausting operations. These surgeons go
through a lot of blood work, vessels, and heart operations to save lives. There are some
Cardiovascular Surgeons that make up to five-hundred thousand dollars a year. Cardiovascular
Surgeons have a challenging experience in their lives by working in the occupation.
Prior to becoming a Cardiovascular Surgeon you must have some educational
requirements. You will need to have a Premedical degree, and a Doctor of Medicine degree. You
will also need four years of Medical School, a five-year general surgery residency, and then a
two-year Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency. All doctors must have a license to become of what
occupation they desire. There is a lot of education and training required for becoming a
Cardiovascular Surgeon. These requirements will help any believer of becoming a
Cardiovascular Surgeon.
One important aspect of becoming a Cardiovascular Surgeon is the
advancement opportunities. There are surgeries and operation such as heart defect repair,
coronary artery bypass, heart valve replacement, heart transplantation, and transmyocardial laser
revascularization that Cardiovascular Surgeons can perform to increase the chances of getting a
higher rank or a promotion. They must succeed in these as well to get a pay raise in salary. Most
Cardiovascular Surgeons get around fifty-hundred thousand dollars a year in salary. The more
opportunities these surgeons have of high-risk or difficult operations they get will increase the
amount of having a higher position in the occupation. The increases will depend on mostly what
types of operations or performances they succeed in. These opportunities will boost the chances
of raising the higher position, salary, and higher rank.
“Dr. Mona G. Flores is the director of ventricular assist devices for the division
of Cardiothoracic Surgery at University of California, Davis, Medical Center in Sacramento,”
said by the Student Doctor Network website. Dr. Mona G. Flores says, “Actual hours worked are
between forty and eighty depending on the week.” This states that there are many hours worked
for most Cardiovascular Surgeons. She also states that her medical studies “are not as hard as
everyone makes them out to be.” According to Dr. Mona G. Flores, most Cardio surgeries are
always on call and operating on patients. “Catheter skills are a must for Cardiac Surgery,” says
Dr. Mona. She describes how there are many Cardiovascular Surgeons that do not spend a lot of
time with their families or other friends and relatives because of how much they work and that
these surgeons need to understand that they will have to make many sacrifices while in the
profession. She also describes how much the daily practice would improve the skills. Dr. Mona
G. Flores states many different descriptions of what the life of a Cardiovascular Surgeon is like.
I myself would qualify for this career in the future. I personally believe in
myself for the responsibilities for this occupation. The things I will need to qualify for the job
would be challenging but not impossible for me. I would need daily practice, hard-working
skills, mature responsibilities, and lots of education and medical school. Plus, I can take the
blood. I would also need to start studying as much as possible to qualify starting today. It will be
challenging, but I can accept the challenge of the qualities. These qualities will help understand
to get me to where I want to be standing in the future.