Fossils, Big and Small

Fossils, Big and Small
Read the article, "Fossils, Big and Small." When you are finished reading, answer the
questions below.
1. In your own words, summarize the article, "Fossils, Big and Small."
2. What is the main idea of this article?
3. Select the best answer for each of the following questions:
a) Give a synonym for the underlined word in the following sentence: This perfectly preserved
little creature represented an entire world.
- remembered
- symbolized
- fossilized
- expressed
b) Give a synonym for the underlined word in the following sentence: I became quite a good
amateur entomologist.
- beginner
- active
- animator
- professional
c) Why is an exclamation mark used at the end of the following sentence? Looking back, I
probably lost more money than I made!
- It makes the sentence more interesting.
- It turns the sentence into a question.
- It shows that the author is saying this sentence with excitement or emotion.
- It adds detail to the sentence.
d) Read the following sentence, and tell why the word "fossils" is written in italics. "Over the
years, I have provided many museums and universities with amber fossils. "
- The italics are probably just an error in the printing.
- The italics tell the reader to say the word with expression.
- The italics let the reader know that the word "fossils" is found in the glossary at the end
of the passage.
- The italics let the reader know that fossils are very special.
4. "Fossils, Big and Small" is a nonfiction article. List three characteristics that show that
this is a nonfiction article. For each characteristic, give an example from the article to
support your answer.
5. How do the illustrations in "Fossils, Big and Small" help you to understand the article?
6. From reading "Fossils, Big and Small," we get to know some things about the author. Name
three important characteristics of the author. Describe something the author says, thinks, or
does to show that she has each characteristic.
7. Use information from the article and your own ideas to describe some things scientists can
learn from studying fossils.
8. What do you think the author hopes that readers will do or think after reading this article?
Explain your thinking.