Our Focus Ministries to Bring About First Christian Church’s Vision Growing a Christ-centered and compassionate church, connecting all to the Love of God. In order to implement this vision and its focus ministries we must Determine what staff and resources are needed Create an effective organizational structure Update and repair the buildings and equipment and conduct a space utilization review Christ-Centered A focus on growing a Christ-centered church is about connecting to God and one another, offering the cup of salvation, nourishing a biblical faith, nurturing children, students and adults and growing an inspiring Intergenerational community. Spirituality Offer ways to deepen spirituality through worship, small group study, and spiritual practices relating to all of life. Create an annual focus on one aspect of spirituality for all ages and ministries to explore Emphasize quality traditional and contemporary worship and music and assess how many services are needed Lead a program such as Unbinding the Gospel that teaches how to share faith that honors Disciples traditions Provide a progressive voice in the community emphasizing our diversity and welcome of all to the table Nurture Reach young adults through programming and worship that meets the needs of both families and singles Grow a strong ministry for children and families. Explore how to build a stronger bond with the preschool Create ministries that meet the needs of both single and coupled parents Retain and strengthen the current excellent youth ministry Develop a ministry for college students, domestic and international, and career young adults Engage in intergenerational learning, worship, community building and mission Compassionate A focus on growing a compassionate church that emphasizes engaging in mission and creating caring ministries of hope that transform lives. Mission Emphasize hands on mission opportunities Place an emphasis upon hand-up ministries Assess the current helping hands program and make changes where needed Evaluate the church’s relationship to the Life center Create and sustain intergenerational mission and outreach ministries locally, regionally and internationally Focus on meeting neighborhood and community needs Develop partnerships with the Stillwater and OSU communities Care Establish a shepherding program such as a Stephen’s Ministry Expand pastoral care especially to seniors and families in need Connecting A focus on connecting all to the love of God that is inclusive and accepting of all, open and diverse that will nest an environment of welcoming hospitality that attracts people to the ministries of First Christian Church. Create a welcoming environment Develop ways to reach into the community to attract and retain people Connect with the many who use our building Create small groups for connecting and learning Create small groups for connecting and learning Goals to Implement Ministry Focuses Staff, Organizational Structure and Building, Equipment and Space Goals To be implemented prior to the calling of a new senior minister. They may or may not be completed by the arrival of this person but all will be at least in progress. Staff Needs 1. Hire a new senior minister a) The Official Board chair (hereafter known as the Board) will appoint a search committee b) The discovery team and the search committee will develop together what is needed in a senior pastor and develop a job description prior to beginning a search for a new pastor c) The search committee will conduct its search and report its selection to the Board for approval prior to the congregation extending a call to a new senior pastor 2. Evaluate what other professional and support staff and resources are needed to carry out the vision and work with the boards and committees to implement and hire. a. The discovery team shall be responsible for this evaluation b. Various options to hire and or shift staff will be explored c. The space utilization review may be helpful in determining some staff needs. Organizational Structure Create an effective organizational structure that enables ministry to happen a) The Board chair shall designate a task force to work with the coach to create a new effective structure b) This must include at least one member of the discovery team Building, Equipment and Space 1. An ad hoc committee will identify repairs and updating to the building and equipment are necessary in order to create a welcoming and functional environment and review how space can best be used for future growth. a) As members of this committee, the Trustee Chair and the Senior Pastor/Coach will appoint at least one member of the property committee and at least one member of the Discovery Team. b) A report will be made to the trustees and the board for possible ways to address these concerns. c) This committee must consult with the current staff and other leaders who regularly direct the use of space for programming. Ministry Goals These might not be started prior to calling a new senior pastor. As a new ministry team is formed, these goals willl be addressed and prioritized. Spirituality The pastor(s) and program staff will lead the congregation in programs to deepen spiritual growth and worship. Two areas that must stand out in this focus are delineated below. 1. The congregation shall participate in a program that instructs in how to share one’s faith and invite others into relationship with Christ. It is highly recommended that Unbinding the Gospel be the program used to do this. 2. The Senior Pastor with consultation with staff and lay leadership shall be responsible for selecting and implementing a specific spiritual focus for each of the next 3-5 years. Nurture The ministries of nurturing children, youth and adults will be developed dependent upon staff and volunteer availability. 1. College and career young adult ministry shall be further developed as a staff member is assigned this ministry. 2. A committee of 3-5 persons will work with the staff member in charge of children’s ministry to explore how to reach children and their families a) They will evaluate successful models of programing b) This shall include ways to involve parents in the process of faith development. c) Study how the congregation and the families of the preschool can be better connected. 3. Develop multiple ways of implementing intergenerational learning and ministry opportunities throughout the year. Mission The current mission and outreach practices will be evaluated. 1. The staff person assigned to mission and outreach with consultation with the senior minister will head a task force of 3-5 people who will evaluate these practices. They shall lay out a 3-5 year mission and outreach plan and report this to the Board. The following goal should be a part of this process but may be conducted separately. 2. Evaluate the church’s relationship to the Life center. a) The needs of each will be reported to the board b) Space utilization shall be a part of this as well as mission and ministry needs. Congregational Care The following goals will necessitate additional staff or lay volunteers for implementation. The senior pastor and associate, if we have one, will study the needs for pastoral care with input from the elders. 1. Expand pastoral and congregational care to include a shepherding program that expands the role of elders and trains others as lay ministers in congregational care. The Stephen’s Ministry or a similar model should be explored. 2. Explore the possibility of hiring a parish nurse to aid in pastoral care. Parish nurses can be a great ministry enhancement because of their training in both nursing and congregational care. Connecting The following are important goals that will help the congregation to develop ways to connect others in the community to the love of God and with this congregation and assist in retention of visitors. 1. Engage the congregation in practices of welcoming, radical hospitality and relational evangelism that connects people to God and the congregation. A study and sermon series could be a part of this process using the book Get Their Name. 2. Develop a process to welcome and integrate persons into the congregation in addition to the welcome center and pew pads. 3. Create small groups for learning and community building.