Disclaimer THIS LANGUAGE IS A DRAFT/PROPOSAL - submitted to SC by David Vess as a suggestion. Sources are previous office holders, LITA, and ACRL procedures. Proposed Evaluation Timeline Input is welcome from GLBTRT Membership and Steering Committee members. Use this document to make revisions/comments. (Turn on Review features in MS Word) All revisions/comments must be submitted by midnight 9 January 2011. Email Word documents with revisions/comments to David Vess by that time also) Revisions and comments will be shared with Steering Committee the following day. The language of these job descriptions will be voted on during GLBTRT Steering Committee Meetings I or II at 2012 Midwinter Meeting. Executive Board The GLBT Round Table is governed by an elected Executive Board. The board consists of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Round Table Councilor, and five Directors-at-Large. The Executive Board will: have general supervision of the affairs of the round table between membership meetings, however, no acts of the board will conflict with, or modify any actions taken by round table membership; review and approve an annual round table budget from the Treasurer; authorize round table projects, activities, and publications between membership meetings; make recommendations to round table membership; report board work to round table membership; and set annual or long-term goals for the round table with membership input. Chair The Chair is the leader of the GLBTRT Round Table and the Executive Board. The Chair serves a threeyear term: in the first year as Chair-Elect, in the second year as Chair, in the third year as Immediate PastChair. Duties include: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; preside over membership and executive board meetings; act as spokesperson for the round table in collaboration with ALA's Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) and other ALA entities when applicable; liaise with the Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS); and liaise with the Round Table Coordinating Assembly. No decision or instruction made by the Chair shall conflict with a decision or instruction made by the round table membership or the Executive Board. Chair Ex officio Appointments: By virtue of being the Chair, the officer serves several other appointments. Round Table Coordinating Assembly (with Chair-Elect) Chair-Elect The chair is the leader of the round table and the executive board. The chair serves a three-year term: in the first year as chair-elect, in the second year as chair, in the third year as immediate past-chair. The chair will: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; and appoint two round table members to serve staggered, two-year terms as representatives of the round table to the ALA Diversity Council. Chair-Elect Ex officio Appointments By virtue of being the Chair, the officer serves several other appointments. Round Table Coordinating Assembly (with Chair-Elect) Immediate Past-Chair The Chair is the leader of the GLBTRT Round Table and the Executive Board. The Chair serves a threeyear term: in the first year as Chair-Elect, in the second year as Chair, in the third year as Immediate PastChair. The Immediate Past-Chair will: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; coordinate the meeting schedule for Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings; To be determined To be determined Treasurer The Treasurer will: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; attend all executive board and membership meetings; produce an annual round table budget for review by the board two weeks before Annual Conference meetings; enforce a March 15th deadline for submitting all expenditures for Annual Conferences, including the Stonewall Celebration; sketch out the requirements for funding plans that should be submitted with special projects [dale, I think this was something I jotted down during one of our conversations about Treasurer duties, want to keep this and flesh this out more? not sure what this is.] collect round table expense reports/receipts; share Reimbursement Form (Word doc) with those incurring expenses for the round table; share expenses to ALA and the three chairs; assure that authorized expenses incurred by round table members, in connection with round table activities, are reimbursed through ALA Office of Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS); coordinate fund raising goals in pursuit of financial resources that will help to ensure the continuity of the round table and all of its activities; and managing relations with external organizations in efforts to produce funds to support the Stonewall Book Awards, other programs, and projects approved by the executive board and/or the membership at large. Treasurer - Additional Information: ALA’s fiscal year runs from September to August. [this right?] Every November ALA adopts a budget for the following fiscal year, that will begin in September. Treasurer Ex officio Appointments: By virtue of being the Treasurer, the officer serves several other appointments. Participatory rights of ex officio members to round table committees are not limited by their ex officio status. The Treasurer is a member of these committees. GLBTRT Fund Raising Committee GLBTRT Representative to the ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) GLBTRT Liaison to the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly GLBTRT Local Arrangements Ad hoc Committees Treasurer Documents: Reimbursement Form [Word doc: 44kb] Secretary The secretary serves a two-year term on the executive board. The secretary will: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; attend all executive board and membership meetings; prepare and distribute agendas for executive board and membership meetings to the round table; create and assure distribution of meeting attendance and minutes: o assure drafts of meeting minutes are available online no later than a month after a meeting; o share minutes with other individuals or organizations mentioned in minutes; o assure the vote for accepting previous meeting minutes is on agendas (i.e. Midwinter Meeting minutes should be on Annual Conference board meeting agendas and so forth); and maintain both the round table member and executive board email lists: o add and remove subscriptions to the executive board email list as terms begin and end; o respond to requests list subscribers; and o work with the Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) appointed email list co-owners. Round Table Councilor support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; Participation at Council o Proposing resolutions o Supporting/not supporting other resolutions Reporting to Executive Board o Communications o Attendance at meetings Reporting to membership meetings o Communications Directors-at-Large Directors-at-large serve on the round table executive board. Inaugural Year of Board For the inaugural year of the board, all five seats are on the 2012 ballot (bylaws implementation plan; bylaws). The three candidates winning the highest number of votes will serve two-year terms. Those candidates getting fewer votes will serve one-year terms. The result will be staggered terms for directorsat-large in the future. Beginning in the 2013 election, all directors-at-large will serve two-year terms. Directors-at-large will serve on the round table executive board. The Directors-at-large will: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; attend all executive board and membership meetings; serve as ex officio member of two round table committees in the name of the board. Duties will include: o attend committee meetings when possible; o exchange information with chairs and members when attendance is not possible; o exchange information with the committee chair and members throughout the year; o participate in committee deliberations via email and other channels; o o relay information between the board and assigned committees; and provide advice or assistance as needed. ALA Board Liaison The ALA Board Liaison is an Ex officio member of the board, that is a member by right of position, but without a vote. Committee Chairs (chairs are not on Executive Board, included here because their roles should be defined) Chair of round table committees are responsible for: support the mission of the executive board as listed in the “Executive Board” Section of this document; attending all executive board and membership meetings; maintaining contact with members who have expressed an interest in serving on a committee; actively recruiting members for their committee; mentoring an "apprentice" from within the committee who will be recommended to the ChairElect as a the future committee chair; keeping the executive board informed of committee plans, needs, activities, and issues between Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings; reporting committee activities to the executive board and membership meetings; submitting budget requests to the Treasurer before the beginning of Executive Board II meeting during Midwinter Meetings; submitting expense reports, receipts, and refund requests to the Treasurer in a timely manner; submitting progress reports and committee announcements to the Newsletter Editor according to the publishing schedule; submitting publicity and website content and information to the Newsletter Editor and/or the Website Committee as appropriate; and maintaining that committee's portion of the GLBT Round Table Procedure Manual, updating whenever appropriate with changes approved by the executive board.