March 2015

Date: 3-08-15
Members Present: Heather Paladine, Maggie Carpenter, Margarita DeFedericis, Scott Hartman, Ray Harvey, Emily Holt, Mark Krotowski, Carrie Pierce, Linda
Prine, Brian Ross, Wayne Strouse, Ron Rouse
Agenda Item
Action (assigned to)
1 Behavioral Health
Discussed development of an office visit protocol for screening and providing
brief intervention to people who engage in risky behavior regarding alcohol
and drugs. Reviewed results of a Member survey in which 128 responded.
The State OASAS will offer free training on SBIRT (screening, brief
intervention, and referral to treatment). How do we keep doctors interested
in using an office visit protocol and our other office visit protocols (weight
loss, tobacco cessation)? Consider working with Education Commission for
CME, remind people in “Family Doctor,” have speakers at Winter Weekend,
regional conferences.
Work on SBIRT office visit protocol
and send information to doctors
on becoming certified for billing
for SBIRT services. (Rouse)
Resolution – Methadone Medical Assistance. Clarify if the State or Federal
government is the entity to determine the number of methadone slots. Also,
add more evidence on the need for more slots.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Harvey)
Resolution - Teaching Addiction Medicine in Family Residencies. Some
residency programs may not have faculty. Faculty feel they are overwhelmed
now with teaching requirements. Perhaps encourage programs to offer, not
mandate, addiction medicine track for residents. Could make the curriculum
part of the STFM Core Curriculum, but we would have to develop it for them.
Could simply expose Residents to addiction medicine. Strengthen the
background of the resolution.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Harvey)
Resolution - Methadone as Preferred Drug. Prior authorization language
should be clearer. Add more background. How do we advocate removal of
methadone as a preferred drug on all state Medicaid formularies? Perhaps
delete second resolve.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Harvey)
A huge problem exists with a lack of substance abuse services in jails and
Work on a resolution (Harvey,
2 Single Payer Update
3 Draft Resolutions
We need to advocate single payer more strongly in MSSNY. Could do this by
joining MSSNY or becoming a delegate to its COD. Re-write last year’s
resolution to make it more general and not focus on a specific bill.
Determine if we could target
certain counties for membership
to MSSNY COD. (Strouse)
AAFP has a single payer interest group, and NYSAFP members need to join it.
Send information on how to join
to PHC members (Paladine)
Global Warming - Change title to “Climate Change.”
1st Whereas - change “costal” to “coastal.”
Add a Whereas – add more information on impact of climate change on
public health.
5th Whereas – add comma after first “public.”
2nd Resolve - delete second sentence, which lists too many examples that
may trigger distracting arguments; it also excludes certain examples, which
also could trigger arguments.
3rd Resolve – do not need the separate resolution for AAFP.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Klepack)
Nuclear Disarmament – change Nuclear Warheads” to “Nuclear
4th Whereas, last sentence, change “even is” to “even if.”
2nd resolve … should communicate to the NYS Chapter, and be clearer that
we are communicating our support regarding nuclear disarmament.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Klepack)
Immunization Exemptions – in Resolved, add at the end “for NYSDOH core
vaccines.” Doctors must support the concept of no exemptions because if
they don’t, then who will?
2nd Whereas add “medical” before “exemption.”
3rd Whereas – change “other “ to “non-medical.”
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Klepack)
Decrease the Adverse Impact of Baby Formula Marketing on Breastfeeding
Rates – delete 2nd resolve.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Holt)
Promote Transparency in Medical Education and Access to Training – add
minor revisions, including a reference to the FREIDA data base.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Prine)
Support Placement and Coverage of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives in No Refinements requested by
the Early Postpartum Period – no edits or changes.
Commission (Prine)
3 Resolutions (con’t)
Oppose the Drug Testing of Pregnant Women – add “Mandatory” to the title.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Prine)
Masks for TB – the State DoH should purchase them given their expense.
Develop resolution as requested
by Commission (DeFedericis)
Legalization of Marijuana
1st Whereas - delete
Add a Whereas that substance abuse treatment is underfunded and requires
additional funding.
3rd Resolve - insert a specific number regarding the percentage of tax funds,
eg, 10%, that should be used for substance abuse treatment.
Add in minimum age.
Refine resolution as requested by
Commission (Paladine)
Next meeting – Weekend of August 8-9, 2015