rules in ENGLISH 9th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL „CHOPIN WEEK IN ELK” ELK, POLAND 25rd 09 - 01th 10. 2010 200th ANNIVERSARY OF THE COMPOSER’S BORN Frideric Chopin 1810-1849 & 9th INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR YOUNG INSTRUMENTALIST “STEP TO CHAMPIONSHIP” 25th september 2010 REGULATIONS OF THE COMPETITION The 9th International Musical Competition, organized by the Ełk Culture Society and Music School in town Elk / nord part of Poland ca. 250 km to Warsaw / - will be held in Elk 25th September 2010 in the following artistic disciplines: flute – violin –cello - guitar 1. The competition is open to soloists of all nationalities 2. The competition is open to public. 3. The main criterion for judging will be the artist’s personality, his musical individuality, and therefore representatives of various artistic disciplines will compete during the competition. 4. The deadline for submitting the applications is 19 th 09. 2010 at the following address: ESK – Chopin 2010 Ul. Grodzieńska 10a/7 19-300 Ełk 5. Organizer confirms participation in competition. 6. Age groups / categories - Group I pupils from classes I and II children music school - Group II pupils from classes III and IV --------//------------ Group III pupils from classes V and VI ---------//------------ Group IV young instrumentalists from Music College - Group V ensembles /duo to quartett/ - can play with notes Attention: Groups system according to the Polish six-year-teaching period. In case of four-year-system: Group I- first and second classes, /II- third / III – fourth class 7. Programme of competitions for flute – violin –cello 1. The performance time should last up to: Group I .4- 6 minutes, II .5– 8 min, III .6– 10 min, IV and V 7- 10 min. All pieces should be played from memory. The notes should be shown on the jury’s request. In the case of a composition written for flute – violin –cello accompanied by the piano - piano “Bohemia” at your disposal 2. All competitors must play minimum one composition by F.Chopin 3. Group I play two free choice pieces. One solo, second solo or with accompaniment. 4. Groups II to IV play three compositions. Minimum one should be perform solo. 5. Ensembles – three free choice compositions. Important for Guitar group II and III Obligation to play one music for guitar inspired by Chopin written by composer Dimitr Djagashvili (from St. Petersburg ). Pieces are on the web site . Title “Fantasia- Mazurka”, :Fantasia- Waltz”, ‘Fantasia- Polonez” (free choise) 8. Entrance fee of 60 PLN/ soloist and 60 PLN/ ensemble. (ca. 3,8 pln= 1 Euro) Payment into organizer’s account: Ełckie Stowarzyszenie Kulturalne. Bank Spółdzielczy w Ełku nr 39 9331 0004 0000 0009 3073 0001 with postscript “Chopin 2010” by 19th 09. 2010 9. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to record the performances on radio and television, and also to promote those materials in the media. No financial claims connected with that broadcast can be made by participants. 10. Prize-winners are obliged to participate in a prize-winners’ concert on a non-profit basis. 11. Prizes. Special prize for the best performance, prizes for all laureates, diploma for all the participants taking parts in the competition. Special prize founder by Dimitr Djagashvili. 12. Jury 1. The jury is made up of Polish and foreign prominent artists in the field of music as well as music education. Jury consist of: Hubert Salwarowski (PL) Gustaw Ciężarek (PL) So-Yeon Lim (Korea) Dymitr Djagashvili (Russia) sekretarz 2. The jury acts on the basis of the regulations of the jury. 3. The jury’s decisions are final and irrevocable. 4. The jury may decide to divide the prizes differently. Final Provisions The Director of the Competition is entitled to decide on all organizational matters that do not come within the scope of the jury. : Wojciech Popielarz lub Ryszard Jasionowski mail; tel. 0048-663-745-775 tel/fax0048-87-610-36-23 1. All doubts regarding the provisions contained in the present regulations shall be resolved by reference to the Polish text, which is the only genuine version on Invite Director of the festival Wojciech Popielarz Application form (sending deadline 20th May 2009) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR YOUNG INSTRUMENTALIST “STEP TO CHAMPIONSHIP” Ełk, Poland 25th September 2010 FIRST NAME, SURNAME ……………………………………………………………. NATIONALITY ………………………………………………………………………….. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH ....................................................................................... AGE GROUP IN COMPETITION ................................................................................. INSTRUMENT …………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS, TEL., E-MAIL .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS, TEL, E- MAIL PLACE OF STUDIES ……………………………………… ................................................................................................................................................ PERIOD OF INSTRUMENTAL STUDIES …………………………………………….. MUSICAL ACHIEVENMENTS…....…………………………………………………….. TEACHER /SURNAME AND TOWN/ .............................................................................. OPTIONAL – ORGANIZERS CAN HELP WITH HOTEL RESERVATION (PLEASE ATTACH THE DATES OF ARRIVING AND LEAVING) ……………………………………………………………..………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………. PROGRAMME (composers, full title, number, opus, performing time) ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE SCHOOL CONFIRMATION