AP Language Pre-Course Reading Assignments 2015

AP Language Pre-Course Reading Assignments 2015-2016
All of the following may be found on both Mrs. Andrea Stumpf’s and Mrs. Darby Williams’ AP
Language blog for reference throughout the summer. You may e-mail either teacher for clarification or
questions about the assignments.
Assignment #1
Into the Wild by John Krakauer
Within the first week of the semester, you will be assessed in the following ways:
2nd day of the semester: objective test in multiple choice format to assess your comprehension of the
In class argument essay (will take place sometime during the first week of the semester) in which you
respond to the following prompt citing support from the texts referenced in the prompt. Links to the texts
are provided below. Please be sure to have read these texts, have a sound understanding of how they relate
to the book and have an understanding how they might support your argument. We suggest annotating
both your book and the texts as you read to help you in writing your argument.
Argument Essay Prompt – will be completed in class during the first week of the semester.
In his essay on self-reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing
can bring you peace but the triumph of principle.” Like Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, Chris McCandless
chooses to live deliberately. In doing so he estranges himself from his family and others who do not understand
his desire to live by these higher principles. Write an essay in which you consider what it means to live
deliberately and decide if Chris lived up to these standards. Consider the following documents: the excerpt from
Doctor Zhivago, the two excerpts from Walden, the excerpt from Self-Reliance, The New York Times Op-Ed,
“The Charitable Industrial Complex” and Into the Wild.
Links to texts:
Quote from Dr. Zhivago
Excerpt 1 from Walden
Excerpt 2 from Walden
Excerpt from Self-Reliance
The New York Times Op-Ed "The Charitable Industrial Complex"
Assignment #2 – must be completed and ready to turn in on the 2nd day of the semester!
1. Examine the “This I Believe” movement that began on NPR (National Public Radio) by clicking on the
following link:
What sparked the "This I Believe" movement?
2. Read the following samples of “This I Believe” essays that have been previously submitted to NPR to
get an idea of how to write your own “This I Believe” statement. Print both essays and annotate them
for any of the following that are present:
 Claim(position) statement
 Evidence of ethos, pathos, logos
 Call for action
 Concession to the other side of the argument
 Any rhetorical/literary devices that you are already familiar with
"There's No Such Thing as Too Much BBQ"
"Be Cool to the Pizza Dude"
If you need more inspiration or examples, there are hundreds of other essays on the website categorized
by theme:
This I Believe Themes
3. Write your own “This I Believe” statement. Your essay must be at least 500 words and must be typed in
MLA format. You must include all of the elements listed above to get full credit for the essay. Use the
comment feature in Word to identify your elements or underline/highlight them and identify them within
your essay. Example:
“If I have one operating philosophy about life it is this: “Be cool to the pizza delivery dude; it’s good
luck.” Four principles guide the pizza dude philosophy.
Principle 1: Coolness to the pizza delivery dude is a practice in humility and forgiveness. I let him cut
me off in traffic, let him safely hit the exit ramp from the left lane, let him forget to use his blinker
without extending any of my digits out the window (metonymy) or towards my horn because there
should be one moment in my harried life when a car may encroach or cut off or pass and I let it go.
Sometimes when I have become so certain of my ownership of my lane, daring anyone to challenge me,
the pizza dude speeds by me in his rusted Chevette. His pizza light atop his car glowing like a beacon
(simile) reminds me to check myself as I flow through the world. After all, the dude is delivering pizza
to young and old, families and singletons, gays and straights, blacks, whites and browns, rich and poor,
vegetarians and meat lovers alike. (pathos) As he journeys, I give safe passage, practice restraint, show
courtesy, and contain my anger (antithesis).”
Rubric for Assignment #2
 Annotated Essays – 50 points
25 points each (5 points for each element identified)
 “This I Believe” essay – 50 points
 10 points for meeting MLA standard
 10 points for meeting 500 word requirement
 25 points for including each required element (5 points each)
 5 points for proper spelling, grammar, mechanics