Online Appendix Table 1. Pre-transplant, donor and post-operative characteristics Transplant patients (n=48) Recipient pre-transplant characteristics Indication for transplant DCM IHD HCM Congenital Valvular NYHA class Mean PA pressure (mmHg) PCWP (mmHg) Hypertension Diabetes Statin therapy Previous smoker Previous stroke Previous sternotomy Donor characteristics Age Male Sex match Cause of death Head trauma ICH Other Donor weight >20% less than recipient CMV donor pos., recipient neg. Ischemic time Post-operative characteristics ICU stay (days) Hospital stay (days) Treated acute rejection in first year 24 (50%) 19 (40%) 2 (4%) 2 (4%) 1 (2%) 3.5±0.5 33±10 25±9 9 (19%) 3 (6%) 18 (38%) 17 (35%) 6 (13%) 9 (19%) 32±13 34 (71%) 9 (19%) 21 (44%) 21 (44%) 6 (12%) 32 (67%) 7 (15%) 210±49 8±5 27±11 29 (60%) DCM indicates dilated cardiomyopathy; IHD ischemic heart disease; HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; NYHA New York Heart Association; PA pulmonary artery; PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; ICH spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage; CMV cytomegalovirus; ICU intensive care unit. 1 Table 2. Comparison of cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings in transplant patients and healthy volunteers. Peak systolic SR (1/s) Early diastolic SR (1/s) Normalized twist (°/mm) Torsion (mm) Time to peak torsion (%AVC) Transplant patients (n=48) -1.11±0.35 0.33±0.19 0.28±0.10 7.78±2.62 99.82±15.69 Healthy volunteers (n=10) -1.19±0.12 0.34±0.20 0.33±0.11 8.83±3.06 97.72±5.44 p value 0.472 0.824 0.239 0.273 0.681 SR indicates strain rate; %AVC refers to time between peak electrocardiogram R wave and aortic valve closure expressed as a percentage. 2 Table 3. Associations with intravascular ultrasound plaque volume index. Univariable associations Patient characteristics Gender Ischemic time Rejection in first year Hypertension Diabetes Donor gender CMV donor pos., recipient neg. CMR LVEDVI LVESVI Peak systolic SR Twist Normalized twist Torsion Time to peak torsion β p value 0.15 0.03 0.00 0.12 0.15 0.05 -0.02 0.306 0.852 0.963 0.449 0.340 0.723 0.895 0.00 0.14 0.16 0.02 -0.11 -0.12 0.05 0.984 0.368 0.300 0.894 0.491 0.441 0.763 3 Table 4. Associations with index of microcirculatory resistance. Univariable associations Patient characteristics Sex Ischemic time Rejection in first year Hypertension Diabetes Donor gender CMV donor pos., recipient neg. Angiography Maximum angiographic stenosis CMR LVEDVI LVESVI Peak systolic SR Early diastolic SR Twist Normalized twist Torsion Time to peak torsion β p value -0.14 0.02 -0.22 0.19 -0.21 0.04 0.00 0.340 0.912 0.183 0.216 0.160 0.814 1.0 -0.16 0.281 -0.19 0.08 -0.04 -0.12 -0.20 -0.17 -0.11 -0.15 0.217 0.602 0.812 0.470 0.200 0.280 0.495 0.340 4