Reviewing that key assessments are valid and reliable

2c. Procedures for ensuring fairness, accuracy, consistency, and freedom of bias for key assessments
of candidate performance and evaluations of program quality and unit operations
The following procedures are in place in assessments of candidate performance:
NCATE Definition
Key assessments are of the
appropriate type and content such that
they measure what they purport to
measure. To this end, the assessments
should be aligned with the standards
and/or learning proficiencies that they
are designed to measure.
Assessments in which grades in coursework are used
include alignment of topics and aspects of the course
are aligned with standards, knowledge, skills, and
dispositions described in the standards
Faculty members annually review assessments to
determine continued accuracy as standards and
curricula are updated
Learning outcomes are aligned with assessments
strategies and communicated on syllabi
Assessments utilize rubrics that include indicators that
are developmental steps toward the standard
Key assessments produce dependable
results or results that would remain
constant on repeated trials.
Institutions can document consistency
through providing training for raters
that promote similar scoring patterns,
using multiple raters, conducting
simple studies of inter-rater reliability,
and/or comparing results to other
internal or external assessments that
measure comparable knowledge, skills,
and/or professional dispositions.
University supervisors, cooperating teachers, and
candidates are trained on the Teacher Performance
Assessment and clinical/field related forms
Teacher Performance Assessment raters are nationally
trained and calibrated
Multiple raters are used in terms of candidate
performance, evaluation of clinical and field experiences
Assessments utilize rubrics that include indicators that
are developmental steps toward the standard
In designing action plans in response to dispositional
issues, more than one faculty member is included in
meeting and the design of the plan
Field coordinators provide a second assessment and
observation as soon as it appears that a problem may
arise in clinical and field experiences.
Fairness in
Avoidance of
The assurance that candidates have
been exposed to the knowledge, skills,
and dispositions that are being
evaluated in key assessments and
understand what is expected of them
to complete the assessments. To this
end, instructions and timing of the
assessments should be clearly stated
and shared with candidates. In
addition, candidates should be given
information on how the assessments
are scored and how they count toward
completion of programs.
The unit has addressed any contextual
distractions and/or problems with key
assessment instruments that introduce
sources of bias and thus adversely
influence candidate performance.
Contextual distractions include
inappropriate noise, poor lighting,
discomfort, and the lack of proper
equipment. Problems with
assessments include missing or vague
instructions, poorly worded questions,
and poorly reproduced copies that
make reading difficult
Learning outcomes are aligned with assessments
strategies and communicated on syllabi
Dispositions are presented during new student
orientation, review during cohort application meetings,
and provided in handbooks
Timing of assessments is delineated for candidates,
mentors, field supervisors, and faculty members in
handbooks and syllabi
To increase candidate opportunity to address
dispositional needs, a detailed disposition assessment
was developed to provide observational data on focus
Assessments that involve candidate performance are
completed in the field, with support materials
developed by the candidate in the setting of his or her
Due to the complicated nature of the Teacher
Performance Assessment, candidates are supported in
reviewing the syllabi and task demands In a step-by-step
process during seminars or advanced methods courses
while they are in the field
In their annual review of assessments, faculty members
deliberate each assessment to determine that
instructions are clear and wording is explicit
In all coursework candidates are provided rubric when
assessments and assignments are initially discussed
Using web-based assessments allows for consistency of
All data are aggregated and analyzed independent of
Procedures are also in place for the assessments that address program quality and unit operations.
NCATE Definition
Key assessments are of the
appropriate type and content such that
they measure what they purport to
measure. To this end, the assessments
should be aligned with the standards
and/or learning proficiencies that they
are designed to measure.
Assessments completed by employers, candidates, and
graduates are all aligned with the conceptual framework
After analyzing data for several years, instructor factors
and course factors were delineated on the candidate
evaluation of courses
Key assessments produce dependable
results or results that would remain
constant on repeated trials.
Institutions can document consistency
through providing training for raters
that promote similar scoring patterns,
using multiple raters, conducting
simple studies of inter-rater reliability,
and/or comparing results to other
internal or external assessments that
measure comparable knowledge, skills,
and/or professional dispositions.
Multiple assessments address the same areas, including
advising, clarity of curriculum, faculty quality and
interactions, satisfaction, program quality and
relevance, are completed by faculty members,
university supervisors, candidates, cooperating
teachers, employers, and graduates
Data are collected annually allowing for drawing trend
lines and identifying outliers
All items are aligned with the conceptual framework
All programs/courses/procedures are evaluated using
the same core items; individual programs may choose to
add others
Fairness in
Avoidance of
The assurance that candidates have
been exposed to the knowledge, skills,
and dispositions that are being
evaluated in key assessments and
understand what is expected of them
to complete the assessments. To this
end, instructions and timing of the
assessments should be clearly stated
and shared with candidates. In
addition, candidates should be given
information on how the assessments
are scored and how they count toward
completion of programs.
Assessment items are aligned with conceptual
The unit has addressed any contextual
distractions and/or problems with key
assessment instruments that introduce
sources of bias and thus adversely
influence candidate performance.
Contextual distractions include
inappropriate noise, poor lighting,
discomfort, and the lack of proper
equipment. Problems with
assessments include missing or vague
instructions, poorly worded questions,
and poorly reproduced copies that
make reading difficult
In their annual review of assessments, faculty members
deliberate each assessment to determine that
instructions are clear and wording is explicit; an advisory
panel reviews the satisfaction survey annually
Efforts to collect candidate data on satisfaction surveys
including a raffle, flyers posted throughout the college,
postings on blackboard, announcements in classrooms,
emails to group lists, faculty member announcements
Unit operation and program evaluations are made
available during the “lull” at the beginning of spring
All parties are assured of the anonymity of their
responses; all data are collected and managed
independently of the programs
Using web-based assessments allows for consistency of
presentation and anonymity
When “paper” evaluations are used, faculty members
are instructed to leave the room; evaluations are
collected and turned in directly to the office by a
All data are collected and managed independently of
the programs