GRAVITY SERMON SERIES “Constant Resistance” ANSWER THE QUESTION What is my message about? : How do we become resistant to the war being waged all around us? We learn to submit, draw near, and humble ourselves before God! This all begins when we resist the lag of the drag. Why is it Important? : The world is the enemy of God! Whoever wills to be a friend of the world cannot be a friend of God! Living to please the old nature is declaring war against God! What do I want them to do? : Get in proper rank and stop acting like the general! Learn to submit by unconditional surrender, draw near to God by confessing our sins, facing the seriousness of our disobedience by humbling ourselves before God with a contrite and broken heart! What is the single most persuasive idea? Resist the Lag of the Drag and persist in the draw of the Called GRAVITY SERMON SERIES “Constant Resistance” THE INTRODUCTION RESISTANT: apposed to something, wanting to prevent something from happening not affected or harmed by something. *May the Force be with you resisting drag in your life! Drag is a force that acts in the opposite direction than an object is moving. An object must be moving through some kind of fluid for drag to occur. BIG IDEA: Resist the Lag of the Drag and persist in the draw of the Called THE ANSWER How do we resist the lag of the drag and persist in the draw of the called? LAG 1. 2. 3. War with our neighbor War with ourselves War with our God DRAW 1. 2. 3. Submit Ourselves Draw Ourselves Humble Ourselves IMAGINE We will only truly build up a resistance to the drag of the world in our life when we learn to deal with sin in our lives! Experience unconditional surrender, experience confession of sins, experience brokenness over the sin in our life. GRAVITY SERMON SERIES “Constant Resistance” INTRO RESISTANT: apposed to something, wanting to prevent something from happening not affected or harmed by something. *May the Force be with you resisting the drag in your life! Drag is a force that acts in the opposite direction than an object is moving. An object must be moving through some kind of fluid for drag to occur. BIG IDEA: Resist the Lag of the Drag and persist in the draw of the Called LAG 1. War with our neighbors o We see ourselves in competition or at war with each other (Ephesians 6:12 “Our battle is against this present darkness that we live in) *Class wars, employment wars, church fights Christians need to have discernment but they must not act like God (John 17:1) o 2. War with Ourselves Isaiah 53:6 “We have turned everyone each to his own way.” What is my way? o o Instead of being thankful for the blessings we have we complain about the blessings we do not have! Instead of seeking Gods will we tell God what He is supposed to do! “People who are at war with themselves because of selfish desires are always unhappy people” 3. War with our God o The root cause of every war is internal and external rebellion against God. The World – whoever wills to be a friend of the world cannot be a friend of God o Friendship with the world is compared to adultery Romans 7:4 and ought to be faithful to him. The Flesh – The spirit uses the body to glorify God; the flesh uses the body to serve sin. o God created mankind with a spirit and deeply desires that our spirit worship Him. (God will not share us with anyone. Abraham and Lot Romans 12:1-2) GRAVITY SERMON SERIES “Constant Resistance” The Devil – apposed the Son of God, pride is Satan’s great sin! o God want us to depend on His Grace. (1 Corinthians 15:10 “But by the Grace of God I am what I am”) DRAW 1. Submit to God SUBMIT – This word is a military term that means “Get into your proper rank.” When a private tries to act like a general there are going to be problems. *This explains why uncommitted Christians cannot live with themselves or other people. o The only way to resist the devil is to submit to God 2. Draw near to God How do we do this? o By confessing our sins and asking for His cleansing. (God draws near to us when we deal with the sin in our lives) W.A. Tozer (“Nearness is likeness”) “The more we are like God, the nearer we are to God.” What makes it easy for Christians to be drawn into fellowship with the world? RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GRACE AND PRIDE. 3. Humble yourself before God “The higher you ascend in an airplane the air is less dense therefore the drag on the aircraft decreases. The more we humble ourselves before God the less drag we will have on our life. Isaiah 57:14-21 The way back to God is clear. o It is possible to submit outwardly and yet not be humbled inwardly. (Be wretched, mourn, and weep) “Humility is facing the seriousness of our sin and dealing with our disobedience.” (We are thumbing our sin at God) IMAGINE We will only truly build up a resistance to the drag of the world in our life when we learn to reflect the proper image of Christ in our lives. Have you ever practiced something for 20 years before realizing you’re still not very good at it? I believe it’s the same thing with drawing near to God. It has to a persistent daily process in our lives. Here are 4 ways to resist the lag of the drag and persist in the draw of the called. READING: The sweetness of the divine revelation will open our eyes to see our true identity in Christ. REFLECTING: Reflection is concerned with savoring the truth of the scripture for all its worth and relating it to what we observe in society. It is living between 2 worlds with one eye on the ancient text and the other eye on the values and practices of today. PRAYING: The human soul humbles itself in prayer seeing that it is powerless to grasp the sweetness of God in it’s own strength. GRAVITY SERMON SERIES “Constant Resistance” WITTNESSING: After reading scripture, relating its truth to society, and bathing it in prayer, we are never permitted to hoard it.=