This quiz covers videos (Search Algorithms, Recursion, Artificial Life

This quiz covers videos (Search Algorithms, Recursion, Artificial Life and
Interactions between Agents), readings from “Blown to Bits” and labs from weeks
11 and 12.
This quiz consists of 10 multiple choice questions and has a time limit of 25
minutes. Note: Blackboard will show that the quiz is 3 hours. This, however, is for
special cases. Baring special circumstance, the time limit is 25 minutes which will
be enforced by the exam proctor. This quiz must be taken in a single sitting.
Note: students with IEPs accommodations that include extended exam time
should arrange to take the exam during a single time block that is sufficient to
accommodate the student’s needs.
Vocabulary: As this is a college course, the general reading level is at the
college level. To help bring students up to this reading level, each student may
use a non-electronic English and/or English/other language dictionary. Note that
this must be a non-electronic dictionary as electronic dictionaries (i.e. the
Internet) grants access to far too many resources well beyond a traditional
Each student may use one 8.5x11 sheet of hand written notes (both sides).
Students may NOT use cell phones, smart phones, textbooks, NetLogo, Internet
(other then to access the exam itself in Blackboard Learn), or neighbors.
Once a question has been answered, the student may not return to the question
(this is enforced by the Blackboard Learn software).
Password: TurtlesForever
Week 12 Possible Quiz Questions:
1. Which of the following best describes a binary search?
a) ***Starting with a sorted list, divide the list in half, compare the value at the
halfway point with the search item to see which half contains the search item.
Repeat this process with the smaller half until the item is found.
b) Convert the list to binary numbers and use a computer algorithm to locate the
c) Convert the list to a sequence of ones and zeros. Then examine each
sequence until you find the item you are looking for.
d) For each item in the list, check to see if it is the desired item. If yes, stop the
search. If no, continue searching. Repeat this until the search item is found.
e) Convert the list to binary numbers. Then, compare each pair of adjacent
numbers from left to right. If the left number in a pair is greater than the right
number, then swap the numbers. Repeat this until the search item is found.
2. Which of the following is a recursive definition of factorial?
a) n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 1. For example: 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1.
b) ***n! = n * (n-1)! , except when n=1, then 1! = 1. For example: 5! = 5 * 4!
c) n! = n + (n-1) + (n-1) + ... + 1. For example: 5! = 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1.
d) n! = (n-1) * (n-2), except when n=1, then 1! = 1. For example: 5! = 4 * 3.
e) n! = (n-1) * (n-2), except when n=1 or n=1, then n! = 1. For example: 5! = 4 * 3.
3. A recursive computer program is one that ___________
a) ***Has a procedure that calls itself.
b) Has a procedure with a loop.
c) Has a procedure with a nested loop.
d) Has a procedure with an infinite loop.
e) Has a procedure without any loops.
4. What is the final value of n in the NetLogo code below:
let n 5
if (n > 1)
[ set n (n - 1)
set pen-size n
5 After creating one turtle with its pen down, which best describes the pattern that
will be drawn:
to go
ask turtles
[ let t 10
while [t > 0]
[ set pen-size t
forward t
right 10
set t (t - 1)
***A spiral where the lines get progressively thinner.
A figure 8 where the lines all have the same thickness.
A figure 8 where the lines get progressively thinner.
A square where the lines get progressively thinner.
A square where the lines all have the same thickness.
6) In a recursive program, the recursion stops when a certain test condition is
met. In the recursive program below, which line contains the stopping test
to spiral-recursive [stepStop]
if (stepStop < 0.01)
[ die
forward stepStop
right 45
spiral-recursive (stepStop * 0.9)
to spiral-recursive [stepStop]
***if (stepStop < 0.01)
forward stepStop
spiral-recursive (stepStop * 0.9)
7) In Dr. Irene Lee’s video on Agent-Agent interactions, she what she defines as
“collision detection” can be implemented in Netlogo as:
a) collision = on
b) set collision true
c) ***count turtles-here > 1
d) A turtle “smacking” into another turtle.
e) if (collision = true)
8) In Professor Ackley’s video on artificial life, he presents a number of definitions of
life and points out that not all definitions of life include the same set of things. One of
the definitions he presents is: “Life is dynamically preserved pattern”. Which of the
following does he argue is included, at least to a small extent, in this definition?
a) Mount Rushmore
b) A crystal
c) Fire
d) ***An eddy (a small whirlpool) in a brook.
e) A computer
9) In chapter 3 of “Blown to Bits” by Lewis, Ledeen and Abelson, they claim “What
You See Is Not What the Computer Knows”. Which of the following is an example
they give of this?
a) Computers contain vast amounts of information, but do not “understand” or have
emotions about the information. Therefore, computers do not actually “know” it.
b) *** The U.S. government published a report with sensitive security information
blacked out, yet a civilian Internet blogger was able to read and publish the blacked
out information.
c) That what the computer knows is a sort of miniaturized duplicate of what is
shown in a “WYSIWYG” (What You See Is What You Get) editor.
d) The Internet contains such a vast amount of information that no single human
can actually see it all.
e) Computers are tricky and while they always show the truth, the truth you see is
not always the truth they have in mind.
10) In chapter 3 of “Blown to Bits” by Lewis, Ledeen and Abelson, they point out that
documents created on computers often contain meta data. This meta data ___________
a) is difficult, if not impossible, to forge. Therefore, it is often used as evidence in
court cases.
b) can only be read by the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency) or by other
organizations with access to large networks of supercomputers.
c) *** in a document released by the British government, was used by the press to
show that the British government was lying about the document’s authors.
d) is illegal in most countries, but the U.S. government is subversively trying to push
it through as part of a so called “Free Trade” agreement.
e) is currently illegal in the United States, but special interest groups in the music
and game industries are pushing for its use to protect their intellectual property.