Mission - SCCPSS

Building Bridges Academy
High School
Student and Parent Handbook
Main Campus:
402 Market Street
Savannah, Georgia 31408
Fax: 912.201.5065
The Savannah-Chatham County Board of Public Education does not discriminate in educational programs, activities
or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.
Dear Student & Parents:
Welcome to our new Building Bridges Academy Program! It is with extreme pleasure and
excitement that I welcome each of you to Building Bridges Academy High School. We are
looking forward to good things from you and for you as we begin the 2015 – 2016 school year.
Our school will be replacing Ombudsman for this school year. We will provide a more
traditional teaching model with an opportunity for students to accelerate academically during
their tenure at Building Bridges Academy High School.
As we begin our school year, it is important that parents, teachers, and administrators emphasize
high expectations in the areas of student achievement, appropriate behavior, and following
school policies. Together we can provide an environment at home and at school where optimum
learning can take place. It is the goal of the faculty and administration to increase student
achievement in all areas and make learning enjoyable for all. Building Bridges Academy High
School will also implement innovative instructional strategies, interventions, and support
programs to produce students who are ready for success. We will also provide your child with
the support he/she needs in order to return to their home school and be academically and
mentally prepared for the home school environment.
We encourage all parents to become involved in their student’s educational journey. Please set
up parent-teacher conferences frequently through the counseling department. Also, our staff will
provide frequent feedback about your child’s progress within our program. We encourage you to
visit our school to learn more about this innovative program that your child will begin in August.
We are also introducing our “Tied to Success” initiative in which we recommend our male
students wear ties to school.
On behalf of the administrators, faculty and staff, again we welcome you to Building Bridges
Academy High School, where we are giving students a “Second chance to make a first
Marcus Scott IV, Ed. S
Interim Center Leader
Acceptable Use Policy
Accountability for Board of Education Property
Purpose & Goal
Conditions of Re-Admittance to a Traditional School Setting
Attendance ............................................................................................................................. ....................4-7
 Absence and Tardy Definitions & Policies
 Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA)
 Missed Work Due to Absence
 Saturday Academy
 Bell Schedule & Hall Passes
Behavior and Disciplinary Code Compliance
 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
 Peer Mediation
 Smoking
 Sexual Harassment and Bullying
 Property Searches/ Administrative Inspections
 Cell Phone/ iPod/ Electronic Devices
 Uniform/Dress Code Policy
 Procedures for Exemption of Dress Code
 Book Bags, Backpacks & Gym Bags
VII. Evaluation of Students
 Grading Procedures
 Repeating a Course
 Dual Enrollment
VIII. Medical Treatment
 Illness During School
 Medication
Scheduling and Records
 Address and/or Telephone Changes
 Schedule Changes
School Services
NCLB Parents Right to Know
Grievance Procedures
XII. Transportation
 Bus Students
 Driving Privileges/Student Parking Permits
 Student Drop-off & Pickup
 Field Trips
XIII. Visitors
 Trespassing
 Student Information Sheet
 Handbook Receipt
 Deny Internet Acceptable Use Parent Request
Access to the Internet is available through computers in the classrooms and labs. Access to
information on the Internet is intended for appropriate education and research activities in
support of class assignments and projects.
Parents/guardians have the option to deny their children access to online technology resources.
To deny access to services, please complete the Parental Request to Deny Access to Online
Technology Resources found in the appendix, sign and date it, and return the form to your
child’s school.
When textbooks, library media materials and equipment are issued to students, the return of these
materials to the school for further use shall be the sole responsibility of the student and their
parent/guardians. When materials or equipment are not returned to the school in usable
condition, it is the responsibility of the student and their parents/guardians to reimburse the
Savannah-Chatham County Board of Education for the cost of replacement or repairs.
Students who owe for lost or damaged textbooks and/or equipment shall have their report cards
withheld by the school administration. Another textbook of the same subject area will not be
issued until the school system has been compensated; however, textbooks in the same subject
area may be made available for use in the classroom.
Students who are promoted to another school and have not compensated the school system for
materials will have a record of their obligations forwarded to the receiving school. Students who
transfer within or out of the Savannah-Chatham County School System and have failed to
compensate the Board of Education for lost or damaged textbooks and/or equipment shall have
their report cards and transcripts delayed until their financial obligations are settled.
At the time of withdrawal from a Savannah-Chatham County school, the Center Leader/designee
shall check to see if the transfer and withdrawal form indicates that all records have been cleared.
If compensation is due, the transfer and withdrawal form, report card, and transcript shall be
retained by the school until payment is made.
Students shall not be eligible to participate in graduation exercises and activities of the
Savannah-Chatham County School System if debts related to lost or damaged textbooks, or
equipment, or dues remain unpaid.
The Building Bridges Academy will serve students in grades 6th through 12th grade students
who have been suspended (long-term) or expelled from their home schools. Our school will:
provide a supportive, personalized, content-rich learning environment that supports behavioral
intervention and academic acceleration; provide a hands-on and project-based learning setting
that facilitates earning credits towards grade level promotion (in support of the Cohort
Graduation Rate); and challenge students with high expectations in order to build confident,
independent thinkers, with strong collaboration and problem solving skills.
The goal of The Building Bridges Academy is to develop the academic, social, emotional, and
cognitive abilities of each student using a personalized approach that includes the six guiding
principles of Character Counts which are: Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness;
Caring; and Citizenship.
Before a student may re-enter a traditional school setting, they must meet the following exit
criteria (at minimum):
less than five unexcused absences,
no discipline referrals two weeks prior to expected return date to home school,
a grade of 70% or above in all classes or student has acquired four credits,
family has fulfilled the required two hour counseling session with the school
Students who transition to their home school will be monitored by the Building Bridges
Academy High School Case Manager for at least four weeks. During this time, the student
cannot receive a major discipline referral and must be passing all classes by the time of progress
reporting or they will be returned to Building Bridges Academy High School.
Truant: Any child subject to compulsory attendance who during the school calendar year
has more than five (5) days of unexcused absences is considered truant. Out-of-school
suspension absences are not considered unexcused in determining truancy. Driving
privileges can be revoked on any student in truancy status.
Tardy: A student is tardy when he/she arrives at school or at class after the designated time
or tardy bell. Repeated or habitual tardiness is an undesirable personal habit and is also
disruptive of the orderly instructional process; therefore, school officials will take corrective
actions. Students may receive Saturday School detention after the third unexcused tardy to
Excused tardy: A tardy is excused when events which cause the tardy are physically out of
the student's control such as: a motor vehicle accident, unexpected road closure, power
outage, late bus, or bus did not come at all.
Excused absences: Absences are excused for personal illness, serious illness, death of a
student's immediate family member, observance of religious holidays, and orders of
governmental agencies, conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to student
health or safety, or participation in approved school activities.
Unexcused absences: The following, even with parental consent, are considered unexcused
absences: truancies, working, missing the bus, oversleeping, shopping, car not starting,
getting senior pictures taken, keeping personal appointments, errands for parents, family trips
unless excused prior to absence, college visits unless excused prior to absence, or needed at
home unless excused prior to absence.
Prolonged absence due to illness or injury: Homebound/hospital instruction can be
provided for students who have a chronic illness or who need to be absent from school for
ten or more consecutive days due to a long term illness or injury. Parent application and
physician certification of this need are required.
Documentation for excused absences: Any student absence requires a parent note of
explanation for documentation. Additional documentation may include physician or hospital
statements, court subpoenas or other orders of government agencies, and funeral notices or
obituaries. School officials may require students to present appropriate medical
documentation upon return to school for the purpose of validating that the absence is an
excused absence.
Referral to school social worker: When school officials have exhausted all of their efforts
and deem a student to have excessive or unexplained absences, a referral to the school social
worker may be made. The social worker, using home visits and/or assistance from
community resources, will attempt to document and/or alleviate the problem with the student
and the family. When deemed necessary for the welfare of the child, the school social
worker, observing all due process rights of the parent and child and working in cooperation
with the procedural requirements of the court having jurisdiction, shall prepare the case for
juvenile or state court action. School personnel having direct knowledge of a pupil's truancy
may provide testimony in court hearings.
Possible penalties for truancy: Conference with student and/or parent, detention before or
after school or on Saturday, loss of parking permit, suspension from school, loss of an
instructional permit or driver's license or ineligibility or delay in applying for the permit or
license, referral to the school counselor or social worker, possible charges filed in juvenile
court if student is under sixteen (16) years of age, possible charges against parent in state
court or withdrawal from school if student is sixteen (16) years of age or older. Court
penalties may include fines, community service, mandated counseling or mental health
treatment, or probation or incarceration.
A student's instructional permit or driver's license may be denied, suspended or revoked under
the following conditions:
Has dropped out of school without graduating and has remained out of school for ten
(10) consecutive school days;
Has more than ten (10) school days of unexcused absences in any semester or
combination of two consecutive school quarters;
Has been suspended from school for:
1. Threatening, striking or causing bodily harm to a teacher or other school personnel;
2. Possession or sale of drugs or alcohol on school property;
3. Possession or use of a weapon on school property;
4. Any sexual offense prohibited under Chapter 6 of Title 16; or
5. Causing substantial physical or visible bodily harm to or seriously disfiguring
another person, including another student. OCGA 40-5-22 (a.1)
Students are responsible for any work missed due to absences from school. Teachers will permit
students to make-up work missed due to excused absences for any of the following reasons:
participation in school sponsored activities, personal illness, medical requirements, death of a
family member, hazardous conditions, observance of religious holiday, and orders of
governmental agencies.
Saturday Academy is a tutorial, remediation, and review session for students who need
additional assistance in a specific course and/or for the GMAS and the GHSWT assessments.
Students who are failing or at -risk of failing a course due to missing assignments, zeroes, low
class grades, and failed test scores are eligible to attend with teacher recommendation.
Building Bridges High Academy
Bell Schedule
2015 – 2016
Monday and Wednesday
1st block (Class 1)
2nd block (Class 2)
3rd block (Class 3)
Intervention/online classes (Class 7)
Tuesday and Thursday
1st block (Class 1)
2nd block (Class 2)
3rd block (Class 3)
Intervention/online classes (Class 7)
1st block (Class 1)
2nd block (Class 2)
3rd block (Class 3)
4th block (Class 4)
5th block (Class 5)
6th block (Class 6)
Intervention/online classes (Class 7)
Students are to remain in class during the entire instructional period. If an emergency arises, hall
passes may be obtained from the teacher at his or her discretion. Students are not to be in the
halls at any time without a hall pass.
Building Bridges Academy High School will strive for full compliance using positive
reinforcement including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Disciplinary
action will only be used when all positive measures have been exhausted.
School attendance is a right guaranteed to students as citizens. The right will not be denied
without due process. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper and lawful
manner. The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System’s Student and Parent Handbook
is distributed to all students at the beginning of the year in order for students and
parents/guardians to familiarize themselves with these behavior expectations. All students are expected to abide by the Code of Student Conduct Board of Education discipline policies, and
Building Bridges Academy High School policies. Students will be held personally accountable
for their behavior at all times when they are on any property of the Board of Education, attending
school-sponsored events or activities (field trips), or riding as a passenger on a vehicle operated
by the Board of Education. Students who exhibit behavior problems will be handled by
following the steps of the Code of Student Conduct Board of Education discipline policies.
PBIS is designed to build a positive social culture and establish behavior supports that promote
social and academic success. The features of BBAHS PBIS system include: defining/ teaching
students positive social expectations (Attentive, Timely, On-Task, Motivated), acknowledging/
rewarding students who exhibit positive behavior, collecting/analyzing discipline data for
decision making, and establishing individual prevention/intervention supports.
Peer mediation is a confidential process for resolving conflicts. Participants have the opportunity
to talk through their disputes with the help of trained student mediators. Peer mediators listen to
all participants and help them develop their own solution to the conflict in a peaceful, nonviolent way.
Smoking is a serious health hazard and is not allowed on school board property. Students
smoking on campus or in possession of tobacco products or cigarette lighters will receive
All charges of sexual misconduct and/or harassment will be investigated, documented, and filed
in the student's discipline folder. If additional action is needed, the charge will be referred to
Campus Police for appropriate action and also copied to the appropriate Central Office
Administrator. Harassment shall include but not be limited to the following:
Unwelcomed sexual advances
Request for sexual favors
Request for unsolicited physical contact
Verbal conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive
5. Writing sexually explicit notes or graffiti about another student
6. Obtaining or attempting to obtain property or sexual favors through the use of force,
menace or fear
7. Acts initiated by a student against the chastity, common decency, and morals of another
accompanied by threats, fears or danger
8. Intentionally or knowingly causing physical contact with another in an offensive or
provocative manner
9. Intentionally or knowingly threatening another with imminent physical or psychological
10. Inappropriate touching, rubbing or grabbing of others
11. As defined pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
"Bullying" means any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person accompanied
by an apparent present ability to do so, or any intentional display of force such as that would give
the victim reason to fear or expect immediate physical or emotional harm. All charges of
bullying will be investigated, documented, and placed in the student's discipline file.
 First offense: If the Center Leader determines that a student has committed the offense of
bullying, the Center Leader will assign the appropriate Level II consequence(s), hold a
conference with the parent explaining the offense, review Board Policy JD Rule 6, and
explain the consequence(s) related to the bullying in the Student Code of Conduct. This
conference will be documented and a copy placed in the student's permanent file.
 Second offense: If the Center Leader determines that a student has committed a second
offense of Bullying, the Center Leader will assign the appropriate Level II and/or Level III
consequences and implement the Student Support Process (Student Code of Conduct
Procedure 8). The Center Leader will notify the parent in writing that a third offense of
bullying will result in a request being made for long-term suspension from school and
placement in an alternative setting.
 Third offense: Upon finding that a student has committed the offense of bullying for the third
time in a school year, the Center Leader shall make a request to the Administrator of the
Student Hearing Office for the long-term suspension of the student to an alternative setting
(O.C.G.A. 20-2-751.4). Documentation of the Student Support Process with a copy of the
behavior correction plan and data showing efforts to modify the bullying behavior must be
included with the disciplinary request and placed in the student's permanent file.
Under the Safe School Climate/Zero Tolerance Policy in the Savannah-Chatham County Public
Schools, site administrators may conduct searches of school property such as lockers, desks, and
other property assigned to students. Students, their vehicles and their personal possessions may
be searched if site administrators have reasonable grounds to believe that students have in their
possession any items or materials that are forbidden by School Board policy and/or procedure,
school rules and regulations, or state or federal laws. Additionally, site administrators may
conduct searches for any items or materials which may pose a danger to either students or other
school personnel or which may be used to cause disruption of any educational process. Searches
include periodic school-wide searches conducted in agreement with local law enforcement
All students are required to adhere to the SCCPSS mobile learning device policy, regulation and
procedures as outlined. The school board policies are JCDAF and JCDAF-R(1) and can be read
in full on the district’s website at http://www.savannah.chataham.k12.ga.us.
The procedures for appropriate use of cell phones/iPods at Building Bridges High School are
described in the chart below. It will be effective on the very first day of school.
Cell phones/IPods, may be used before school (7:45 a.m.) and after school (3:15 p.m.).
Once a student enters the building, they must be turned off/ silenced.
Cell phone/IPods should always remain on silent/off during class/class changes and
should not be visible. Under no circumstances should the noise from these devices
disturb the learning of others.
Teachers may allow students use of a mobile device for instructional purposes and during
the instructional period. Otherwise, devices must be put away and out of sight until
approval for use is given by the teacher.
During school hours students are designated permission utilize their mobile devices
during their lunch time and in their lunch destination at Building Bridges Academy High
The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) understand that the procedures outlined in this document
present an opportunity to experience appropriate use of mobile devices as tools for learning.
Further, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) understand that any use of cell
phone/iPods/electronic devices outside of the classrooms (without teacher approval for
instructional purposes) or the designated areas will constitute a violation of the rules and the
student will be subject to consequences as outlined in policy JCDAF, and School Board
Regulation JCDAF-R(1)-see below:
First offense- Personal electronic device will be taken up and returned to the student at
the end of class or the day. Student conference;
Second offense- Personal electronic device will be taken up and parent/guardian called to
retrieve the device. Parent conference;
Third offense- Requires the loss of a privilege within the classroom and/or school for 30
days. A behavior contract, signed by parent and student on the proper use of electronic
devices, may be required before the privilege reinstated.
The faculty and staff of Building Bridges Academy High School believe that the student’s
adherence to a professional dress code is an employability skill that will contribute to the
student’s success in their college and career endeavors. Safe and appropriate dress in the
workplace is standard to all professional occupations. As students develop in their career
pathway at Building Bridges Academy High School, it will become evident that proper and
professional dress in business and industry is the norm, not the exception.
Students will adhere to the following dress code standards. Students violating dress code
standards will be required to contact parents to bring appropriate dress items to school.
1. School ID badges must be worn and visibly displayed while on campus and while
attending all school sponsored field trips (grades 6 through 12).
2. Shirts must be white polo or a white button up shirt (recommended). Only white T-shirts
may be worn under uniform shirts. Undergarments must not be visible. Shirts must be
tucked in. Shirts must be appropriate sizes with no ornamentation.
3. Ties are recommended.
4. Khaki colored bottoms. Pants must be appropriate size worn at the natural waist with a
belt (above and not below hips). Pants may not have zippers or pockets on the legs. Pants
may not be worn in a manner that shows undergarments, to include shorts.
Shorts/skirts/skorts may not have leg pockets and may not be shorter than 3 inches above
the knees. Cargo style (side-pocketed) pants and jeans are not allowed.
5. Belts must be worn if pants, skirts, skorts or shorts have belt loops. Belts must be solid
navy, black or brown and worn inside the belt loops. Belt buckles must not be oversized,
computerized or have any writing that is considered offensive.
6. All shoes must be solid colors (white, navy, or black), and must be enclosed and
fastened/tied properly. No backless shoes are allowed.
7. Tights, legging, hose or socks may be worn. Tights and socks must be solid navy, black
or white with no design. Hose without design may be worn. Tights and leggings may not
be worn as an outer garment.
8. No oversized jewelry and/or accessories with inappropriate emblems and/or writing may
be worn.
9. Solid colored sweaters, vests or sweatshirts may be worn over uniform shirts. Hooded
sweatshirts are not allowed at any time.
10. Coats and jackets must be worn open while in the building.
11. No hats, caps, or sunglasses may be worn in the building. Only optically required
eyewear may be worn.
12. Clothing that poses a safety hazard or causes a disruption to instruction not allowed.
13. Body piercing that causes a disruption or interferes with the learning environment will not
be allowed.
14. Extreme hair color/style that causes a disruption, or interferes with the learning
environment will not be allowed.
15. Non-uniform days are not to exceed 12 days in the school year. This includes "Spirit
Week." The Administration will have final approval of attire during non-uniform days.
Acceptable dress for non-uniform days will be consistent with the dress code.
Parents or guardians may request an exemption from a mandatory school uniform program
for medical, religious, or other justifiable reasons. A request for an exemption must be
made within 10 operational days of the beginning of the school year. (Note: The term
"operational days" is defined as days that schools are in session.) Medical exemption
requests must be signed by a medical doctor.
1. A written request for an exemption must be submitted to the school Center Leader
using the Application for Exemption Form that can be obtained from the school. The
request must be completed truthfully and correctly and signed by a physician if the
request is for medical reasons.
2. The Center Leader or his/her designee must meet with the parents or guardians within
five (5) operational days. The Center Leader will discuss the school uniform policy
and verify the accuracy of the information on the Exemption Form.
3. The parents or guardians will be notified in writing of the outcome of the conference
within three operational days. The Center Leader will note the finding to grant or deny
the request on the application, sign off on the application, and forward a copy to the
superintendent or his/her designee.
4. The Superintendent or his/her designee will affirm or deny the Center Leader's
decision. If the parent or guardian does not agree with the decision, they have a right
to appeal to the Board within five (5) operational days.
5. Exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
No student will be considered non-compliant for the following reasons:
1. An exemption has been established or is being appealed.
2. The Center Leader has established "non-uniform" day.
3. A student is on campus outside of normal school hours.
4. A student wears a button, armband, or other accouterment to exercise a constitutionallyprotected right to freedom of expression. Buttons, armbands or other accouterment that
signifies or is related to gangs, gang membership, or gang activity, or is disruptive to
school safety and discipline, are prohibited.
5. A student wears the uniform of a nationally-recognized youth organization such as the Boy
Scouts or the Girl Scouts on regular meeting days.
The Uniform-Dress Code Policy of SCCPSS requires all book bags, backpacks, athletic bags,
and other similar items used by students while on any Board of Education property, attending
school-sponsored events or activities, riding on Board-operated vehicles, or within a safety zone
must be made of a material or design that allows the contents to be clearly visible; either seethrough mesh or clear plastic. The mesh fabric must have an opening wide enough that items
inside the bag are clearly identifiable. Handbags, purses, pocketbooks, and similar items must be
no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches, three or four inches deep, and must not be large enough to contain
a standard textbook. Purses do not have to be transparent or made of mesh if they are within
these size limitations. Book bags, backpacks, gym bags, etc. are not allowed on campus the last
week of the school year. Failure to follow this rule is a dress code violation.
EOCT’s are required to assess instruction and student achievement in the areas of 9th Grade
Literature and Composition; American Literature and Composition; Coordinate Algebra;
Analytic Geometry; Mathematics IV; Physical Science; Biology; U.S. History, and Economics.
Scores are reported as a grade conversion score ranging from 0 – 100, which will be factored in
as 20% of a student’s final course grade.
End of Course Tests consist of two sections; each section is administered on a separate day of
testing. Each section consists of 40 to 45 multiple-choice questions featuring four choices from
which the BEST answer should be selected. Students may have up to 60 minutes to complete
each section of the test.
College-bound juniors are urged to take the SAT or ACT in their junior year. A junior may take
the test more than once, but one administration prior to the senior year is recommended. College12
bound seniors must take the SAT or ACT. Check with the School Counselor for the requirements
of various colleges and universities.
The SAT II is another name for the Achievement Tests. Some colleges require that you take two
or three achievement tests. You must check the college admission requirements for the colleges
you are interested in attending. Many colleges accept either the ACT or SAT as part of the
admission process. Check with the School Counselor for applications to sign up for the tests.
The course grades achieved by students are determined as follows:
Weighted % of Achieved Grade:
Assessment Criteria/Type:
In-class assignments, homework assignments, group
participation (including make-up and extra credit work).
Oral tests, performance skills attainment, teacher-made
content tests, nine weeks exam, semester exam, research
papers, and research projects.
The following grading scale will be used to rate student averages in school subjects:
Below 70%
EOCT (End of Course Tests) required by many academic courses constitute 20% of final course
A student who repeats a course previously failed will have the grade for the second course placed
on their transcript along with the failed course.
Dual enrollment is an arrangement between the public schools and a regionally accredited postsecondary public or private institution wherein a student enrolls in post-secondary classes and
earns Carnegie units of credit that count toward high school graduation requirements and postsecondary credit hours. Contact the Counselor for eligibility requirements.
In the event a student becomes ill during the school day, students will obtain a pass from their
subject teacher and will report directly to the Main Office. The School Nurse, in cooperation
with the parent/guardian, will determine if early release is necessary. Students with more serious
medical emergencies will receive an emergency response as outlined within the school
emergency response guidelines as set forth by the Board of Education.
Any student bringing medication to school must report to the Main Office. Medication
prescribed by a licensed physician must be in the original container and list the name of the
patient, prescribing physician and the name of the pharmacy filling the prescription. The School
Nurse will dispense medication after securing parental permission. Other drugs are prohibited on
school campus. Only the School Nurse can dispense medications to students.
All students are responsible for following general safety practices during the school day, whether
they are in lab or in the classroom. Students who violate safety procedures in any class or lab
area will be assigned by the classroom/or lab instructor a safety procedure unit to complete as
part of the class or lab grade where the infraction took place. State Law requires that all
students working in a lab or labs wear approved occupational safety glasses. Safety glasses
will be issued to students in required programs. If your child wears glasses, a signed
statement from his/her eye doctor confirming the occupational safety of your child's glasses is
required. Goggles must be worn by students who wear other than approved safety lenses. This
should be on file with the school nurse.
Students/Parents will complete an up-to-date emergency information contact form at the back of
this handbook for Building Bridges Academy High School and turn in the form to the
Information Specialist.
Schedule changes are made within the first 10 days of a semester for the following reasons only:
1. The student has taken and passed the class in which he or she has been scheduled.
2. The student does not have the required prerequisite class(s) for the class in which he or
she has been scheduled.
NCLB – Parents Right To Know
In compliance with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind statute, parents may request
information about the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s). The following
information may be requested:
1. Whether the teacher has met the Georgia Professional Standards Commission requirements for
certification for the grade level and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
2. Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status through which
Georgia qualifications or certification criteria have been waived;
3. The college major and any graduate certification or degree held by the teacher;
4. Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications.
To request information concerning the qualifications of your child’s teacher(s), please contact
the Center Leader.
Students or parents who wish to express a grievance should first consult with their child’s
teacher. If the issue is not resolved with the teacher, the following persons should be the next
points of contact: School Counselor and/or Center Leader. At Building Bridges Academy High
School, we strive to address any concerns from parents as quickly and effectively as possible.
We encourage parents and guardians to remain in close contact with the teachers and the school
The school cafeteria offers well-balanced, nutritional meals at a reasonable cost. Students who
choose to bring lunch from home may do so. During lunch periods, students must eat lunch in
the cafeteria or other eating area designated by the Center Leader. All other areas of campus are
restricted areas for students during their lunch period.
Students arriving on campus late or returning from appointments are not to bring restaurant food
and/or beverages into the cafeteria or on campus. Students are not allowed to have food delivered
to them at any time during school. Students may not leave campus for lunch.
Students may not use the office phones for personal calls except in an emergency and only with
the office staff approval. Calls are to be limited to two minutes. Students will not be dismissed
from class to use the telephone. Only emergency messages will be forwarded to students.
Students will not be called to the office phone during instructional time unless the parent calls
with a stated emergency. Cell phones must be turned-off and stored in book bags. Cell phone
use is permitted in classrooms for educational purposes only and with the expressed
permission of the instructor.
Bus students may only ride the bus they are assigned to and they are expected to behave
appropriately at all times. Missing the bus is not considered an excuse for tardiness or absence.
Bus students will board and exit their assigned bus at the bus ramp. School bus transportation is a
privilege that may be withdrawn for inappropriate behavior.
Students must provide a valid driver's license, vehicle registration, proof of insurance and a
$10.00 fee to the Campus Resource Officer or Center Leader to obtain a Building Bridges
Academy High School parking permit.
Careless/reckless driving or using your vehicle to violate school rules
will result in the immediate revocation of driving privileges
Students may be dropped off for school or picked up on dismissal at the front of the school only.
The bus ramp is for unloading and for loading of school busses only. Please adhere to this
procedure for safety reasons.
Students are not allowed to leave campus without authorization. Only students who have signed
out through the Main Office are authorized to leave campus. Students returning to the school
must sign in through the Main Office.
All students are expected to abide by all Building Bridges Academy High School rules and
guidelines as listed in the handbook. Disregard and abuse of any field trip rules will result in
appropriate disciplinary action and the termination of future field trip privileges departing from
Building Bridges Academy High School.
Students will be respectful at all times to all school staff, chaperoning adults, and fellow students as
well as all staff/persons at the field trip site.
Any student not meeting Uniform Policy Standards described in this handbook will not go on the
field trip.
Students will arrive at sessions or activities promptly and will actively participate.
Students should not bring valuables or excessive amounts of money with them.
All electronic devices and cell phones are prohibited.
Use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs is prohibited.
Students are expected to be punctual and ready to depart at the assigned departure point and time.
Students are responsible to their assigned chaperone and will maintain check-in times with their
Student Eligibility for Field Trips: Building Bridges Academy High School teachers will be provided
a requested field trip eligibility attendance list of student names seven (7) days prior to the scheduled
trip. All teachers will return eligibility list to the administration.
Students that are failing any course will be ineligible to attend the field trip. Students must
remediate failing average to be eligible for field trip.
Visitors must check in at the Main Office. If approved by the administration, authorized visitors
will be issued a visitor’s pass.
All visitors must report to the Main Office. Students on campus who were not in their first class
and who did not sign in through the Main Office, students who sign out but do not sign in upon
return to campus, and students who leave campus for early release programs and who return to
campus without signing in are trespassing. Appearance on campus while suspended is
trespassing. Anyone on campus who is not an authorized visitor is trespassing. Any person on
campus after the conclusion of the instructional day and school-sponsored activities is
trespassing. Appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action will be taken for trespassing.
This form must be completed within five (5) days and returned to Information Specialist.
STUDENT NAME:___________________________________________________________GENDER: M
HOME SCHOOL: ________________________ CAREER PATHWAY:______________________________
STUDENT NUMBER_________________ GRADE: 9 10 11 12 DATE OF BIRTH:_____/______/______
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S):_______________________________________________________________
Primary Contact Number: Cell or Home? (____)_____________Contact Name?_____________________
Alternate Contact Number: Cell or Home? (____)____________Contact Name?______________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME: ___________________________Relationship________________________
(If different from above)
) _______-_______________
(If different from above)
Do you have any confidential medical conditions or restrictions that you would like Building
Bridges Academy High School to be made aware of? Y N
If so, please list or describe: _____________________________________________________
Please sign below indicating that you have received the Student Handbook and return this page
with all signatures completed to your Building Bridges Academy High School teacher within
five (5) school days.
Media/School Work Release
I have received and read the district’s media release and school work display policies.
I give permission to photograph, videotape, or audio record my child and for local news media to photograph and/or interview my child. I
also give permission to display my child’s school work and photographs including class pictures and T-shirts.
Please do not publish my child’s photograph or school work on the school district’s web site, individual school web site or any other world
wide web page for which the photo may be requested.
I do not grant permission for my child’s photograph or school work to be used for ANY school district publication, news media usage or
world wide web, or for the news media to photograph and/or interview my child.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
I understand that a student admitted under false information is illegally enrolled and will be dismissed or reassigned from the Savannah-Chatham
County School System upon discovery. Further, I understand that a person who knowingly and willingly makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent
statement or representation; or makes or uses any false writing or document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent
statement of entry, in any matter shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for not less
than one or more than five years, or both (O.C.G.A. 16-10-20). False information may result in loss of a student’s athletic eligibility for one
calendar year. I further understand that it is my responsibility as the Parent/Legal Guardian to immediately inform the school district of any
changes in information provided.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
IFBG-E (1), Internet Acceptable Use
Savannah-Chatham County Public School System
Parental Request to Deny Access to Online Technology
You have the option to deny your child access to online technology resources. To deny access to
services, please complete this form, sign and date it, and return the form to your child’s school.
Student Name _______________________________________ Grade _______________
School _________________________________________________________________
______ I have read the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System's Technology
Resources Acceptable Use Policy and hereby request that my child not have access to online
technology resources. I am aware that my child will not have access to electronic resources that
are used to prepare him/her for the workforce or post-secondary education.
Note: This request to deny access to online technology resources does not include the
administration of online assessment and testing that is monitored by proctors, teachers
and/or testing coordinators.
Parent/Guardian Name (please print)_______________________________________
Parent Signature__________________________________ Date ________________