VILLAGE OF DOUSMAN JOINT PLAN COMMISSION-VILLAGE BOARD PUBLIC HEARING PROCEEDINGS May 12, 2014 PRESENT BOARD: Pres. Nissen, M. Schroeder, R. Hawk, C. Queen & H. Dessart PRESENT PLAN COMMISSION: Pres. Nissen, M. Schroeder, M. Finn, D. Geiger, J. Lui & J. Keck ABSENT: P. Scaffido ALSO PRESENT: Gerry Powell, Village Engineer & Bruce Kaniewski, Village Planner To consider an application filed by Thomas R. Poweleit for a zoning district boundary change (rezoning) from SR-1 Single-Family Residential District to B-2, Highway Business District; GR, General Residence District and C-1, Conservancy District. The public hearing to consider a zoning district boundary change is pursuant to an application filed by the applicant to detach the property from the Village of Summit and attach the property to the Village of Dousman according to the Summit/Dousman Boundary Agreement. If attached, a requirement of the Village of Dousman Zoning Code automatically assigns the SR-1 SingleFamily Residential District to properties less than 35 acres in size. The subject property with the address of 36569 Sunset Drive, Oconomowoc, WI 53066, is legally described as follows: LOT 1 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 6497, PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 34, TIER 7 NORTH, RANGE 17 EAST; AND ALSO PART OF LOT 2 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 7625, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION 34, TIER 7 NORTH, RANGE 17 EAST, THENCE NORTH 00°22' EAST 1627.80 FEET, SOUTH 89°58' WEST 930.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 89°58' WEST 200.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 00°22' EAST 646.77 FEET, THENCE NORTHEASTERY ALONG CURVE 200.96 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00°22' WEST 661.90 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING, RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. 3558893; ALL WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF SUMMIT, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. B. Kaniewski explained the reason for the rezoning. The front buildable portion of the site requested for B-2 zoning is bout one acre. The rear buildable portion of the site requested for GR zoning covers about 2.6 acres. The remainder of the site slatted for C-1 zoning is mapped as either a PEC or wetland, or both. R. Hawk questioned the numbers that Mr. Leonard had come up with and why they are different than the Village Planners. B. Kaniewski stated that he had estimated the buildable portion of the property until he received an actual plan from the applicant. H. Dessart questioned if the attachment would still take place if this did not get approved. He thinks that the Plan Commission and Village Board should really think about what they want on that property and what they see in the future. Pres. Nissen opened the public hearing. Village of Dousman Public Hearing Meeting Minutes May 12, 2014 Page 2. Bob Leonard, 461 N. Main Street; also questioned the Village Planner about the density and what could fit on that property. Andy Boettcher, 36722 Clover Lane; questioned the open space and also the density. He questioned why there has not been a wetland delineation done yet. Milton Houk, 211 Johnston Drive; stated that we should be concentrating on bringing businesses into the downtown area now that we are spending all the money to redo it. He talked about what an impact this would have on the fire and police departments. Don Bischel, Dousman Road; also spoke about bringing people into the downtown area being important. Virginia Brown, 439 N. Main Street; asked who would pay for the extension of the sewer and water. Pres. Nissen stated that it is paid for by the developer. Bob Leonard, 461 N. Main Street; once again wanted to tell the Plan Commission and Village Board to remember what all of the neighbors had to say tonight. Pres. Nissen closed the public hearing. Pres. Nissen asked the Plan Commission and Board members what their thoughts were on this project. R. Hawk stated that she is interested in something more low-density, she cannot visualize having 72 units on this parcel of land. She would like to see us also bringing people into the downtown although that does not stop us from also thinking of things along Hwy 18. M. Finn and J. Lui also spoke on wanting more low-density and worried about the wetlands. Pres. Nissen asked the applicant if he had gotten enough feedback as to what the Plan Commission and Village Board would like. He is going to work more with the Village Planner and come back to the June meeting. Pres. Nissen made a motion to table this public hearing until June 9th, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. C. Queen seconded. Carried. Pres. Nissen made a motion to adjourn. C. Queen seconded. Carried. Penny L. Nissen, Clerk Village of Dousman