Week 1 Lesson Aim Small Talk: Question & Focus Activity 1 Monday Students will get to know each other and the course. How are you? / How are you doing? (+answers) No small talk practice today. Just introduce the question and focus on pronunciation. Name game - Teacher models “I’m Alex and I like ________” for the students including pronunciation. - Students choose their own noun to complete their sentence. - Students go around the class, and have to say the sentence, along with a noun and an action. - After a few people, the base sentence can be changed to “smell like”, “look like”, “have a ______ for a head”. Students must act an appropriate response. Activity 2 Outline course goals - A basic guide to pronunciation – students will become more aware or pronunciation, and be able to apply it in studies going forward. - Fluency theory and language learning metaphors (sport, music, art) - Course structure. Activity 3 Technology check: - Laptop? - Smartphone? Tuesday Students will better understand the nature and importance of pronunciation, and their own goals within it. Where do you live? Nice to meet you. Practice focused on fluency, ask as many people as you can. Decreasing time. Looking at pronunciation models. Look at examples of English pronunciation from around the world. Ask the following questions: - What is the best pronunciation? Why? - What makes these people different? - What do we need to know to pronounce things well? - How important is pronunciation? - Which sounds more like you? - Who do you want to sound like? Wednesday Students will become fully aware of the vowel sounds of English, how they compare to Korean and their IPA symbols. Your ________ looks good. That’s a nice ___________. (+responses) Again, focus on fluency across all of the questions. Vowels - Watch the vowels video at http://vimeo.com/32830670 - Students write down the words they hear in the video. - Students group words by vowels. - Students try to match sounds to IPA symbols. - Students try to match Korean sounds (This is more aimed at raising awareness that the systems are not the same.) - Students try pronouncing the sounds themselves. Thursday Students will learn to distinguish long and short vowels with similar qualities. Friday Students will use the long and short vowels to create short skits. What did you do last night? Focus on fluency, intonation and vowel sounds. What are you doing this weekend? Focus on intonation, same as yesterday’s question. Long and short vowels - Students listen to the vowel pairs /I/ and /i:/, /u/ and /u:/, and /c/ and /c:/. How are they different (length, slight quality). - Listen & Identify (How many?) - Minimal pairs practice (PAE85/86, 149, 165) Role plays - Students create role plays based on misunderstandings caused by long & short vowels. Examples from PAE 85/86). - They will be given a list of minimal pairs. - Perform and critique role plays, especially pronunciation aspects. Introducing video blogging - Signup to video site. Record passwords! Start a community. - Alex demo blog, also to serve as a model for their own video diaries. Introducing the 1,000 most common words in English. - These are words that you know, and they cover about 70% of all English. If you know these, pronunciation-wise, then you can take some big steps. - Students look through word list, and try to match some sounds to the ones they have just learnt, and write in the IPA symbols, and try pronouncing them in pairs. Flashcard & dictionary work - Flashcards are important for pronunciation work, as well as memory. (Anki) - Decide what’s important for you. - You can look up pronunciation in a dictionary, and save it with your flashcards. -Guess the examples from dictionary IPA. Space Left blank for overrunning activities. If necessary, further fluency work with questions, or a creative fluency activity can be done here. Video diary None What/who is my pronunciation model? What are my problems? What do I want to achieve in this course. Record yourself speaking one word from the 1,000 for each sound that you learnt. Which sounds, and words, do you find most difficult to pronounce, and why? What do you need to work on. Weekend, no recordings, but watch and comment on someone else’s videos. Week 2 Monday Students will learn the production of three other short vowels. Tuesday Students will learn production of two remaining long vowels, plus schwa. Wednesday Students will learn about dipthongs and practice all of the vowel sounds learnt so far. Small Talk: Question & Focus Activity 1 Did you have a good weekend? Focus on correct intonation pattern, and long and short vowels. Short vowels - Sound models. - Identify where these sounds may occur in the 1,000 word list. - Minimal pairs practice for /ae/ and /e/ (PAE 100) - Speaking and identifying games (how many, odd one out). Excuse me, do you have a ___? Compare to yesterday’s intonation pattern. Check vowel sounds as per last night’s diary. Long vowels - Listen – qualities of the vowels? - Try distinguishing – how many? Then play the game yourself using words from the 1,000. Nice weather we’re having. Look at straight and sarcastic intonations (depending on weather). Dipthongs - Write the dipthongs on the board in IPA, get students to predict and match words to them. - Help to refine pronunciation. Activity 2 Technology review - Look at some computer modelling. University of Iowa, forvo.com, maybe some comparison software if time. Schwa - Practise production. - How do you spell schwa? Most common vowel in English. - Schwa wars: Dictate some text (Questions?). Where does schwa appear. - Continue the game, but with students predicting and reading. Vowel bingo Students pick a 9x9 grid of vowel sounds to play bingo. Students can be the callers. Identify the short vowels in questions so far, and practice pronunciation. Find a short text, and see if you can predict the schwas and read it for us. Homework: find a picture that represents a word for each of the vowel sounds that we have learnt. Lesson Aim Activity 3 Video diary Thursday Students will use what we’ve learnt to improve speeches for Chris’s class, and also begin their video projects. Long review and practice. Friday Students will watch the videos. Speech Clinic - In pairs, students will give and analyze each other’s speeches for Chris’s class. Analysis will focus on getting vowel sounds right, with lots of practice. - If time, we will also look at where fluency breaks down and why. - Any other intonation matters. Video project - Students will be introduced to a video project. Using the pictures they found the previous night they will make their own equivalent to the vowels video. Video watching - Students will watch and analyze videos. Homework: make your vowels video. Watch and comment on some people’s videos. Has it been a long week? Focus on rising intonation. Space - Overrun - Reflection: How was your speech? How are feeling about the course so far? - Student questions. Week 3 Lesson Aim Small Talk: Question & Focus Activity 1 Monday Students will distinguish the consonant sounds of English, and compare them to IPA and Korean. What do you think of ______? Focus on fluency Tuesday Students will work on the basic pronunciation of some troublesome consonants. Story - I read a very short story containing all of the consonants in English. - Students dictate, try to identify how many different sounds. - Students try to match IPA symbols and similarities to Korean. - Teacher models again, then students try to reproduce. Consonants Reflection& Practice - Watch other people’s videos and see where they struggled. Identify the most difficult sounds. - Practice making those sounds. I expect to be working with f/v, r/l, th. - Use the computer modelling, diagrams (Orion Unit 2), Forvo for some info (& me). - Give some minimal pairs lists for problem consonants. How long have you been ___? Intonation especially with variations. Activity 2 Activity 3 Video diary Wednesday Students will become aware and be more able to express issues with terminal devoicing. V short practice & review small talk today due to lack of time. Thursday Students will further practice difficult consonants, and apply them in the speech clinic. Friday Students will increase their knowledge of IPA through doing a treasure hunt. This ___ is a bit _____, isn’t it? Intonation of tag questions. V short practice & review. Terminal devoicing. - Listen to some minimal pairs with voiced/unvoiced terminal consonants. How do they differ? (Computer analysis?) - Minimal pairs practice. (From PAE as necessary, or from list) - Practice with 1,000 words. Speech clinic - Go through speeches – are there any difficult consonants in there? Particularly terminal devoicing or vowel-added endings? - Practice words, then speeches in pairs. Analyze, redo etc. - Give speeches to the class. Maybe try to look at some rephrasing. IPA Treasure Hunt - Students will be given a sheet of clues written in IPA, leading them to numbers hidden around the university. - Students have to find, and add together the numbers. The closest team to the total at the end wins the prize. What are the biggest problems in my speech? Watch and comment on videos. Difficult consonant endings - Look at endings that often have a vowel sound added in Korean: ch, sh, dj. - Right or wrong. I put a word on the board – Ss produce it, partner says right or wrong. Record yourself reading the story. Use today’s improvements to record the story again. Where has your pronunciation improved most? What can you do now? What interesting things have you learnt? Week 4 Lesson Aim Small Talk: Question & Focus Activity 1 Monday Students will be aware of the concept of word stress and some of the vowels which occur in unstressed syllables. Today feels like a _______. (+ responses / intonations) Focus on intonation. Tuesday Students will move towards the concept of sentence stress and thought groups. Wednesday Students will revise concepts of word stress, sentence stress and thought groups. Thursday Students will apply topics studied so far to their speeches. Friday Students will analyse their own videos. Short review & practice. Make your own question (Perhaps from Korean). Long review and practice. Long review and practice. Figuring out stress - Look at 1,000 words. Where does schwa appear? Try pronouncing these words. - Listen to some models, how do the vowels differ (length, force)? - What vowels typically occur in unstressed syllables? - Practice time in pairs. - How to look up stress in dictionaries. Weak forms + content words - Is every word in a sentence equally important? - Expanding telegrams to full sentences. - Reducing full sentences to telegrams. - Dictate, and look at phonetically – introduce the concept of weak forms. News Reports - Watch a couple of news reports from the homework. Comment on effectiveness of stress placement etc. - Students write their own news reports, using as much simple language as possible, and concentrating on concepts learnt this week, as well as segmental concepts from previous weeks. - Practice and critique in class if time. Speech Clinic -Try to break down speeches in terms of thought groups and sentence stress. - Deal with any other issues. Watching News Reports - Watch and comment on each other’s news videos and aspects to be improved. News Report - Address any issues recording the news reports. Reflection - How can we apply what we’ve learnt? - How much should we worry about pronunciation? - Is it really important to know this stuff? How well do you feel that you use sentence stress? Is it something that you think is important? How can you apply it to your English? Watch and comment on someone else’s video. Activity 2 Activity 3 Video diary News report - Listen to a news report, and try to mark the pauses. - Talk about where they occur, and how they relate to stress. Pick 10 words from the frequent 1,000 and read them with the correct stress. Try to read the news report yourself, with pauses and stress. Record your own news report. Week 5 Lesson Aim Small Talk: Question & Focus Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Video diary Monday Students will better understand how intonation can be used to convey speaker attitude and to contrast information. How are you finding the course? Tuesday Students will better understand how to use intonation to point out new information. Wednesday Students will practice intonation through performing role plays. Thursday Students will apply everything that they have learnt so far to their final speeches. Friday Students will reflect on the course and say goodbye. Long practice & review session. Long practice and review session. Long practice and review session. Speaker attitude - Exercise in PAE (68 B). Students pronounce the same word in English in different ways according to attitude (certain, uncertain, angry, surprised etc.) - Perform for the group and try to diagram intonations. - Look at NS model (Alex) - Try again. Intonation for contrast - Look at PAE 66 & 67 and do the activities. - Try to write your own sentence and see if your partner can guess what you mean. New information - Do the witty waiter exercise sheet. - Find some other dialogs to study and perform. Did you hear about _____? Did you see ________? Focus on fluency & vowel sounds. Role-play - Finish writing and practising role plays. - Perform for the class and analyze. Speech clinic - Individual speeches, with comments from students and teacher. Reflection - How should we use what we learnt? - Are rules important? - How can we continue to practice? - What has been the most important thing? - How do you feel about your pronunciation now? Make a video that tries to show your attitude using one word only, for other people to guess. How good is your intonation? Do you feel you can use what you have learnt? Where? How? Role-play - Look at the dialogs we just studied. - Use them as inspiration to write a role-play demonstrating some of these features. Goodbye messages - Students write a goodbye message, practise, and deliver. Record some example lines from your role-play. Goodbye message practice. Comments if you want.