2012 Spring Final Exam Pre-Vet Name Date ** KNOW MEANINGS

2012 Spring Final Exam
Name ______________________________________ Date ______________________
1. What information is reported on a CBC? :
2. What is another term for hematocrit ?
3. The RBC indicies could be used to help determine the cause or presence of what
disease process?
4. RBCs that vary in size are called ________________________.
5. Term used to indicate changes in RBC shape is ________________________.
6. RBCs with a membrane abnormality that causes cells to develop multiple, irregularly
spaced club shaped projections are known as ___________________________.
7. The term used to denote fragmented RBCs is _________________________.
8. Term used to denote RBCs that have numerous rounded, evenly spaced projections is
9. Term used to denote immature nucleated RBCs is _____________________________.
10. Groupings of RBCs that resemble stacked coins are called
11. Term used to denote RBCs that have an increased area of central pallor with a narrow,
peripheral rim of hemoglobin within the cell are called
12. What characteristics do WBCs have?
13. “Band” is a term used to denote a neutrophil with __________________________.
14. Eosinophils have granules that stain ____________________.
15. Eosinophils appear during ________________ reactions.
16. Basophils have granules that stain _______________________________.
17. The best time to collect a urine sample is ____________________________________.
18. What are the routine methods of urine collection?
19. What is the name of the procedure that involves placing a needle with a syringe
attached through the ventral abdominal wall into the lumen of the bladder and
aspirating the urine?
20. During cystocentesis, what is a major concern?
21. During catheterization, what is NOT a concern?
22. Bright red urine is indicative of ____________________________.
23. Turbidity means ___________________________.
24. What is routinely used for chemical evaluations of urine?
25. What is routinely used to test for specific gravity?
26. The specific gravity of urine is an indicator of _____________________________.
27. pH is used to express the _____________ ion concentration
28. A reading of pH above 7 is said to be ______________________________.
29. A reading of pH below 7 is said to be ______________________________.
30. One cause of a positive urine protein test is
31. A positive urine glucose test could be caused by ____________________________.
32. True or False: It is normal to see epithelial cells in urine sediment.
Match the following casts with their content:
33. _____ Hyaline
35. _____ Waxy
A. characterized by a non-specific
granular matrix and are said to be course r
B. are wide and homogenous, usually with distinct
blunt or squared ends.
36. _____ Cellular
C. colorless, homogeneous and semitransparent
37. _____ Fatty
D. contain recognizable cells imbedded in the
protein matrix
34._____ Granular
E. contain globules from degenerating tubular
epithelial cells
Multiple Choice:
39. Most parasites are capable of causing significant damage to a host. Which of the following
is NOT a way parasite harms hosts?
a. The number of parasites present
b. The production of heat
c. The production of toxins
d. The location within the host
40. Term used to denote parasites that are external:
a. endoparasite
b. flea
c. tick
d. ectoparasite
41. Term used to denote parasites that are internal
a. endoparasite
b. flea
c. tick
d. ectoparasite
42. Which nematode does not have its main route of entry as skin penetration?
a. tapeworm
b. hookworm
c. intestinal threadworm
43. The most dangerous nematode for the dog is the
a. tapeworm
b. roundworm
c. heart worm
d. hookworm
44. Heartworms block the _______________, causing the heart to work harder.
a. aorta
b. femoral artery
c. brachial artery
d. pulmonary artery
45. Veterinarians confirm heartworm infections by finding the ____________ in the blood.
a. eggs
b. microfilaria
c. worms
d. hydatid cyst
46. Treatment of heartworms is best achieved by giving a ____________ drug.
a. antihistamine
b. antiemetic
c. prophylactic
d. antihypertensive
47. True or False: Diagnosis of ectoparasites are based on the internal morphological
appearance of the parasite.
48. True or False: Once fleas have had a chance to establish the life cycle in a house and/or
yard environment, no control program will be successful that does not emphasize
environmental control.
49. True or False: mites are not host specific.
50. True or False: Ticks are identified as being round or spotted.
51. True or False: Crystals are common and most are a sign of disease.
52. True or False: nematodes are simple roundworms, colorless, unsegmented and lack