Objective: CD163 is a receptor that binds haptoglobin-hemoglobin complexes and is expressed mainly on macrophages and monocytes. As a result of shedding, the extracellular portion of CD163 circulates in blood as a soluble protein (sCD163). This study aimed to measure soluble CD 163 (sCD163) serum levels in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients and to assess its relation with the clinical, laboratory and radiological features of the disease. Material and Methods: We measured sCD163 in the serum from 24SSc patients and in the serum from healthy control (n=30). The patients were subjected to full history taking and thorough clinical rheumatologic and dermatological examinations. In SSc, the skin thickness score was scored according to the modified Rodnan skin score (MRSS) method and pulmonary involvement was assessed in all patients by highresolution computerized tomography (HRCT) and pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Results: The mean sCD163 serum levels in the patients with diffuse and limited SSc was (61.64 ± 19.57 and 60.8 ± 21.43 ng/ml ) showed a highly statistically significant increase as compared to the mean serum levels in the control (36.97±16.37 ng/ml)(p<0.001). SSc patients with raised sCD163 serum levels had much higher pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) than those with normal sCD163 serum levels (p<0.05).Also, serum level of sCD163 significantly correlated with PASP (r=0.53, p <0.05). In SSc patients. The mean sCD163 serum level in SSc patients with digital ulceration (DU) (70.82± 18.3 ng/ml) showed a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) compared to SSC patients without DU(53.23 ± 18.09 ng/ml). Conclusion: the raised sCD163 serum levels in systemic sclerosis patients and its association with pulmonary hypertension suggesting a possible role of macrophages in the pathogenesis and vascular involvement of systemic sclerosis. Keywords: Systemic sclerosis; soluble CD 163; Macrophages; Modified Rodnan severity score Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which extensive fibrosis of the skin and an internal organ is considered the hallmark of the disease. Immune alteration, vasculopathy, and excessive production of extracellular matrix with increased collagen deposition are all known to be essential in the pathogenesis of this disease (1). Macrophages have an important role in the pathogenesis of both autoimmune and fibrotic disorders and they represent major part of the inflammatory infiltrates found in the skin and affected internal organs found in early SSc (2). Activation of macrophages toward various phenotypes differs according to different stimuli. Macrophages are activated to M1 phenotype by microbial products or interferon (IFN-c). M1 macrophages represent a major source of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1b, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), and IL-6 (3, 4). In contrast, macrophages can be activated toward M2 phenotype by IL-4, IL-13, and IL-10 which are known to be increased in SSc (4). These M2 macrophages have many receptors like hemoglobin scavenger receptor (CD163) (5). M2 macrophages are associated with a revascularization and wound and may have a role in the pathogenesis of fibrotic diseases by the secretion of transforming growth factor (TGF-b) (6). CD163 is the macrophages scavenger receptor which is expressed exclusively in monocytes/macrophages .CD163 has both membrane bound variant and a soluble variant which is present in plasma and other tissue fluids (7). Soluble CD163 (sCD163) supposed to be product of shedding by proteolytic enzymes (8). Oxidative stress or inflammatory stimuli can release sCD163 from cell surface through proteolytic cleavage. So, oxidative conditions such as diabetes mellitus can cause raised sCD163 serum level (9).Also, sCD163 is increased during wound healing, giving a possible role of CD163 in the pathogenesis of fibrotic diseases and remodeling of connective tissues (10). CD163 is increased in many chronic inflammatory conditions and is supposed to have potential antiinflammatory function (11). CD163-expressing macrophages can uptake haptoglobin- haemoglobin complexes leading to increased secretion of interleukin-10 and expression of haemeoxygenase -1 (12). The aim of the present study was to estimate the serum sCD163 level in systemic sclerosis and to assess any possible relation with the clinical, laboratory and radiological features of the disease. Participants: Twenty four patients, fulfilling the 2013 ACR-EULAR classification criteria for SSc (13) were recruited from the in-patients and out–patients' clinic of the Rheumatology and Rehabilitation department of Benha university hospitals between January and December 2014. And thirty age matched apparently healthy females from the hospital staff, undergraduates; medical and nursing staffs were also included as a controls. We excluded patients with conditions that known to cause oxidative stress as patients with ischemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disorders and diabetic patients. Also, patients with recent history of infection were excluded from the study. Materials and methods: Patients with SSc were classified according to the extent of cutaneous affection into diffuse and limited SSc using the criteria of LeRoy et al (14) .Patients’ evaluation included full history taking, thorough physical examination emphasizing Raynaud, cutaneous manifestations, arthritis, gastrointestinal, lung manifestations, cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Skin thickness was assessed in 17 areas using modified Rodnan skin score (MRSS) (15) and internal organ involvement was defined as described by Steen et al (16). Laboratory and radiological investigations Routine laboratory investigations including, complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), liver and kidney function tests were performed and autoantibodies including antinuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-ScL 70 and anti-centromere antibodies were determined. Lung involvement was assessed using pulmonary functional test (PFT), and high resolution computerized tomography (HRCT). Also, color Doppler echocardiography was used to measure Pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP). Measurement of serum levels of sCD163 The sCD163 levels were measured in the serum collected from all SSc patients and controls. All serum samples were separated by centrifugation and stored at -20°C until analysis. Assay of sCD163 was made by the enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) technique using the kit supplied from (My biosource, San Diego, California, USA) Human soluble CD163 (sCD163) ELISA Kit Cat. No: MBS702685. The assay procedures were followed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The detection range is 1.56 ng/ml-100 ng/ml The local ethics committee of our institution (Benha University, Faculty of Medicine) approved the study and all participants gave a written informed consent before being enrolled in this study. Statistical analysis: The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 16. Categorical data were presented as number and percentages while continuous variables were presented as mean and SD if parametric, and as median and range if non parametric. Chi square, Z-test, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal–Wallis test and Spearman’s correlation coefficients were used as tests of significance. Two sided p-value <0.05 was considered significant. 3- Results: Twenty four SSc patients (ages ranged from 23 to 53 years) with a mean of 35.5± 8.4 years and thirty age and sex matched apparently healthy control (ages ranged from 19 to 58 years) with a mean of 35.32±8.46 years were included in the study.14 patients had diffuse SSc and 10 had limited SSc. Patients’ clinical and laboratory features are shown in (Table 1). The mean sCD163 serum levels in the patients with diffuse and limited SSc (61.64 ± 19.57 and 60.8 ± 21.43ng/ml ) showed a highly statistically significant increase as compared to the mean serum levels in the control (36.97±16.37ng/ml) (p<0.001). (Figure 1). Although the sCD163 serum levels was higher in patients with diffuse SSc than their levels in the serum of limited SSc patients, the difference showed no statistical significance (p>0.05). High sCD163 serum level, defined as greater than the mean +2 SD of the value in controls (69.7 ng/ml), was found in 9SSc patients(37.5%) , while normal sCD163 serum level was found in 15 SSc patients(62.5%). SSc patients with raised sCD163 serum levels had significantly higher PASP (53.22± 23.98 mm Hg) than those with normal sCD163serum levels (37 ± 13.67 mm Hg) (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference regarding other clinical or laboratory features (Table 2). However, the mean sCD163 serum level in SSc patients with digital ulceration (DU) (72.33± 17.62 ng/ml) showed a statistically significant increase compared to SSC patients without DU (52.25 ± 18.74 ng/ml) (p<0.05) (Figure 2). Regarding pulmonary fibrosis (PF), the mean sCD163 serum level in SSc patients with pulmonary fibrosis (68.6± 19.11 ng/ml) showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) as compared to SSC patients without pulmonary fibrosis (56.07 ± 19.44 ng/ml) (Figure 3). Serum sCD163 levels showed a statistically significant correlation with the PASP (r=0.53, p <0.05) (Table 3). There was no other statistically significant correlation between sCD163 and other clinical or laboratory features of SSc. 4. Discussion: At early stages of SSc, monocytes/macrophages represent major components of the inflammatory infiltrates found in the skin and affected organs (17). CD163 is considered a marker of differentiation of monocytes into activated macrophages (M2 macrophages) which release anti-inflammatory mediators and may contribute to connective tissue remodeling (18). Also, M2 macrophages are suggested to have a major role in development of many fibrotic disorders by secretion of pro-fibrotic cytokines (19). In our study, sCD163serum levels were statistically significantly increased in both diffuse and limited SSc patients than its level in the serum of healthy controls. Our results confirmed the results of others who found increased serum level ofsCD163 in SSc patients as compared to healthy controls (20-22). Shimizu et al. (20) suggested that increased sCD163 was attributed to the presence and degree of oxidative stress and SSc is considered to be one of the oxidative stresses, and they found a positive correlation between sCD163and serum 8-isoporstane, which is considered a markers of lipid peroxidation, in SSc patients. Also, Guiducci et al (23) suggested that the main function of sCD163 to bind haptoglobin-hemoglobin complexes and prevents vessel wall injury is beneficial in SSc as there is microangiopathy is a prominent feature of SSc and might lead to increased hemolysis and release of free hemoglobin. In the current study, serum sCD163 levels were correlated positively with pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) (r=0.53, p <0.05), Also, PASP was significantly raised (p <0.05) in patients with raised sCD163 levels than in patients with normal serum sCD163 levels. This is in agreement with many studies showing that SSc patients with raised sCD163 levels had significantly higher PASP compared with patients with normal sCD163 levels (20, 21). This may suggest thatM2 macrophages may play a potential role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension associated with SSc . The Histological analysis of hypertensive pulmonary arteries show proliferation of endothelial cells, contraction smooth muscle cells contraction, and macrophages infiltrates that produce proinflammatory cytokines that may contribute in the tissue injury (24, 25). In contrast to our results, in the study of Bielecki et al.(26) It did not show association between greater release of sCD163 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC) and pulmonary hypertension and attributed this discrepancy to differences in study methodology and the differences in patients populations involved in other studies. That made analysis of associations between ex vivo production of sCD163 by PBMC and severity of the disease less accurate. In our study, the mean sCD163 serum level in SSc patients with DU (72.33± 17.62ng/ml) showed a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) compared to SSC patients without DU(52.25 ± 18.74).Also, SSc patients with increased sCD163 levels were more likely to have digital ulceration (DU) than those with normal sCD163 serum levels but this difference wasn’t statically significant (p>0.05).This result is in consistent with other studies that found digital ulcers to be more frequent in SSc patients with elevated sCD163 serum levels sCD163 (20,21). This is explained as DUs are related mainly to vascular injury of the digital vessels, characterized by increased intimal thickness and occlusion of the vessel lumen. Ischemic tissue has a reduced nutritional supply and decreased healing capacity, and DUs tend to occur more likely in ischemic tissue (27). The vascular pathology found in digital vessels in SSc is very similar to that observed in pulmonary arteries in patients with pulmonary hypertension and renal vessels in patients with renal crisis (28). On the other hand, Kowal-Bielecka et al (22) found lower risk of digital ulceration between with raised serum sCD163 levels and suggested that CD163-positive cells can induce new blood vessels formation through stimulation of endothelial cells proliferation which may directly contribute in healing of DU. In our study, the mean sCD163 serum level in SSc patients with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) (68.6± 19.11 ng/ml) showed no statistically significant difference as compared to SSC patients without pulmonary fibrosis (56.07 ± 19.44 ng/ml) (p>0.05).On the other hand, Shimizu et al (20) found SSc patients with PF to have significantly increased levels of sCD163 compared to those without PF. However, there was no significant correlation between sCD163 levels and pulmonary function tests. They suggested that sCD163 was related to the level of oxidative stress which results in lung damage in SSc patients and recommended further research to explore the exact mechanism. This discrepancy can be explained as the role of sCD163 in the pathogenesis of fibrosis is controversial as CD163 positive macrophages can have fibrotic function (29). On the other hand, CD163 might have an antifibrotic function through TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) inhibition that can induce activation of fibroblast (30,31) and it remains unclear which role predominate in SSc. In conclusion, the raised sCD163 serum levels in systemic sclerosis patients and its association with pulmonary hypertension suggesting a possible role of macrophages in the pathogenesis and vascular involvement of systemic sclerosis. References: 1. Piela-Smith TH, Korn JH. Lymphocyte modulation of fibroblast function in systemic sclerosis. Clin Dermatol 1994; 12:369. 2. Murray PJ, Wynn TA. 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Continuous Variables (mean ± SD) Categorical variables [n(%)] Patient with systemic sclerosis (n = 24) Range Age (years) 35.5 ± 8.4 23 - 53 Disease duration (years) MRSS FVC % PASP (mm Hg) ESR (mm/ 1st hr) HB (g/dl) WBC (thousands/mm3) Platelets (thousands/mm3) Creatinine (mg/dl) 4.83 ± 3.13 15.67 ± 6.57 90.54 ± 13.67 43.08 ± 19.45 33.92 ± 12.29 10.8 ± 1.63 7.03 ± 2.46 285.2 ± 79.98 1 - 12 7 - 32 65 - 108 25 - 92 22 - 80 8.4 - 14 3.9 - 14 160 - 420 1.08 ± 0.63 0.5 – 3.1 Type (diffuse:limited) Raynaud’s phenomenon Digital ulceration and pitting scars Calcinosis Diffuse pigmentation Pulmonary fibrosis on (HRCT) FVC <80% Pulmonary hypertension (>30 mm Hg) Arthritis Renal 14:10 23 (95.83%) 9 (37.5%) ---------------------------------- 5 (20.83%) 15 (62.5%) 10 (41.66%) ---------------------------------- 9 (37.5%) 11 (45.83% -------------------------- 1 (4.61%) 2 (8.33%) --------------------------- Heart Anti-ScL 70, Anti-centromere 3 (12.5%) 10 (41.66%) 8 (33.33%) -------------------------------------- 8 (33.33%) 7 (29.16%) -------------------------------- Treatment, no (%) Corticosteroids Immunosuppressive medications MRSS = Modified Rodnan severity score, PASP = Pulmonary artery systolic pressure, FVC= forced vital capacity, ESR= Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HRCT= High resolution computed tomography. Table 2: Clinical and laboratory features of SSc patients with elevated or normal sCD163 serum levels Continuous Variables (mean ± SD) Categorical variables [n(%)] Patient with elevated sCD163 levels (n = 9) Patient with normal sCD163 levels (n = 15) Age (years) Disease duration (years) MRSS PASP FVC ESR (mm/ 1st hr) 37.11 ± 8.64 4.44 ± 2.96 17.44 ± 7.75 53.22± 23.98 * 88.33 ± 15.65 35.22 ± 18.27 34.53 ± 8.42 5.07 ± 3.31 14.6 ± 5.77 37 ± 13.67 91.87± 12.73 33.13 ± 7.46 Type (diffuse:limited) Raynaud’s phenomenon Digital ulceration and pitting scars Calcinosis Diffuse pigmentation Pulmonary fibrosis on (HRCT) FVC <80% Pulmonary hypertension (>30 mm Hg) Arthritis Renal 5:4 9 (100%) 5(55.55%) 9 :6 14 (93.33%) 4 (26.67%) 2(22.22%) 6(66.66%) 5(55.55%) 3 (20%) 9( 60%) 5 (33.33%) 4(44.44%) 6(66.67%) 5(33.33%) 5(33.33%) 0(0%) 1(11.11%) 1 (11.11%) 3(33.33%) 1(6.67%) 1(6.67%) 2 (13.33%) 7(46.67%) Heart Anti-ScL 70 antibody Anti-centromere antibody 4(44.44%) 4 (26.67%) 4(44.44%) 4 (44.44%) 4 (26.67%) 3 (20%) Treatment, no (%) Corticosteroids Immunosuppressive medications MRSS = Modified Rodnan severity score, PASP = Pulmonary artery systolic pressure, FVC= forced vital capacity, ESR= Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HRCT= High resolution computed tomography., * = significant p<0.05 Table (3):Correlations between sCD163serumlevels and different variables in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients. . sCD163 r p Age (years) Disease duration(years) 0.17 >0.05 0.22 >0.05 -0.21 >0.05 (mm Hg) 0.53 <0.05* ESR (mm/1st hr) 0.21 >0.05 CRP 0.24 >0.05 MRSS = Modified Rodnan severity score, PASP = Pulmonary artery systolic pressure, FVC= MRSS FVC % PASP forced vital capacity, ESR= Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HRCT= High resolution computed tomography., * = significant p<0.05 sCD163 ng/ml 70 61.64 60.8 60 50 36.97 40 30 20 10 0 Diffuse SSc limited SSc Controls Figure 1: Comparison between sCD 163 serum levels inpatients with diffuse and limited systemic sclerosis (SSc) and sCD 163 serum levels in healthy controls. sCD 163 ng/mL p<0.05 72.33 80 70 52.25 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DU +ve (n=9) DU-ve (n=15) Figure 2: Comparison between sCD 163 serum levels inSSc patients with and without digital ulceration and pitting scars (DU). sCD 153 ng/mL 68.6 70 p> 0.05 56.07 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PF +ve PF-ve (n=10) (n=14) Figure 3: Comparison between sCD 163 serum levels inSSc patients with and without pulmonary fibrosis(PF) in HRCT