HISTORY 158B: EUROPE 1815-1914 David Wetzel dwetzel@berkeley.edu Office Hours: Thurs, 1:30-3:30, 2315 Dwinelle Readers: Chad Frischman: chfrischmann@berkeley.edu Knightcarl Raymond: knightcarl@berkeley.edu CLASS SCHEDULE Europe 1815-1850 Week 1 22 Jan: Peacemaking, 1815-1848 – 1 24: Peacemaking, 1815-1848-2 R(eader); 5-24 Week 2 29: The Eastern Autocracies 31: France: The Aftermath of Defeat 2 R: 25-50 Week 3 5 Feb: Great Britain: Social Unrest and Social Compromise 7: Revolutions of 1848 R: 52-67;Dickens, Olliver Twist Namier, Revolutions of 1848 Europe 1850-1871 Week 4 12: Crimean War 14: France: Republic to Empire Rich, Age of Nationalism… ix-xii 39-60 Week 5 19: Unification of Italy 21: Reorganization of Great Britain and Russia Rich, 61-79, 103-137 Week 6 3 26: Emergence of German Question 1848-1866 28: Wars of German Unification Rich, 79-101 Europe 1871-1890 Week 7 5: March: Overview of the Period 7: Economic and Social Developments Rich, 1-38, R: 70-86 Week 8 12: Review for Midterm 14: Midterm Europe 1890-1914 Week 9 19: Great Britain: From Liberalism to Democracy 21: France and Italy: Tormented Nations Rich, 103-23 138-56, R: 87-55, 97-107 4 Week 10 2: April, Germany -1 4: Germany -2 Rich, 169-179; R: 71-86, 108-114 Week 11 9: Habsburg Monarchy and Balkan States 11: Imperial Russia R: 70-86, Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment Week 12 16: Imperialism 18: World War-Long Term Origins, Reader, 70-86; Lafore, Long Fuse (part 1) Week 13 23: July 1914-1 PAPER DUE 25: July 1914-2 Week 14 5 Lafore, Long Fuse (part 2) 2May: Review for Final Books Charles Dickens,Olliver Twist Lewis Namier,1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals Feodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishmet Laurence Lafore, The Long Fuse Course Reader, 2580 Bancroft