For my final project, I want to conduct an analysis revealing the suburbanization of poverty, as well as the revitalization of cities and gentrification in four different metropolitan regions in the US. I would like to see how key variables for socio-economic classes (for eg. education, income, race) result different in gentrification in those metropolitan regions. I would like to examine how these key demographic factors indicators influence the gentrification and suburbanization in the four metropolitan regions. Examples: 1. Cooke, T., & Marchant, S. (2006). The changing intrametropolitan location of high-poverty neighbourhoods in the US, 1990-2000. Urban Studies, 43(11), 1971-1989 Some people assumed that most high-poverty neighbourhoods were within the central city in the US. Like myself first thought that each city has the same situation in the US. More recent research hints that the geographical distribution of high-poverty neighbourhoods may have been slowly changing from the past 20 years from central-city to suburban areas. And they are not same in every city. This research regarding the extent of high-poverty neighbourhoods has generally focused on the entire metropolitan area, to explore the changing geographical distribution of high-poverty neighbourhoods both between and within American metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2000. Specifically focus on the shift in the number of high-poverty neighbourhoods between central-city, inner-ring and outer-ring suburbs. This is a basic reference and it is very close to what I want to do for my project. 2. Amy L. Holliday, Rachel E. Dwyer. (2009). Suburban Neighborhood Poverty in U.S. Metropolitan Areas in 2000.City & Community,8(2),155–176 This research use Census 2000 summary data to examine the characteristics and determinants of suburban poverty at the neighborhood and metropolitan levels across the entire country, and the results they turn out identify a particularly distinctive racial profile for suburban poverty, associated especially with Hispanic residential location, with implications for trends in racial segregation as well. This article makes me decide to use Hispanic Race specifically as a indicator of my project. 3. Jed Kolko. (2007).The determinants of gentrification. Public Policy Institute of California This article examines the reasons for gentrification and outcomes of gentrification vary in cities. It also analyzes changes in statistics at census tract level, for example household income, migration pattern, vacancy rate and demographic characteristics. The results show that gentrification is accompanied by increases in the number of households and a growing housing stock, as well as changes in residential demographic composition. This article is a good example using census data combine with GIS, and provides information about indicators of gentrification, which is helpful when I select variables revealing gentrification. 4. Je Moua. (2006). Poverty distribution in Twin Cities using GIS. Journal of Undergraduate Research, Minnesota State University. This is a very good example of using GIS to examine the spatial distribution of poverty within the Twin Cities Metro Area. It uses poverty distribution to compare with selected variables such as education level, family size, family compositions, race, and immigration status. I think the format and the content construction is the most similar one to my thought. Data/Indicator: Descriptio n Layer Data Set Year Cities point Boston, Portland, Atlanta, Phoenix City boundaries 2010 Boston, Portland, Atlanta, Phoenix Census tract 2010 Data Source Agency URL M:\Country\USA\E Census Tracts ESRI SRIDataMap10\us a\census Census M:\Country\USA\C ensus2010_NHGI S_tracts_US Population T1.Total Population Total population ACS 2007-2 011 Social explore Census Bureau Social explore Households T17. Households By Household Type Total household ACS 2007-2 011 Social explore Census Bureau Social explore Education attainment T25. Educational Attainment For Population 25 Years And Over 25+ years old who have a bachelors or graduate degree ACS 2007-2 011 Social explore Census Bureau Social explore Income T57.Median Household Income The median income for individuals is based on individuals 15 years old and over with income ACS 2007-2 011 Social explore Census Bureau Social explore Race T14. Hispanic Or Latino By Race Hispanic Or Latino/total population ACS 2007-2 011 Social explore Census Bureau Social explore Occupationa l status T95.Occupancy Status All occupied ACS housing units 2007-2 011 Social explore Census Bureau Social explore Base Data Layer Processing (to be continued as project moves on): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select four cities from the Cities points layer. Export those to a new shape file (four_city). Select by Location to select tracts within 20 miles of the 4 city points export those to a new shape file(four_within20) Download and join the data sets of each indicator with all census tracts in the map and with selected census tracts, and get them into uniform coordinate system Products 1.A basic map – the buildable areas – the four cities 2. 5 comparison maps with each different indicators shows the suburbanization of poverty in the 4 city. 3. Table of all final data source layer and indicators