Business Principles - Chapter 3 Day Topic 19 Fri, 9/30 1. Discussion about Chap.2 Test, retake dates set, 2. Juice Bar Project Development 20 Tues, 10/4 1. Intro: Economic Environ, Starbucks vs. Donut shop? Why Starbucks… more expensive, longer lines? Possible thoughts of buyers, competition? Economic/ Political Systems 21 Thurs, 10/6 22 Mon, 10/10 Tech. 1. U-Tube: Predictably Irrational,Ch.2 2. PowerPoint Ch.3 Teaching / Classwork 1. Saved in Juice Bar folder on desktop, 2. Research notes in folder: p.55, #1 (Analysis Ques.) Read / Discuss / Analyze: p.57-61, (stop at Economic Systems) Homework Finish research notes in folder: p.55, #3-4 (Data Collection Questions) Chapter 3 On-going notes: 1. Define terms, p.77, #1-12 2. Review Facts, p.78, #1-4 Emphasize: economics, utility, production Read / Discuss / Analyze: p.61-65, 3. Define terms, p.77, #13-20 4. Review Facts, p.78, #5-6 (stop at Fundamentals of Capitalism) Price Setting/ Supply and Demand/ Competition 23 Wed, 10/12 Global Perspectives 24 Fri, 10/14 Competition and Income Distribution Covey video clip: Potato production/ competition (stop at competition) Emphasize: price setting/ supply and demand U-Tube: 2 million min: A Global Examination U-Tube: 1. Top 10 Highest Paid Athletes 2. Top 10 richest TV stars in the world Read / Discuss / Analyze: p.70, #1-4 Read / Discuss / Analyze: p.71-76, Emphasize: Inflation and Business Cycle 25 Tues, 10/18 Inflation and Business Cycle U-Tube: Macro Episode 23: Business Cycle 26 Thurs, 10/20 27 Mon, 10/24 28 Wed, 10/26 LS Chapter Overview and Test Preparation Chapter 3 PowerPointReview Chapter 3 Exam 100 pts. Determine exam retake dates My Business, Inc. (Continue your own Juice Bar establishment) Emphasize fig. 3-2 Read / Discuss / Analyze: p.65-69, Read / Discuss / Analyze: p.69-71, (stop at Managing the Economy) Emphasize: 3rd world competition & lower prices vs. concern for US jobs What is right? 5. Define terms, p.77, #21-25 6. Web research TV prices: large, medium, small screens. Determine relationship of size and price keeping other factors constant, brands, features, etc. Questions: India’s role in American business. 7. Web research of your favorite professional athlete or entertainer. Brief biography and detailed description of how much money they earn annually. Discuss if you think this is fair. Why? Is it ethical? Priories as a person, family, community, nation? 8. Define terms, p.77, #26-31 9. Discuss Ideas, p.79, #1-4 Chapter 3 exam Catch up with any part of ongoing notes: Due: Mon, 10/24 (notes: 1-9) On-going notes due today Data collection p.82-83, Data Collection, #1-3 5. None – all research concerning the Juice Bar completed in class Flores 2011-2012 Flores 2011-2012