Supple 1. Characterization of three different TiO2 nanowires (a

Supple 1. Characterization of three different TiO2 nanowires
(a) XRD patterns and (b) TGA curves of the 1HTO, 2HTO, and 3HTO. (c) Crystal structural
representation of H2Ti3O7 and anatase TiO2. (d) FT-IR spectra of the 1HTO, 2HTO, and 3HTO.
Supple 2. Changes of hydrodynamic diameter of TiO2 nanowires with time in cell culture media
The experiment was performed three times independently, respectively, and results represent
mean±SD value.
Supple 3. Image of histopathological changes following TiO2 nanowires exposure.
(a) 1HTO, (b) 2HTO, (c) 3HTO.
Supple 4. Changes of cytokines secreted in the blood of mice exposed to TiO2 nanowires
Samples harvested from the 12 mice were pooled to make four test samples for cytokine assay
(n = 4, 3 mice/test sample). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.
Supple 5. Image of cell population changed by TiO2 nanowires exposure
The experiment was performed four times independently by cell lines, and a representative
image was suggested, respectively.