pku-svd-b release agreement

The PKU-SVD-B dataset is constructed by National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology
(NELVT), Peking University, assisted by the security department of Peking University. All
copyrights of PKU-SVD-B belong to NELVT.
The goals to create the PKU-SVD-B include:
(1) providing a large-scale real surveillance video open benchmark to evaluate algorithms
performance for worldwide researchers in the domain of the surveillance video analyzing and
(2) facilitating the development of high-efficient surveillance video analyzing and recognition
PKU-SVD-B dataset is now partly available for academic purpose only on a case-by-case basis.
The NELVT at Peking University is serving as the only agent for distribution of the dataset and
reserves the copyright of PKU-SVD-B dataset. Any user, who requests the PKU-SVD-B dataset
must agree and sign this agreement and thereby agrees to observe the regulations listed in the
agreement. Any action broken the regulation will cause to deny access of any version and kind of
the PKU-SVD-B dataset, and also be subject to civil damages in the case of publication of videos
that have not been approved for release.
The user(s) agrees to the following regulations on the PKU-SVD-B dataset:
(1) All the dataset will be used for the purpose of scientific researches only. The PKU-SVD-B
dataset, in whole or in part, will not be allowed to be used for any commercial purpose in any
(2) Only video frames/pictures with unrecognizable faces and license plates are allowed to be
published or released in technical reports, papers in the surveillance video research areas. Other
frames/pictures will never appear in any document of any form. Any frames/pictures will never
be allowed to be released in commercial materials, newspapers, or other public media.
(3) All technical papers, documents and reports which use the PKU-SVD-B dataset have to
acknowledge the use of the database as follows: “Portions of the research in this paper use the
PKU-SVD-B dataset collected by National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology
(NELVT)”. And a copy of all published papers, reports and other documents that uses the PKUSVD-B dataset should immediately be forwarded to NELVT in one month.
(4) The database will not be further distributed, published, copied, or further disseminated in any
way or form whatsoever, whether for profit or not. This includes further distributing, copying
or disseminating to a different facility or organizational unit in the requesting university,
organization, or company.
(5) The final explanation of this agreement refers to NELVT.
Printed Name: __________________ Signature: ___________________ Date: ____________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________
Organization Supervisor / Advisor Signature: _______________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________
Tel.: ________________ Fax: _________________ Email: ___________________________