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Genetics Society
Friday April 19th 2013, Royal Society London
2013 AGM Agenda (Final)
1. Minutes of previous General Meeting (Friday, 20 April 2012); matters arising
2. President's Report
3. Honorary Treasurer's Report
4. Honorary Secretary's Report and Business for Transaction
a) Mendel Medal 2013: Stanislas Leibler (Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton
and The Rockefeller University, New York)
b) Genetics Society Medal 2014: Jonathan Flint (Wellcome Trust Centre for
Human Genetics, Oxford)
c) Balfour Lecture 2014: Elizabeth Murchison (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,
d) JBS Haldane Lecture 2014: Armand Leroi (Imperial College London)
e) 2013 The Sir Kenneth Mather Prize: Holly Trochet (Edinburgh)
New award: The Mary Lyon Medal
Applications for new membership
g) Election of new members
h) Election of new Executive sub-Committee officers
Postgraduate Representative
Newsletter Editor
Election of new ordinary Committee members
Area A (Gene structure, function and regulation)
Area B (Genomics)
Area C (Cell and developmental genetics)
Area D (Applied and quantitative genetics)
5. AOB
Motions 4(g)-(i) on the 2012 AGM Agenda require approval by the
Society members unable to attend the 2013 AGM in person are being invited
to Vote online at:
Online voting will close on Friday 12th April, 2013.
The motions to be voted on in this way include agenda items 4(g-i)
For the convenience of those wishing to approve ALL of those nominated, the voting
form begins with a “catch-all” approval statement (A), which minimises the work
Alternatively, “YES/NO” options (B) are shown opposite the names of each of the
nominated Committee/Exec sub-Committee members, making it possible to cast
individual votes.
Please decide on your voting preference (Option A or B) before you link to the ballot
site. As a security measure, you will be sent a brief automated reply to confirm
receipt of your ballot.
Item 4(g) Election of new members Please refer to the proposed list of new
members posted on the Genetics Society website:
If you have specific and serious objections to the election of any of the NEW
members being proposed for membership, then you should contact the Society’s
President Enrico Coen ( directly and without delay.
Items 4(h, i). Committee and Executive sub-Committee ballots
The Society's Committee has proposed the following nominations for Committee and
Exec sub-Committee positions that fall vacant in April 2013. All members of the
Genetics Society in good standing are eligible to nominate individuals to these posts.
Posts are normally held for four years, unless otherwise indicated. Information about
individual nominees can be found at:
Item 4(h). Executive sub-Committee ballot
1. Anne Donaldson (University of Aberdeen): Honorary Treasurer, to replace
Hiro Ohkura. Proposer: Dirk-Jan de Koning; Seconder: Tanya Whitfield
2. Kay Boulton (University of Edinburgh): Postgraduate Representative, to
replace Adam Hargreaves. Proposer: DJ de Koning; Seconder: Jon Slate
3. Manuela Marescotti (University of Edinburgh): Newsletter Editor, to
replace Dave Hosken. Proposer: Dave Hosken; Seconder: DJ de Koning
Item 4(i). Committee ballot
4. Jonathan Pettitt (University of Aberdeen): Committee member Area “A”
(Gene structure, function and regulation), to replace Anne Donaldson.
Proposer: Anne Donaldson; seconder: Colum Walsh
5. Martin Taylor (Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh): Committee member
Area ‘B’ (Genomics), to replace Chris Ponting. Proposer: Chris Ponting;
Seconder: Matt Hurles
6. Malcolm Logan (NIMR): Committee member Area “C” (Cell and
developmental genetics), to replace Julian Lewis. Proposer: Julian
Lewis; Seconder: Ian Henderson
7. Eleftheria Zeggini (Sanger Institute): Committee member Area ‘D’ (Applied
and quantitative genetics), to replace Gil McVean. Proposer: Chris Ponting;
Seconder: Matt Hurles
Tanya Whitfield
Honorary Secretary
The Genetics Society