Research Essay- Rubric. Criteria A Use of library Used Library time time wisely (using library resources, taking down notes, seriously working on the research topic) and made notes in note card. Met all the deadlines of the steps to be completed in the process of research. B Used library time to make notes in note card. Made use of the library resources. Did not approach research topic/ process seriously and did not meet the deadlines of the steps to be completed in the process of research. C Used library time to work on the topic but did not make note cards. Did not approach research topic/ process seriously and did not meet the deadlines of the steps to be completed in the process of research. D Did not focus much on the research topic during library time and did not make note cards. Did not approach research topic/ process seriously and did not meet the deadlines of the steps to be completed in the process of research. Content The essay is engaging The thesis states the main States main topic but and relevant. idea of the paper and is is not engaging and Thesis clearly and clear. does not outline concisely states the Ideas are supported by structure. main idea of the details and show analysis. Some ideas are research. The essay is generally supported by details Ideas are supported focused. and some analysis is by proper details; Conclusion tends to evident. evidence analysis, summarize research. The essay is not reflection and insight. focused. The essay The conclusion is the maintains a summary of the consistent focus research. from beginning to end. There is a clear conclusion as to why the research is important. There is no focus for the essay and the thesis is not clear. Ideas are not supported with details. There is no analysis. There is no proper conclusion. Organization Essay is well structured. Ideas are consistent and coherent and there is logical progression of ideas. Uses clear and skillful transitions. Clear introduction and conclusion. Illustrates some consistency and shows some logical progression. Uses clear transitions. Introduction and conclusion is present but not clear The essay shows some attempt of consistency and order. There is an attempt of transitions between paragraphs. The ideas are not presented clearly. The essay shows little or no attempt of transitions between paragraphs. Language Employs a wide and effectiv e range of Employs a range of appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure. Generally employs a range of appropriate vocabulary and Employs a limited range of appropriate vocabulary and Citation appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure. The essay is written in formal language. Grammar and syntax are accurate; very infrequent errors do not hinder communication. Written in formal language Grammar and syntax are accurate; occasional err ors do not hinder communication. sentence structure. Grammar and syntax are generally accurate; occasional errors sometimes hinder communication. Sometimes uses informal language. sentence structure. Frequent errors in grammar and syntax hinders communication. Uses informal language Follows MLA guidelines: Follows MLA Guidelines with few exceptions: Inconsistent use of MLA style guidelines. Fails to follow MLA style Guidelines. Less than 3 cited sources used. Some parenthetical documentation done incorrectly. Random MLA documentation. Sometimes information is not documented. Layout is not adhering to MLA format. Less than 3 cited sources used. Little or no parenthetical documentation. Works Cited page is not in MLA format. Layout is not adhering to MLA format. Uses 5 or more cited sources. Sources meet the guidelines for types of sources. All parenthetical documentation is in MLA format. Works Cited page is in MLA format. All the quotes or information used are documented in MLA format. Layout is according to MLA format. 3-4 cited sources used. Sources meet the guidelines for types of sources. Few errors noted in parenthetical documentation. Majority of Works Cited page is in MLA format. Most research info is Documented. Layout is not adhering to MLA format. Guidelines for types of sources: Use more than one type of source for your research essay. Books- Fiction, non-fiction, encyclopedia, reference books Periodicals- Magazines and newspapers Videos Websites