ACHIEVEMENT FIRST GRADE 6 SCIENCE Phase Change Unit 1 2014-15 In this unit, scholars will engage with phase changes and examine the relationship between the kinetic energy of a substance’s molecules and the expansion and contraction of the substance. Scholars will also examine the effect of adding and removing thermal energy on a substance’s particle motion, temperature, and state of matter. The first 5E cycle focuses on the relationship between the kinetic energy of a substance’s molecules and the expansion and contraction of the substance. Scholars will aim to explain the phenomenon of expansion and contraction of solids, liquids, and gases due to heating and cooling. The second 5E cycle focuses on phase changes and builds on the understanding that adding and removing thermal energy causes expansion and contraction to reach an understanding that adding and removing enough thermal energy causes a change of phase. Scholars will aim to explain the phenomenon of phase change at the molecular level. AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Table of Contents Unit Overview Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Stage 1: Identify Desired Results: Identify the Standards ................................................................................................................................... 2 Enduring Understandings: What do you want students to know in 10 years about this topic? What does it look like, in this unit, for students to understand this? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Essential Knowledge for College Readiness: In addition to the knowledge in the NGSS DCI foundation boxes, students should apply, as well as engage and reason with, the following concepts in the performance expectations: ........................................... 4 Science and Engineering Practices ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Crosscutting Concepts ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Common Core State Standards Connections ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Major Pre/Misconceptions & Clarifications ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Unit Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Stage 2: Evidence ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Stage 3: Learning Plan ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 1|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Unit Overview Introduction Unit Title Unit Designer Aligned External Programs Phase Change Jill Greenfield FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigations 4 and 7 Middle School Chemistry Chapters 1 and 2 GEMS Dry Ice Investigations Activity 1 Session 2 and Activity 2 Session 1 Duration IA Period Text Sources 17 Days 1 FOSS gton/staff/burroughs_candyce/ci_srb_folio_fordistri bution_100517.pdf Middle School Chemistry ns/chapter1#teaching_resources ns/chapter2#teaching_resources Stage 1: Identify Desired Results: Identify the Standards NGSS Performance Expectation MS-PS1-4 Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on qualitative molecularlevel models of solids, liquids, and gases to show that adding or removing thermal energy increases or decreases kinetic energy of the particles until a change of state occurs. Examples of models could include drawings and diagrams. Examples of particles could include molecules or inert atoms. Examples of pure substances could include water, carbon dioxide, and helium.] Previous Grade Level Standards / Previously Taught & Related Standards Future Grade Level Standards/Yet to Be Taught & Related Standards 5-PS1-1 Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen. 5-PS1-2 Measure and graph quantities to provide evidence that regardless of the type of change that occurs when heating, cooling, or mixing substances, the total weight of matter is conserved. PS1.A: Matter of any type can be subdivided into particles that are too small to see, but even then the matter still exists and can be detected by other means. A MS-PS1-1 Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures. MS-PS1-5 Develop and use a model to describe how the total number of atoms does not change in a chemical reaction and thus mass is conserved. PS1.A: Substances are made from different types of atoms, which combine with one another in various ways. Atoms form molecules that range in size from two to thousands of atoms. Solids may be formed 2|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 model showing that gases are made from matter particles that are too small to see and are moving freely around in space can explain many observations, including the inflation and shape of a balloon and the effects of air on larger particles or objects. The amount (weight) of matter is conserved when it changes form, even in transitions in which it seems to vanish. from molecules, or they may be extended structures with repeating subunits (e.g., crystals). PS1.B: In a chemical process, the atoms that make up the original substances are regrouped into different molecules, and these new substances have different properties from those of the reactants. The total number of each type of atom is conserved, and thus the mass does not change. Enduring Understandings: What do you want students to know in 10 years about this topic? What does it look like, in this unit, for students to understand this? Grade Level Enduring Understandings (from Disciplinary Core Ideas) PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter Gases and liquids are made of molecules or inert atoms that are moving about relative to each other. (MS-PS1-4) In a liquid, the molecules are constantly in contact with others; in a gas, they are widely spaced except when they happen to collide. In a solid, atoms are closely spaced and may vibrate in position but do not change relative locations. (MS-PS1-4) The changes of state that occur with variations in temperature or pressure can be described and predicted using these models of matter. (MS-PS1-4) What it looks like – in this unit Describe, using representations, the relative arrangement of particles in solids, liquids, and gases. Explain why gases expand to fill a container of any size, while liquids flow and spread out to fill the bottom of a container and solids hold their own shape. Justification includes a discussion of particle motion and the attractions between the particles. Explain natural phenomena (e.g., cold air escaping from a tire or low atmospheric pressure on rainy days) in terms of the kinetic-molecular theory of gases. Essential question: What characterizes solids, liquids, and gases? PS3.A: Definitions of Energy The term “heat” as used in everyday language refers both to thermal energy (the motion of atoms or molecules within a substance) and the transfer of that thermal energy from one object to another. In science, heat is used only for this second meaning; it refers to the energy transferred due to the temperature difference between two objects. Construct atomic-molecular level representations of changes that occur when thermal energy is added to a pure substance. Explain, using these representations, why the continuous addition of thermal energy to a pure substance will generally result in a change of state (not a chemical reaction). 3|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 (secondary to MS-PS1-4) The temperature of a system is proportional to the average internal kinetic energy and potential energy per atom or molecule (whichever is the appropriate building block for the system’s material). The details of that relationship depend on the type of atom or molecule and the interactions among the atoms in the material. Temperature is not a direct measure of a system's total thermal energy. The total thermal energy (sometimes called the total internal energy) of a system depends jointly on the temperature, the total number of atoms in the system, and the state of the material. (secondary to MS-PS1-4) Essential question: Why does the addition or removal of enough thermal energy cause a substance to undergo a phase change? Essential Knowledge for College Readiness: In addition to the knowledge in the NGSS DCI foundation boxes, students should apply, as well as engage and reason with, the following concepts in the performance expectations: Matter can exist in three common states: solid, liquid or gas. The state of matter depends on the temperature and pressure. Solids are identified as having a fixed shape with a volume that can vary depending on the temperature. A pure solid has a melting point that is characteristic of the substance. Liquids are identified as having the ability to flow and to take the shape of the bottom of their containers. A pure liquid has a freezing point and a boiling point that are characteristic of the substance. Gases are identified as having the ability to expand to fill any container. All gases have mass and volume, and different gases have different properties. A pure gas condenses to a liquid at a characteristic temperature at any given pressure. As the temperature increases at constant pressure, many pure substances change from a solid to a liquid to a gas and retain the same chemical composition. In the solid state, the particles are in a fixed arrangement relative to one another; therefore, a solid has a fixed shape and volume at any given temperature. Although the average positions of the particles are fixed, the particles vibrate in place. In the liquid state, the particles are in close proximity and can move relative to one another with a range of speeds. Because the particles can move in this manner, a liquid is able to flow and take the shape of the bottom of a container. In the gas state, the particles are relatively far apart and are in constant motion with a wide range of speeds. Because the particles move in this manner, a gas expands to fill any container. When a pure substance changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas (i.e., undergoes a change of state), neither the identity nor the mass of the substance changes. 4|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Changes of state (e.g., melting, boiling, freezing, condensing) involve changes in the relative positions and motions of particles. The substance retains the same chemical composition and mass is conserved, even though some physical properties (e.g., density, volume, shape) of the substance change. Science and Engineering Practices Practice Developing and Using Models Description Modeling in 6-8 builds on K-5 and progresses to developing, using, and revising models to describe, test, and predict more abstract phenomena and design systems. Develop a model to predict and/or describe phenomena. (MS-PS1-4) What it looks like – in this unit In this unit, scholars will engage with models in a variety of contexts. Scholars will begin by viewing simulations as models of molecular movement. Scholars will then encounter diagrams of molecular movement and descriptions of these models in text. Scholars will begin to draw their own models to describe the phenomena they experience in class. Finally, scholars will engage with developing models at the end of each of the 5E cycles. At the end of the first cycle, scholars will develop a model that represents the expansion and contraction of a substance when thermal energy is added and removed. At the end of the second cycle, scholars will develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a substance when thermal energy is added or removed. Crosscutting Concepts Concept Cause and Effect Description Cause and effect relationships may be used to predict phenomena in natural or designed systems. (MS-PS1-4) What it Looks Like in This Unit In this unit, scholars will examine first the cause and effect relationship between adding or removing thermal energy from a substance and the expansion or contraction of that substance. Scholars will then examine the cause and effect relationship between adding or removing enough thermal energy from a 5|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 substance and that substance undergoing a phase change. Common Core State Standards Connections Content Area Description Mathematics 6.NS.C.5 ELA/Literacy RST.6-8.7 Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation. (MS-PS1-4) Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). (MSPS1-4) What it Looks Like in This Unit In this unit, scholars will use positive and negative numbers to represent temperature. Scholars will measure temperature using a thermometer, will determine whether temperature is increasing or decreasing, and will determine whether a substance’s current temperature is above or below its melting temperature. In this unit, scholars will encounter descriptions of the molecular motion and compaction of solids, liquids, and gases in text and will translate those descriptions into models. Major Pre/Misconceptions & Clarifications Pre/Misconception The size of particles changes as a substance expands or contracts. Clarification The size of particles remains the same as a substance expands or contracts; particles only move further away from each other or closer together. Methods to Address When modeling solids, liquids, and gases or looking at models, be sure to point out to scholars the uniform size of the particles. To demonstrate the clarification, show that a cold substance is incompressible while the same substance heated up is compressible; this will allow scholars to see that the expansion is due 6|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 The number of particles changes as a substance expands or contracts. The number of particles remains the same as a substance expands or contracts; particles only move further away from each other or closer together. The mass of particles changes as a substance expands or contracts. The mass of particles remains the same as a substance expands or contracts; particles only move further away from each other or closer together. Molecules in a solid are not moving. Molecules in a solid are in constant motion unless the substance is at absolute zero; the molecules are vibrating in place but are not moving relative to each other. Solid substances do not expand or contract with changes in temperature. Solids expand with an increase in temperature because the molecules move further apart from each other and they contract with a decrease in temperature because the molecules move closer together. The liquid in a thermometer rises because heat rises. The liquid in a thermometer rises because as the liquid heats up, the molecules move faster to empty space between molecules which can be reduced during compression. Remind scholars about conservation of mass, which they should be familiar with from 5th grade. To demonstrate the clarification, a substance could be heated or cooled and allowed to expand or contract in a closed system; scholars will be able to see that nothing can get in or out but the substance still expands or contracts. Remind scholars about conservation of mass, which they should be familiar with from 5th grade. To demonstrate the clarification, a substance could be heated or cooled and allowed to expand or contract in a closed system; by taking the mass before and after, scholars will be able to see that the mass does not change while a substance expands or contracts. Show scholars a simulation of the vibrating molecules of a solid. Introduce absolute zero and explain that all molecules are moving unless they are at absolute zero. Note that knowing the definition of absolute zero is not an expectation for scholars in this unit; its introduction is only to illustrate that the molecules in a solid are moving. In lesson 6, scholars will observe the sphere and ring demonstration. Originally, the sphere passes easily though the ring, but when the sphere is heated and the ring is cooled, there sphere no longer passes through the ring. Scholars will observe a solid expand and contract with temperature changes. In lessons 4 and 5, scholars will create a water thermometer and observe what happens when 7|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 and expand. There is air between the particles of a gas. There is only empty space between the particles of matter in the gaseous state. The type of particles changes when a substance undergoes a phase change. The type of particles remains the same when a substance undergoes a phase change; the amount of kinetic energy of the particles changes during a phase change. Freezing only happens at cold temperatures. Freezing occurs when a substance transitions from a liquid to a solid; this will occur at the substance’s freezing point. A substance disappears when it evaporates. When a substance evaporates, the gas molecules mix into the air; they may not be visible but are still present and can be condensed back into a liquid. water is heated and cooled. As a demonstration, turn a liquid thermometer upside down and heat the water. Scholars will see that the water moves downward as it expands. Remind scholars of their experience compressing air in 5th grade. Show scholars a model of a gas and explain that air is also made of molecules; if there were air between the gas molecules, scholars would be able to see particles between the gas molecules. To demonstrate the clarification, compress air in a syringe; scholars will be able to see that air can be compressed by reducing the empty space between molecules. In lessons 14 and 15, scholars observe water evaporate and condense. By showing scholars that evaporated water can condense back into water, scholars should observe that the type of particle has not changed as the water went through a phase change. In lesson 11, scholars apply heat to wax and sugar and observe them melt. After removing the wax and sugar from the heat, scholars will also observe them re-solidify. Explain that freezing occurs when a substance changes state from a liquid to a solid and substances have different freezing temperatures which are not always cold. In lessons 14 and 15, scholars observe water evaporate and condense. By showing scholars that evaporated water can condense back into water, scholars should observe that the evaporated water has not disappeared but is instead present in the air. 8|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Unit Vocabulary Vocabulary Term Definition Particle Matter Mass Volume Expansion Contraction Compression Kinetic Energy Thermal Energy Heat Temperature Phase/Phase of Matter State/State of Matter Melting Freezing Evaporation Condensation Heat of Fusion Sublimation Phase Change/Change of State Pieces of matter that are too small to be seen; interchangeable with molecule Any material that takes up space and has mass The amount of matter in an object or material; no distinction is made between mass and weight at this point The amount of space an object or material takes up The process of increasing volume due to increased kinetic energy The process of decreasing volume due to reduced kinetic energy The process of decreasing volume due to pressure Energy of motion The random motion of particles; energy associated with temperature and mass The energy transferred due to the temperature difference between two objects Proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of the object or substance Solid, liquid, or gas; interchangeable with state/state of matter Solid, liquid, or gas; interchangeable with phase/phase of matter Change of state from a solid to a liquid Change of state from a liquid to a solid Change of state from a liquid to a gas Change of state from a gas to a liquid The amount of energy needed to change the state of a substance from solid to liquid or liquid to solid Change of state from a solid to a gas The process of changing state/phase Stage 2: Evidence Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence See point allocation in Appendix B Solid, Liquid, and Gas Model 9|Page AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Scholars will construct a model that represents expansion and contraction of a substance as thermal energy is added and removed. Scholars are given a diagram of room temperature water molecules and are asked to model the water molecules in hot water and in cold water. Found in Appendix B Phase Change Model See point allocation in Appendix B Scholars will develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a substance when thermal energy is added or removed. Scholars will model the molecules of a substance as thermal energy is added and removed and the substance changes phase. Scholars will name those phase changes and will then describe the temperature changes of the substance and the kinetic energy changes of the molecules as thermal energy is added and removed. Finally, scholars will describe why the substance they have modeled undergoes a phase change of their choice. Found in Appendix B Stage 3: Learning Plan Identify the Narrative Engage •Substances are made of molecules that are in motion. Explore •The speed of the molecules in a substance depends on the temperature of the substance. Explain •Changes in the amount of kinetic energy of the molecules in a substance cause that substance to expand and contract when it is heated and cooled. Elaborate •Heating a substance increases the kinetic energy of its molecules, causing them to move faster, collide more often and harder, and push away from each other, causing the substance to expand. Evaluate •The expansion and contraction of molecules in a substance due to heating and cooling can be represented using models. 10 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Engage •Dissolving occurs when a solid material is placed in a liquid and disappears while melting occurs when a substance changes phase form solid to liquid. Explore •Heating a substance can cause it to melt but different substances melt at different temperatures. Explain •Adding or removing enough energy from a substance will cause it to change phase. The change of phase results from the change of kinetic energy of the substance's molecules. Elaborate •Materials can transition directly between any of the phases of matter. Evaluate •Changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of matter due to the addition or removal of thermal energy can be represented using models. This is the first of two 6th grade units where scholars will study the structure and properties of matter. Scholars move from this unit on phase changes directly into the study of characteristic properties and the use of properties in determining whether a chemical reaction has occurred. The structure and properties of matter was previously studied in the 5th grade when scholars are introduced to the particulate nature of matter and conservation of mass. Scholars will return to matter in 7th grade when they will examine atoms and the structure of molecules as well as the rearrangement of atoms during chemical reactions. In this unit, scholars will engage with phase changes and examine the relationship between the kinetic energy of a substance’s molecules and the expansion and contraction of the substance. Scholars will also examine the effect of adding and removing thermal energy on a substance’s particle motion, temperature, and state of matter. The first 5E cycle focuses on the relationship between the kinetic energy of a substance’s molecules and the expansion and contraction of the substance. Scholars will aim to explain the phenomenon of expansion (increase in volume) and contraction (decrease in volume) of solids, liquids, and gases due to heating and cooling. In lesson 1, scholars re-establish from 5th grade that substances are made of molecules and those molecules are in motion. They will observe a drop of food coloring dissolve in still water and conclude that the water molecules must be moving and pushing the food coloring around in the cup. Scholars are also introduced to the idea that there are attractions between molecules by trying to separate drops of water. Scholars then move on to observe food coloring dissolve in hot water and in cold water in lesson 2, observing that food coloring dissolves faster in hot water and that the molecules in hot water must therefore be moving faster than the molecules in cold water. This understanding of the relationship between temperature and the speed of molecular movement will be important as scholars move on to look at the expansion and contraction of substances. 11 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 In lessons 3, 4, 5, and 6, scholars examine why gases, liquids, and solids expand and contract when they are heated and cooled. Scholars are introduced to kinetic energy for the first time in lesson 3 and develop the understanding that as a substance is heated, the kinetic energy of its molecules increases, causing them to collide harder and more frequently, pushing away from each other and causing the substance to expand. Scholars are also introduced to temperature as the average kinetic energy of a substance’s molecules and thermal energy as the total kinetic energy of a substance’s molecules; when a substance is heated or thermal energy is added, the kinetic energy of its molecules increases, thereby increasing the substance’s temperature. Scholars develop their own way to determine what happens to the volume of air when it is heated and cooled. Scholars then observe and explain a similar phenomenon in liquids and solids; scholars begin to create models to represent the phenomena they observe. In lessons 4 and 5, scholars discuss why air is compressible while water is not and, after observing expansion and contraction of a liquid, develop the understanding that while molecules in a gas are far apart from each other and move independently, molecules in a liquid are close together but still moving relative to each other. The examination of compressibility and incompressibility introduces scholars to the changes that take place as pressure changes. In lesson 6, scholars compare the motion and compaction of molecules in solids, liquids, and gases after observing the expansion and contraction of a solid and engage with text to solidify their understanding of the three phases of matter. Scholars will be able to explain why gases expand to fill a container of any size, why liquids flow to fill the bottom of a container, and why solids maintain their own shape. Scholars then apply this understanding to explain how thermometers work with a particular focus on the cause and effect nature of this mechanism in lesson 7 and develop a model in lesson 8 to show the expansion and contraction of substances with the addition and removal of thermal energy. The second 5E cycle focuses on phase changes and builds on the understanding that adding and removing thermal energy causes expansion and contraction to reach an understanding that adding and removing enough thermal energy causes a change of phase. Scholars will aim to explain the phenomenon of phase change at the molecular level. In lesson 9, scholars make observations about M&Ms to define and differentiate dissolving and melting. Scholars then heat margarine, wax, and sugar in lesson 10 and observe that margarine melts, the wax gets soft but does not melt, and the sugar appears unchanged. Scholars develop the understanding that the added thermal energy increases the kinetic energy of the margarine molecules enough that they start to move past each other and become liquid. Scholars also see that not all substances melt at the same temperature; while the kinetic energy of the molecules in the wax increased, it was not enough to cause them to move past each other and become liquid. In lesson 11, scholars add more heat to the wax and sugar to see if they will melt. Scholars are also introduced to freezing during this lesson when these substances cool and re-solidify. Scholars add the understanding that only the amount of kinetic energy of the molecules change during a phase change; the molecules themselves do not change. Lessons 12 and 13, scholars are introduced to the heat of fusion in order to explain why water surrounded by ice does not freeze while water surrounded by salted ice does freeze. This experience solidifies the understanding that adding and removing enough thermal energy causes a change of phase. In lesson 14, scholars examine evaporation and condensation and in lesson 15, scholars alter their experimental apparatus to include an additional phase change. This allows scholars to observe water evaporating, condensing, and freezing and to see water in all three phases. Scholars at this point are able to produce a thorough explanation of phase change; as enough thermal energy is added or removed, the kinetic energy of the molecules changes enough to result in a change of phase. In lesson 16, scholars observe ice and dry ice as heat is added and then observe dry ice in a sealed Ziploc bag and formulate an explanation for what is happening to the dry ice. Scholars will understand that a substance can transition directly between any of the three phases of matter. Finally, in lesson 17, scholars develop a model that predicts and 12 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a substance when thermal energy is added or removed to show their understanding of phase changes (MS-PS1-4). Notes about vocabulary in this unit: there is no distinction made at this point about the difference between mass and weight, but teachers should use mass as it is more accurate. Phase, phase of matter, state, and state of matter can be used interchangeably as can phase change and change of state. Scholars should develop familiarity with all of these terms as they will encounter them in their future education and in life. Scholars should understand expansion as an increase in volume and contraction as a decrease in volume. Scholars should also understand heating as adding thermal energy and cooling as removing thermal energy. Particle and molecule are also used interchangeably, but teachers should use particle as molecules is not explicitly taught until 7th grade. 5 E Cycle 1 – Solids, Liquids, and Gases Phase Engage Lesson # 1 Lesson Title Molecular Motion Aim SWBAT explain that molecules are in motion and that attractions exist between molecules. Explore 2 Molecular Speed and Temperature SWBAT explain that the speed of molecular motion depends on temperature. Explore 3 Expansion and Contraction of Gases SWBAT design and conduct an investigation to determine what happens to the volume of air when it is heated and cooled. SWBAT explain how changes in the amount of kinetic energy of the molecules cause air to expand and contract when it is heated and cooled. Explore 4 and 5 Expansion and Contraction of Liquids SWBAT explain why water is incompressible while air is compressible and why water expands and contracts when it is heated and cooled. Main Lesson Resource Middle School Chemistry Lesson 1.1 Parts 2-6 http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson1 Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson1 Middle School Chemistry Lesson 1.2 Parts 1-5 http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson2 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 4 Part 1 Middle School Chemistry Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson5 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 4 Part 2 Middle School Chemistry 13 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 Explain 6 Expansion and Contraction of Solids SWBAT compare the motion and compaction of molecules in solids, liquids, and gases and explain why a solid expands and contracts when it is heated and cooled. Elaborate 7 How do thermometers work? SWBAT apply their understanding of expansion and contraction of molecules to explain how thermometers work. Evaluate 8 Solids, Liquids, and Gases Model and Assessment SWBAT construct a model that represents expansion and contraction of a substance as thermal energy is added and removed. Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson2 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 4 Part 3 Middle School Chemistry Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson4 http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson5 Texts http://www.middleschoolche pter1#teaching_resources http://washington.osd.wedn aff/burroughs_candyce/ci_sr b_folio_fordistribution_100517 .pdf Middle School Chemistry Lesson 1.3 Parts 1-5 http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson3 Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter1/lesson3 FOSS AAAS opics/AM#/,tabs-40/1,tabs- 14 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 42/1,tabs-43/1,tabs97/1,tabs-184/1 5 E Cycle 2 – Phase Change Phase Engage Lesson # 9 Lesson Title Dissolving and Melting Explore 10 Melting Temperature Explore 11 Melting and Freezing Explore 12 and 13 Freezing and Heat of Fusion Explore 14 Evaporation and Condensation Explain 15 Three Phases of Water Aim SWBAT make observations to determine the difference between dissolving and melting. SWBAT design an investigation to determine whether materials will melt in hot water and observe that different substances melt at different temperatures. SWBAT describe what happens to the molecules of substances as they are heated. SWBAT explain what happens to the molecules of a substance when it melts and freezes. SWBAT explain how adding or removing enough energy from a substance will cause it to change phase. SWBAT explain what happens to the molecules of a substance when it evaporates and condenses. SWBAT alter an experimental set up to include an additional phase change and conduct this experiment to observe water as it transitions between all three Main Lesson Resource FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 7 Part 1 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 7 Part 2 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 7 Part 3 Middle School Chemistry Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter2/lesson5 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 7 Part 4 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 7 Part 5 (before breakpoint) Middle School Chemistry Multimedia http://www.middleschoolche pter2/lesson2 http://www.middleschoolche pter2/lesson3 FOSS Chemical Interactions Investigation 7 Part 5 (after breakpoint) 15 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 phases. SWBAT describe what happens to the molecules of water as it transitions between the three phases. Elaborate 16 Dry Ice Evaluate 17 Phase Change Model and Assessment SWBAT apply what they know about phase change to explain what happens to the molecules of dry ice as it sublimates. SWBAT develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a substance when thermal energy is added or removed. Texts http://washington.osd.wedn aff/burroughs_candyce/ci_sr b_folio_fordistribution_100517 .pdf http://www.middleschoolche pter2#teaching_resources GEMS Dry Ice Investigations; Activity 1 Session 2 and Activity 2 Session 1 GEMS FOSS Middle School Chemistry AAAS opics/AM#/,tabs-40/1,tabs42/1,tabs-43/1,tabs97/1,tabs-184/1 16 | P a g e AF Science-Grade 6-NGSS Unit 1 – 2014-2015 17 | P a g e