Report: Community Archive Website Survey March 2015 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................1 Findings .............................................................................................................................2 How users came across the website ................................................................................... 2 The main purpose for their visit to the website ................................................................. 3 Other websites they used ................................................................................................... 3 Did users get what they wanted out of the Community Archive Website? ....................... 3 Was the Community Archive Website easy to use? ........................................................... 4 What can be done to improve the website ........................................................................ 6 Conclusion .........................................................................................................................8 Appendix A: Survey Questions ...........................................................................................9 Appendix B: User Comments ............................................................................................ 12 i Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Introduction A survey was conducted in September 2013 by Archives New Zealand to gather information about users of the Community Archive Website. The survey process took 5 months closing on 31st January 2014. The survey was useful for obtaining a basic understanding of users and assessing their satisfaction with it. An invitation to participate was issued to users and their networks via the community archive website. The survey questions are listed in appendix A. This report collates the data from the survey and will be used to inform future decisions regarding the website. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 1 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Findings The total number of respondents is not reflective of the total number of users of the Community Archive website, but are merely a representation of the number of respondents that completed the survey. At the time of the writing of this report March 2015, the Community Archive had a total of 149 organisations registered, and 480 users 50 respondents in total completed the survey, of this total number, 27% or 13 of them were active contributors. These 13 contributor responses also represent 2.7% of the total 480 registered users on the website. The remaining 74% or 37 people who responded were researchers, they represent 8% of the total 480 users on the website. For both contributor and researcher, this is somewhat of a low response rate. Demographics information Responses showed that; 4% of people who undertook the survey were between the ages 25-34. 22% were between ages 35-44. 64% were between 45-64 6% were age 65 and above 64% of users were 45-64 years old which shows that it is currently a resource used more by mature older people. 22% were aged 35-44 giving a combined percentage of 86% who were aged between 35-64 years of age. Respondents were asked for their normal place of residence. The top 5 regions represented in the survey were; 40% Wellington Region (20) 14% Canterbury Region (7) 12% Auckland Region (6) 10% Otago Region (5) 6% Waikato Region (3) Also, The Bay of plenty and Manawatu-Wanganui Regions both had 4% (2) each, and 1% each for northern region (1), Gisborne (1), Hawkes bay (1) and Nelson (1). One respondent left this question blank. How users came across the website 85% already knew about it 12% came across it by other means such as Google, notification by Archives New Zealand, network events and trainings, meetings and conferences 3% came across it through other websites Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 2 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Main purpose for visiting to the website 26% of respondents were active contributors who manage content on the website 74% were doing some form of research o 52% Other research o 12% academic research o 6% family research o 4% stumbled upon it The majority (74%) of the people who responded to the survey are using the community archive more as a research tool. The other 26% of the respondents were active contributors wanting to connect others with the collections that they hold. Other websites they used This was a multi-choice question looking at what other websites the respondents use in conjunction with the Community Archive website. The survey provided a list of websites to choose from shown below, they included; Other websites; Te Ara, NZ Museums, Find My Past etc – 22 people or 49% used these Archway (ArchivesNZ) – 21 people or 47% used this Te Puna search, National Library – 18 people or 40% used these Digital New Zealand – 12 people or 27% used these – 9 people or 20% used this Did users get what they wanted out of the Community Archive Website? Users were asked whether or not they got what they wanted out of the website. Below is a breakdown of total responses as well as total percentages for both contributors and researchers. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 3 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 User Satisfaction 4% 6% 10% Strongly Agree Agree 12% Neutral Disagree 38% Strongly Disagree 30% No Response From what we can see, a combined 48% of the total responses gave a satisfactory response of strongly agree or agree. A combined 56% gave a neutral or below satisfactory rating and a further 6% did not answer the question. This indicates that most users are not satisfied. Below is a breakdown and percentages for both contributor and researcher separately. The totals reflect the total percentages for each response chosen by the respondents. Breakdown of contributors and researchers; Strongly Agree Contributors Agree Neutral Disagree 46% (6) 38% (5) 8% (1) Strongly Disagree No Response Total 8% (1) 26% (13) Researchers 13.5% (5) 35% (13) 27% (10) 13.5% (5) 5.5% (2) 5.5% (2) 74% (37) Total percentage of responses 10% (5) 38% (19) 30% (15) 12% (6) 4% (2) 6% (3) 100% (50) Researchers views seem to show a broarder spectrum of opinions than that of contributors and a higher level of satisfaction. Was the Community Archive Website easy to use? Respondents were asked whether they found the website easy to use. Whilst total results have been rounded out into total percentages, contributor and researcher percentages have also been separated out below. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 4 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Ease of Use 6% 14% Strongly Agree 12% Agree Neutral 24% Disagree 44% Blank 58% of all users found the website easy to use with a further 36% choosing a neutral or lesser response. Of these people 6% did not complete the question. Below is a breakdown and percentages for both contributor and researcher seperately. The totals reflect the total percentages for each response chosen by the respondents. Breakdown of contributors and researchers; Strongly Agree Contributor Researcher 19% (7) Total 14% (7) respondents Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree No Response Total 77% (10) 23% (3) 32.5% (12) 24.5% (9) 16% (6) 8% (3) 74% (37) 44% (22) 24% (12) 12% (6) 6% (3) 100% (50) 26% (13) There seems to be a clear contrast in results between contributors and researchers. The website’s contributor function seems to be serving its purpose relatively well here. However, researchers are not as satisfied with it. This broadly reflects the breakdown on user satisfaction. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 5 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 What can be done to improve the website? Respondents were asked to give comments and suggestions on the top three things that could be done to improve the website. They provided some valuable feedback that will be useful in determining future resourcing of the website. They were able to give comment on more than one area of improvement and the key themes are listed below. Out of the 50 respondents that completed the survey, 39 of them answered this question (see raw data I appendix B below). The overarching theme of the improvements suggested were about resources and its many facets. Below is a breakdown of the Four main areas that came through in the feedback. Key areas for improvement 4.60% 40% 25.50% Promotion Data and description Keep it up to date Security 30% Contributors and researchers have different needs and uses for the website, the key themes given below reflect the different uses and needs of both. Because the contributors are more familiar with the archiving process and technical detail of the website when contributing material and collections, their comments were somewhat more detailed and specific. The researchers who only see the front interface of the website made different kinds of comments. Summary of top key themes Promotion – The strongest theme that came through was around the need to promote the website, and better utilise networks, related websites and institutions to encourage people to use it. Contributor comments focused on increasing contribution and promotion throughout the wider archival sector. This would include smaller collections of archival material in communities. Researchers suggested a need for better links to other material and websites, promotion and making the site more visible to the archives sector and on the Archives New Zealand website. Researchers also identified the need to promote the website to community groups. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 6 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Data quality and descriptive methods – The data and descriptive methods and the curation of content were noted as issues. Both contributors and researchers want to see and be able to input better quality and more detailed data descriptions for the collections. Contributors commented on the need to have a better notification process so that they can interact with researchers leaving comments. They also reported a need to improve the process for uploading material and the inputting of data. Researchers commented on the need to improve data descriptions, provide detailed file listings and for better descriptions by contributors of their archives and how to access those archives. Keep it up to date – There was a desire for regular updating of information on the website pertaining to the archives sector. Both contributors and researchers asked for the removal of dead links, out of date contact information and updating of general community archive information. Improvements to the process of registration and improvements to usability on platforms such Google were also noted. The need for better outreach, encouraging smaller community groups and archives to contribute material and collections, was also noted. Security – Contributor feedback shows that security measures need to be in place to prevent intrusions such as spam entering the website. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 7 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Conclusion The survey has provided basic information about the users of the website and we have been able to gain valuable feedback that will assist in prioritising any future developments. Respondents largely used the website for research purposes with some also being active contributors to the website. The respondents use the website in conjunction with various other related websites. Contributors were on the whole somewhat satisfied in terms of ease of use but considered that work needed to be done to ensure both contributors and researchers get what they want when they visit the website. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 8 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Appendix A: Survey Questions User Survey 1. How did you come across this website? a. I have used it before / already knew about it b. I came across it via a Search engine such as Google or Yahoo, please specify [comment box] c. I was referred here from another website, please specify [comment box] d. Other means, please specify [comment box] 2. What is the main purpose of your visit to this website? a. I am completing family research b. I am completing academic research c. I stumbled upon the website and I am browsing d. I am a contributor to The Community Archive e. Other, please specify [comment box] 3. What other websites do you visit to find the information you’re looking for? a. Digital New Zealand b. c. Archives New Zealand - Archway d. Te Puna Search – National Library of New Zealand e. Other, please specify [comment box] 4. I got what I wanted from The Community Archive [scale of 1-5 with 1 being ‘strongly agree’ and 5 being ‘strongly disagree’] Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 9 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 5. The Community Archive was easy to use [scale of 1-5 with 1 being ‘strongly agree’ and 5 being ‘strongly disagree’] 6. What are the top three things we could do to improve The Community Archive? [comment box – three options] 7. Where do you usually reside a. Northland Region b. Auckland Region c. Waikato Region d. Bay of Plenty Region e. Gisborne Region f. Hawke's Bay Region g. Taranaki Region h. Manawatu-Wanganui Region i. Wellington Region j. West Coast Region k. Canterbury Region l. Otago Region m. Southland Region n. Tasman Region o. Nelson Region p. Marlborough Region q. Area Outside Region r. Rest of the world [please specify] Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 10 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 8. Within which age bracket do you fit: a. 10 or under b. 11-17 c. 18-24 d. 25-34 e. 35-44 f. 45-64 g. 65 or over Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 11 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 Appendix B: User Comments What are the top three things we could do to improve The Community Archive? If you are going to do a survey, ask questions that people can give meaningful answers to. Better promotion of what the site offers Quicker response to requests for help from contributors. Better notification of comments directly to the contributor of the collection being commented on.Easier to upload data. Promote 1)Expansion to allow integration with DigtalNZ. 2) Wider reach, especially for more smaller community archives, including those who do not even know they are archives! 3)The usual - more funding, higher priority, more staff time, easier contributions.... * To include Archives NZ directory of archives to give a complete listing of where archives are. * To show which of these archives on this list are part of The Community Archive * To provide a list of the archives that have online databases. The Community Archive does a good job of surfacing community archives, but there is still no one portal for researchers which aids an all of NZ search. This could be the way forward for the old NRAM Identify its purpose, goals and scope Sometimes have trouble with our login faulting - so keeping that more stable would help. Researcher comments; What are the top three things we could do to improve The Community Archive? Keep it up to date. email notification of recent additions It needs to be revisited from both the users point of view and the contributing archives institutions . Please don't scrap it -instead work with community archives to improve it. It needs to be properly resourced and supported ! Work on keeping it up to date - removing dead links or inactive archives. Sharing a platform - like NZMuseums? Overall, I'm very happy with the site Keep encouraging the smaller, less obvious archives and museums to list their collections on the site. 1) Better descriptive method. 2) Use of relational models to connect data elements. 3) Improved curation of content/support for contributors so data quality is consistent and comprehensive 1) review the way the search function works, it's currently confusing as it doesn't differentiate between different sources. 2) proactively work with repositories to encorage them to upload information and check current listings. 3) make sure all respositories are listed, even where they have no listings; the Community Archive site is an important source of information for people considering depositing their archival material. Wider coverage. Concentrate on providing institutional information, with links to databases where they exist Information is out of date, some is duplicated, the majority of entries have no information about holdings Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 12 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 What are the top three things we could do to improve The Community Archive? I can't answer this yet, but will be able to soon - I'll send in an email with any urgent suggestions. I do think that better advertising the site so that it becomes well known and used would be a good start. Make it easier to find the link by putting it on the Archives NZ Home Page. The general public in particular would find it almost impossible to access the Community Archive unless they already knew about it. Ensure the contact information is up to date. Encourage contributors to put in as full a description as they can of the holding. Provide for access to digital copies of the archives (links, housed on this site) I am glad you asked PHANZA to advertise the existence of the website as I hadn't heard of it before. I'm sure I will use it in the future. Its interesting that it has never come up before on any of my google searches as there is material in there with obscure keywords I have searched on. As you have asked for suggestions, my top recommendation would be to contact a company like Zeald to improve the search ability of the website so that it came up on page 1 when googled on a word like Irirangi (obscure word for the internet). Additional contributors listings eg Canterbury Horticultural Society, Lyttelton Historical Museum, Christchurch City Archives Include larger repositories' data. Put back its te reo name, as one way of giving visibility to Maori audiences. Liaise with preservation advice agencies Make file listings more detailed Just keep up the good work The cloud with words like Anglicanism and railways etc did not seem to link to anything substantial when clicked. That is I clicked on words in the cloud but was not directed to anything. A better description of collections holdings in any summary of holdings in a particular area. Better information about access to records held for example, this record can only be seen on site or for a fee this can be photocopied or scanned and sent to you... Collections from small community archives online. Small community archives need funding and resources to make this happen though. 1) Finding out how to get a password to login. 2)Also if I am an organisations new representative how to get my details entered and the previous representative's ones deleted. 3) An easier way to contact "The Community Archive's" contact person my phone as well as email. Make 'Full Description' the default for all entries, rather than 'Summary'. I am sorry to say I had forgotten it exists. Put significantly more resources into it - both staffing and funding to develop it. Tighten up the security, so that when mistakes or issues arise they can be rectified quickly or better yet, don't happen at all. Too slow to load, especially when searching through large collections Err, ... sort out this survey.... encourage community archives to use the website as their online presence by communicating with them, running regional seminars to assist; it is only in the last couple of weeks that I've found images from repositories within the website I don't use this site often enough to make informed suggestions. Have an administrator that can keep administrative information fresh on the site, and who can remove redundant or stale administrative information 1) Regional Co-ordination - to assist promote and develop the site. And to provide assistance to small local groups etc in managing their archives. Use the Archives NZ regional offices. 2) A sustainable and resourced IT platform for the site. 3) Have a development strategy, eg the site becomes a portal to archival collections Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 13 Report: Community Archive Website Survey Report 2014 What are the top three things we could do to improve The Community Archive? Make people more aware of it. Keep it up to date. Objective ref: A799739 File Number: 2015/4388 Page 14