Quarterly Report Q4-2012

Quarterly Progress Report
(October-December 2012)
PIM # 3642 / Project ID 00077720
Sustainable Management of Biodiversity in
Thailand’s Production Landscape Project
Biodiversity-based Economy Development Office (PO)
I. Overall status
The key output milestones achieved in the fourth quarter of project’s operation (October December 2012) are as follows:
Reviewing of inception report and addressing changes from project document
Meeting with BEDO Working Group for Support SMB Project to prepare 2013 annual
work plan
Meeting with BEDO President of the Executive Board for recommendation on
capacity building and strengthening BEDO network
Working with project partners (Thailand Environmental Institute Foundation/ Raks
Thai Foundation) and UNDP Thailand to prepare annual work plan and budget for
Conducting second Project Steering Committee meeting to present progress of 2012
and approve project work plan 2013
Making site visits to monitor works in progress
II. Progresses made during October-December 2012
The details of each activity are described as follows:
1. Reviewing of inception report and addressing changes from project document
In this quarter, PMU has reviewed and addressed changes from the project document during
inception period. A report has been submitted to UNDP Thailand last quarter. The changes during
inception period included changes in project structure, changes in project framework, changes in
project work plan and changes in project budget.
1.1 Changes in Project Structure, in particular, change from taskforce to project partners (TEI
for marine products in Ranong and Phang Nga pilot sites, and RTF for bamboo products in Prajinburi
and Kanjanaburi pilot sites):
Under the new project structure, the management group has been changed from Technical
Advisory Group (TAG) to BEDO Working Group for Support SMB Project. BEDO Working Group for
Support SMB Project plays an advisory role and support PMU on implementing activities under
BEDO’s responsibilities.
1.2 Changes in Project Framework:
After conducting Project Steering Committee meeting, PMU and BEDO advisor have revised
the project framework in accordant with suggestions by Project Steering Committee and President
of the Executive Board. Some of the changes cover merging similar activities, revising outputs and
activities both in Thai and English.
1.3 Changes of Project Work Plan:
The inception period was during January to September for many reasons such as setting up
of PMU and recruiting project staff, reviewing of project frame work by a consultant, identifying
partners, developing TOR, and signing the contracts. The new work plan results in reduction of the
number of the 2012 outputs by which the remaining activities are expected to be executed in 2013.
1.4 Changes in Project Budget:
Three issues relevant to change in project budget:
a. the project budget reviewed by the consultant excluded the first installment from
UNDP Thailand. The amount was 807,600 THB for activities during inception period.
b. BEDO spent 97,000 THB for project staff insurance which was not included in
project budget.
c. The project budget submitted to UNDP Thailand, by the consultant, is allotted for
PMU purposes to be used in monitoring and evaluating by UNDP Thailand for the
amount of 190,000 USD. This amount is insufficient for PMU expenditures.
(Please see detailed major changes in attachment 1)
2. Meeting with BEDO to prepare 2013 annual work plan and budget
PMU has organized a meeting with BEDO Working Group for Support SMB Project on 23 November
2012 to schedule SMB Project. The discussion covered 2013 detailed work plan and budget, project
opening day schedule, project steering committee meeting, network capacity building and
procedure to request SMB budget. Members of Working Group responsible for some activities under
SMB Project have agreed to develop details of work plan and budget 2013 and submit to PMU
before project steering committee meeting 2/2013.
(Please see meeting minutes in attachment 2)
3. Meeting with BEDO President of the Executive Board for recommendation on capacity building
for BEDO network and conducting project opening day
BEDO’s President called for a meeting with PMU and BEDO staffs to discuss capacity building and
strengthening BEDO network in targeted areas. This is to enable conservation and rehabilitation,
which is important to identify project stakeholders and their needs, to collaborate with universities
and to participate in strategy and plan development. Eventually a pledge will be resulted.
For the launch of the project, suggestions include;
1. The date should be after January. The event may commence on Friday through the
weekend. It should also be presided by high level government officials.
2. The venue should be in the center of Bangkok, e.g., Central World, Siam Paragon
Shopping Center, or Bangkok Art Center in order to reach urban community.
3. Organizing a one-day press trip to the project site in Prachinburi Province to meet local
groups and observe activities.
4. Preparation of campaigning materials such as posters, brochures, project documents,
BEDO materials, and products for dissemination in the event.
4. Work with project partners to prepared 2013 annual work plan and budget for
In this quarter, PMU has organized a meeting with project partners- TEI, RTF and UNDP Thailand- on
27 November 2012 to discuss annual work plan and budget for 2013, including setting up target and
indicator for each output. The following are summaries of the meeting;
1. Milestones of the project in 2013 include:
a. For the first quarter 2013: TEI and RTF should complete activities from year 2012
especially biodiversity assessment and database development system, and
report on marketing survey.
b. For second quarter 2013: local plan on biodiversity conservation and utilization
development, conservation and rehabilitation activities, mechanism for
ecosystem monitoring by local people.
c. For third quarter of 2013: establishment of CbSE, capacities building, and rule
and regulation of CbSE development.
d. For fourth quarter of 2013: CbSE registration, producing products, certification,
marketing plan, and support funding for CbSE.
2. TEI and RTF will complete AWP and budget for 2013 and submit to PMU by 7 December
2012. This information will be discussed in the Project Steering Committee meeting, and
continued to develop TORs. The contracts should be signed in the first quarter of 2013.
3. TEI and RTF agreed to submit the progress reports on a quarterly basis. However, the
technical reports will be submitted when activities are completed.
4. The allocated budget for seed funding of CbSE at 4 pilot sites under TEI and RTF
responsibility is to be used as readily available fund.
(Please see details AWP and budget for 2013 in attached 3)
5. Conducting 2012 second Project Steering Committee meeting for approval of 2013 project work
plan and budget.
The second Project Steering Committee meeting was held on 20 December 2012. Comments
and recommendations were:
1. Presentation of progress report should be in a form of info graphic which is easy to
2. Use the project related available information for synergy and utilization
3. For marine products, a swimming crabs, natural or raised/farmed can be utilized.
4. Balancing conservation and utilization of biodiversity resources is easy in theory but
difficult in practice. Therefore, the work plan must be carefully developed through
sufficient supporting information on biodiversity.
5. The bamboo has very high demand specifically as coastal erosion barrier. Currently,
Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) has allocated a budget to
purchase bamboos benefiting bamboo plantations and industry.
6. Community forest must be properly registered.
7. The Project Steering Committee has approved the 2013 annual work plan and budget in
which TEI and RTF will continue as partners to implement all of the site activities.
(Please see details of meeting minutes in attachment 4)
6. Making pilot site visits to monitor work in progress.
PMU Project Coordinator and Admin and Finance Officer visited project site Province on 22 October
2012 in Kanchanaburi, to monitor the training in biodiversity assessment in the community forest.
For the second field trip, the Project Manager went on site with TEI to prepare the project opening
day on 5 November 2012. The opening day, which was on 7 November 2012, was then attended by
UNDP Thailand, Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Field Coordinator and BEDO advisor. Local
stakeholders attended and provided recommendations to the project operation such as
collaboration, knowledge sharing, and technical support for CbSE.
7. Operation report from project partners TEI/RTF from site level
TEI and RTF commenced project activities in this quarter. Progresses are:
1. Both organizations have collected information from all 4 pilot communities.
2. RTF has conducted biodiversity assessment on 2 sites (Kanchanaburi and Prochinburi
3. Both organizations have prepared field work such as onsite project’s opening day,
consultation meeting on project, local training for data collection and biodiversity assessment and
establishing of CbSE.
4. TEI has not completed biodiversity assessment in 2012 due to more complication in the
marine products.
(See progress and financial report in attachment 5)
8. BEDO’s work
Activities under responsibilities of BEDO conducted in this quarter were:
1. Review and assess the relevant legality, regulatory and institutional framework in relation
to community-based biodiversity business. This focus group meeting was conducted on 24
December 2012. Several obstacles for wild animal farming are;
 Registration for illegal possession of wild animals
 Limitation on purchasing wild life stock from legal farms
 Legal loopholes under wildlife protection Act B.E. 2535
 Lack of information and research findings
 Lack of commercial information of wild animal
(Please see details of focus group meeting summary report in attachment 6)
2. Development of product standard and certification. Trainings on product standards were
organized on value-added products and market opportunity. 4 topics discussed in the training are:
Community product standards
Importance of standard’s certification and system certification
Environmental label development
Environmental label and green label
(Please see details of training summary report in attachment 7)
III. Management Issues
Difficulty to obtain health insurance coverage for project staff
The BEDO Working Group for Support SMB Project met on November 23 to discuss on
project operation in 2013.
The second Project Steering Committee meeting was conducted on December 20. 14 out
of 17 PSC members were attended.
IV. Delayed activities
Activities starting implementation from Q4, 2012 not yet completed include;
1. Delays under BEDO responsibilities: capacity building program for BEDO
staff, developing website, webpage and other social media for campaigning
and dissemination
2. Delays under project partners responsibilities: biodiversity assessment (for
TEI still not yet implemented); set up information mechanism and system for
biodiversity management; and conducting marketing and consumer surveys
for community products.
V. Work plan for next quarter (January-March 2013)
1. Continuing activities under BEDO responsibilities are:
1. Review and assess of relevant legal issue
2. Regulatory and institutional framework related to community-based
biodiversity business
3. Development of product standard and the promotion
4. Development of national system for monitoring and evaluation of
5. Capacity building for BEDO network
6. Development program for BEDO staff
7. Review and study on BEDO structure to examine a role in facilitating
biodiversity-based business
8. Developing website, webpage and other social media for campaigning and
9. Setting up BEDO’s criteria for certification of biodiversity-based sustainable
production of high value products, with focus on application, quality
assurance and control
10. Conducting survey and coordinating with different subsidies from various
sectors to support CbSE (such as PES and CSR)
11. Identifying designers and production experts to develop the biodiversitybased products and services, focusing on 1) utility and appearance, 2)
sustainable harvesting methods, 3) low-impact production system
12. Conducting activities in campaigning on national and international levels
13. Study and design on marketing of biodiversity-based products using internet
and social networks
14. Training program for BEDO and partners with focus on negotiation with
actors in the supply chain in relation to 1) global corporations, 2) niche
market enterprises, NGOs (tradefairs), and 3) internet traders.
2. Continuing activities under project partners (TEI and RTF) responsibilities:
1. Biodiversity assessment (for TEI);
2. Setting up information mechanism and system for biodiversity management;
3. Establishing CbSE in pilot sites;
4. Conducting marketing and consumer surveys for community products;
5. Final report on biodiversity assessment;
6. Final report on local marketing and consumers survey for CbSE products;
3. Monitoring meeting with UNDP, BEDO, TEI and RTF will be conducted by the next quarter
including field visit to monitor of progress works.